Ali Keyvanfar

Dr. Ali

Dr. Ali serves as a full-time faculty member in the Department of Construction Management at Kennesaw State University. His recent affiliations and roles included serving as the chair of the KSU Institutional Review Board (IRB), acting as a UN SDG faculty advisor at CIFAL Atlanta (a former UNITAR center), and functioning as an ABET Program Evaluator for both the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) and the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC). He has also held positions as a Visiting Scholar at UC San Diego, Visiting Professor at UTE in Ecuador and KiA in South Korea, as well as the Managing Editor of the MIT Sustainable City Program at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

With nearly a decade of experience, Dr. Ali is a seasoned academician, R&D project manager, journal editor, startup investment advisor, and international consultant. His expertise lies in the application of computer-aided decision-making methodologies for sustainable construction engineering and management, both in terms of methods and materials. Dr. Ali is a committed team leader who places a strong emphasis on fostering diversity within his research endeavors."

Current highlight

  • I am thrilled to share that starting Spring 2025, I'll be lecturing CM 6901, a course on generative AI in construction management, made possible with the invaluable support of Dr. Moore, our Department Chair (Check this Podcast ).
  • In Dec. 2024, excited to Join the Louisiana Board of Regents Grant Review Board. Board of Regents Support Fund provides $20M annually.
  • In Nov. 2024, I was honored to receive the APEX Outstanding Research Award at a special KSU presidential reception. 
  • In Nov. 2024, honored to serve as a panelist for "Teaching with AI" at KSU's Celebration of Teaching Day. 
  • In September 2024, elected to work as an associate chair of the KSU graduate curriculum committee. 
  • In May 2024, successfully completed the esteemed Governor's Teaching Fellows (GTF) program, focusing on the integration of AI in educational environments, following the nomination by the Provost as KSU's candidate, and completion endorsed by Governor Kemp.
  • Delighted to share that I have been accepted into the 2024 cohort of NSF-Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Game Changer Academies (GCA) for Advancing Research Innovation. C-GCA 2024 is a 12-week professional development program focusing on deliberative democracy in the NSF review process.
  • Happy to share that I have been accepted to the Advancing Faculty Skills in Mass Timber Construction Workshop to be held 24-26 June 2024 at Michigan State University [the accepted participation is fully sponsored by the Softwood Lumber Board and U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities].
  • Please take a look at our recent publication in the Journal of Buildings (Impact Factor: 3.8). I had the honor of being an author on the work led by our CEE professors. LINK
  • Happy to share our Kennesaw State University team (Co-advised with Dr. Minsoo Beak and myself) made the 1st place in Sustainable Demolition competition. Florida State 2nd, Florida International 3rd, and Georgia Tech 4th place.
  • April 12, our session on the Application of Generative AI in the Built Environment at Emory LINK
  • Started March 2024, supporting early-stage startups within MassChallenge Venture Capital expert network.
  • Check our collaborative Special issue with the University of Kansas entitled "Transition Urban Infrastructure Systems into a Sustainable Future" LINK
  • February 15, 2024: I had the honor of receiving the esteemed approval from the President regarding my tenure, along with a promotion to Associate Professor, which will become effective in Fall 2024.
  • In February 2024, I facilitated a campus-wide workshop on harnessing AI for research communication (LINK).
  • Started Jan. 2024, joining National Highway Work Zone Safety Committee representing AGC.
  • Started Jan. 2024, partnering with two major international projects focusing on leadership and entrepreneurship education for sustainable development (supported by $3 million U.S. Department of State fund). 
  • Check our 2023 editorial series of 5 special collection papers published in the ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ISSN-print: 0733-9488) (Impact Factor: 2.5) LINK
  • In Dec. 2023, we had 2 PCT patent filings after 2 years of paperwork. (LINK #1 , LINK #2)
  • 2023 has been a dream year for researchers. Check our AI Chatbot that support personalized education LINK
  • Ultimately, I had time to generate a few fun yet relevant podcasts for future students, which I can distribute via email reply. Included are several episodes from my podcast series LINK
  • Check us at Georgia newsbreak: LINK
  • Serving as a member of the editorial board of "Construction Management, and Computers & Digitization" in the "Buildings" with an impact factor of 3.8 (EISSN: 2075-5309):
  • Check my graduate-level course listed in the KSU Distinguished Course Repository in 2023:
  • Check this recent manuscript. It is an international work published at Nature Conservation in 2023:
  • Serving as an associate editor of "Construction Management" in the "Frontiers in Built Environment" with an impact factor of 3 (EISSN: 2297-3362):
  • This URL provides access to my recent article in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews with an impact factor of 15.9 (Top 20 in all areas of research):


His experience as a leading investigator covers topics addressing construction industry challenges in Malaysia, South Korea, Australia, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Nigeria, Ecuador, and the USA. Dr. Ali as a PI/Co-PI; developed several patented and trademarked award-winning research products and services, published more than 100 publications (where 50% have been included in high-ranked journals), and secured several multi-disciplinary international research funds totaling over $4 Million. He is a dedicated team member as well as a team leader with intending attention to support diversity in global scientific communities. 

Online profiles:

LINK to general CV

LINK to LinkedIn profile

LINK to ORCID profile

LINK to ScienceCV (NSF) 

LINK to Scopus profile

LINK to Google Scholar profile

LINK to ResearchGate profile

LINK to Academia profile

LINK to Amazon books

LINK to Publons profile 

Research Impact: 

Publications: 100+,

Readers: 200,000+,

Citations: 2000+,

H-index: 20+,

i10-index: 35+,

Publication reviewer: 200+

Startup mentor: 200+

Intellectual Property (IP): 10, 

Licenced IP: 5,

Research Projects: 30,

Research fund: $4 mil+,

Innovation Gold Medal: 12,

Co-author: 75+,

Graduates: 10+,

Industry project: 11.

+ KSU affiliatuions:

Member and Chair of College Curriculum Committee- DCC 2022-2023 (CACM)
Member of dean search committee 2023 (CACM, KSU)
Chair of College Curriculum Committee- DCC 2022-2023 (CACM)
Chair of College Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee- DEI 2022-2023 (CACM)
Member and Chair of Department Curriculum Committee- DCC 2019-2022 (CMD)
Member of College Faculty Council- CFC 2021-2023 (CoACM)
KSU DGA-SDG Faculty 2020-2021(CIFAL Atlanta)
Member of Associate dean of research search committee 2022 (CACM, KSU)
Faculty advisor to AGC student chapter 2019-2023 (CMD)
Faculty advisor to NAHB student chapter 2019-2020  (CMD)
Faculty advisor to AGC/ACS commercial competition 2019-2021 (CMD)
Faculty advisor to KSU Roofing Alliance Construction Management Competition team 2019-2021 (CMD)
Faculty advisor to NAHB student competition 2019-2020  (CMD)
Course coordinator for "CM 6901 – Modern risk management in construction: Neighborhood workstop"(CMD)
Course coordinator for "CM 6600 Construction Risk Analysis and Control " (CMD)
Course coordinator for "CM 3400 Risk & Quality Management"  (CMD)
Course coordinator for "CM 3910 Sustainable Residential Construction Practices" (CMD)
Course coordinator for "CM 4512 Trends in Residential Construction" (CMD)

+ External affiliations (current and past):

  • National Highway Work Zone Safety Committee representing AGC.
  • Georgia Academy of Science
    CIFAL Atlanta, United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR)
    Center for Energy Research, University of California San Diego (UC San Diego)
    Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET)
    MIT Sustainable city program (MIT-UTM MSCP program) 
    Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (UTE-Ecuador)
    KiA (South Korea)
    University Technology Malaysia (UTM)
  • 2024, APEX Outstanding Research Award
  • 2024, Governor's Teaching Fellows (GTF)
  • Featured Professor of Investigator Research Magazine, 2023
    Order of recognition by Elsevier Publishing for research contribution of SDGs, 2023
    Featured Professor of Investigator Research Magazine, 2021
    International Gold Medal of iCAN2020, Canada (CNRM), KSU
    International Gold Medal & Special Award of iCAN2017, Canada (ZEC panel), UTM, UTE, & Qatar Uni.
    World Material Science Grand Award, Would Scientist Awards 2016, Korea
    Order of merit in “Environmental design” research- World Inventors Award Festival 2016, Korea 
    Green Research Award nominee, Qatar Sustainability Award, Qatar Green Building Council (ZECpanel) UTM, Qatar Uni.
    KIA, WIA, and AIA special awards of 7th CIGIF2016,  Korea (nDConRep, SSUT, ZEC panel) UTM, &Qatar Uni.
    International Gold Medal (3 categories) of 7th CIGIF2016,  Korea (nDConRep, SSUT, ZEC panel) UTM,&Qatar Uni.
    International Gold Medal (2 categories) of 27th ITEX 2016, Malaysia (EISMS, Padfooting) UTM
    International Gold Medals (3 categories) &  PolyU special award- SIIF 2015, Korea (CoolingWall, Suscrete, PAWDEX)
    International Gold Medal of 26th ITEX 2015, Malaysia (Suscrete)  UTM
    National Gold Medals (2 categories) of 9th MRC 2014, Malaysia (PAWDEX, Suscrete) UTM
    Gold Medal & Jury Award- 16th INATEX 2014, Malaysia (Suscrete)  UTM
    Gold Medal & Best Innovation Award-15th INATEX 2013, Malaysia (Palm Ecocrete)
    Best Ph.D. graduate award 2013 (FKA, UTM)
    International Doctoral Fellowship Award 2012 (UTM)
    International Doctoral Fellowship Award 2011 (UTM)
    International Doctoral Fellowship Award 2010 (UTM)