
IT4853: Computer Forensics

Module 01: Introduction to Computer Forensics

A History Of Digital Forensics
Digital Forensics
Introduction to Computer Forensics

Module 02: Linux and Windows File Systems

About files and the file system
Data Storage
Linux Partitions and File System Layouts
Windows File Structures and Paths
File systems ext2, ext3 and ext4 

Module 03: Data Acquisition 

Data Structures
An Intro to disk partitions
Data Acquisition

Forensics Data Acquisition

Module 04: Current Computer Forensics Tools

Digital Forensics in the Next Five Years
Featured Digital Forensics And Cybersecurity Tools
Digital Forensics Tools
A study on digital forensic tools

Forensic Tools

Module 05: Registry Forensics

Understanding the Registry

Memory Forensics Cheat Sheet

Module 06: Digital Forensics Analysis and Validation

Validation for Digital Forensics
Validation and verification of computer forensic software tools
Digital Forensics Analysis & Validation

Module 07: Virtual Machine & Network Forensics

Introduction to Network Forensics
Adversarial Network Forensics in Software Defined Networking
Tools And Techniques For Network Forensics

Module 08: Automatic Forensic Analysis

A Suspect-Oriented Intelligent and Automated Computer Forensic Analysis

Open Source Digital Forensics Tools

Module 09: Email Forensics

Forensic Investigation of Emails
A Comparative Study of Email Forensic Tools
E-Mail Forensics: Techniques And Tools For Forensic Investigation

Email Header Analysis and Forensic Investigation

Module 10: Mobile Forensics

Mobile Device Investigations
Mobile Device Acquisition

Module 11: Cloud Forensics

Cloud Computing: The Digital Forensics Challenge
Cloud forensics: An overview
Cloud and Edge Computing-Based Computer Forensics

Module 12: E-mail and Social Media Investigations

Forensic Investigation of Social Media and Instant Messaging Services in Firefox OS: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Telegram, OpenWapp and Line as Case Studies 

Media forensics on social media platforms: a survey

Digital Forensics vs. Anti-Digital Forensics: Techniques, Limitations and Recommendations
