
Representative Publications 

* Whittlesey, V. & Steiner, H. (2021). The strategy project: An exploration of enhancing self-regulated learning in an introductory to psychology course. Insight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 16, 69-87.

*Prieto, L.R., Whittlesey, V., Herbert, D., Ocampo, C., Schomburg, A., & So, D. (2009). Dealing with diversity issues in the classroom: A survey of the STP membership. Teaching of Psychology, 36, 77-83.

* Karcher, B., & Whittlesey, V. (2007). Bridging the gap between academic gerontology and the educational needs of the aging network. Educational Gerontology, 33, 209-220.

* Whittlesey, V. (2006). Assurance of learning tips. In C. Olson, M. Green, & B. Hill. A Handbook for Advancing Comprehensive Internationalization: What Institutions Can Do and What Students Should Learn (pp. 81-85). Washington, DC: American Council on Education.

* Whittlesey, V. (2001). Diversity activities for psychology. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.