Psychology of Intergroup Relations
Social Cognition
Organizational Change
Mindful Pedagogy
Stewart, T. L., Willard, J., Steiner, H. H., & Tikkanen, M. (2023, Accepted
pending minor
revisions). A “mindful” approach to inclusive education. Scholarship of Teaching and
Learning in Psychology.
Stewart, T.L., Latu, I.M., Martin, T., Walsh, S. P., Schmidt, A., & Kawakami,
K. (2022).
Implicit bias reduction that lasts: Putting Situational Attribution
Training to the test.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52, 1062-1069.
Combs, B. H., Stewart, T. L., & Sonnett, J. (2017). “People like us:”
racial affiliation preferences and the white Greek system
on a southern U.S. campus.
Sociological Spectrum, 37, 27-47.
Latu, I. M., Schmid Mast, M., & Stewart, T. L. (2015). Gender biases
in (inter)action:
The role of interviewers’ and applicants’ implicit and explicit
stereotypes in predicting
job interview outcomes. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39, 539-552.
Stewart, T. L., & Branscombe, N. R. (2015). The costs of privilege and
dividends of privilege
awareness: Social psychological perspectives on confronting
inequality. In B. Bergo & T.
Nicholls (Eds.), “I don’t see color:” Personal and critical perspectives on white privilege
(pp. 135-145). State College, PA: Penn State University Press.
Stewart, T. L., Amoss, R. T., Weiner, B. A., Elliott, L. A., Parrott,
D. J., Peacock, C., & Vanman, E. J.
(2013). The psychophysiology of social action: Facial electromyographic
responses to
stigmatized groups predict anti-discrimination actions. Basic and Applied Social
Psychology, 35, 418-425.
Stewart, T. L., Latu, I. M., Branscombe, N. R., Phillips, N. R., & Denney,
H. T. (2012). White
privilege awareness and efficacy to reduce racial inequality
improve White Americans’
attitudes toward African Americans. Journal of Social Issues, 68, 11-27.
Latu, I. M., Stewart, T. L., Myers, A. C., Lisco, C., Estes, S. B., &
Donohue, D. (2011). What we
“say” and what we “think” about female managers: Explicit versus
implicit associations
of women with success. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35, 252-266.
Stewart, T. L., Latu, I. M., Branscombe, N. R., & Denney, H. T. (2010).
Yes we can! Prejudice
reduction through seeing (inequality) and believing (in social
change). Psychological
Science, 21, 1557-1562.
Stewart, T. L., Latu, I. M., Kawakami, K., & Myers, A. C. (2010). Consider
the situation: Reducing
automatic stereotyping through situational attribution training.
Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 221-225.
Stewart, T. L., Myers, A. C., & Culley, M. R. (2010). Enhanced learning
and retention through
“writing to learn” in the psychology classroom. Teaching of Psychology, 37, 46-49.
Parfene, C., Stewart, T. L., & King, T. Z. (2009). Epilepsy stigma and
stigma by association in
the workplace. Epilepsy and Behavior, 15, 461-466.
Smith, V. J., Stewart, T. L., Myers, A. C., & Latu, I. M. (2008). Implicit
coping responses to racism
predict African Americans’ level of psychological distress.
Basic and Applied Social
Psychology, 30, 264-277.