
Links to my public research profiles:

Google Scholar



Reasearch Gate

Refereed Journal Articles:

Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Vásquez, A., Gaines, R. E. (2020). Co-designing research methods lesson plans in the Interactive Research Methods Lab. Electronic Journal of Educational Technology.

Kelley-Jackson, C., Vásquez, A., Myers, M., Jean-Sigur, R. & An, S. (2019). Rethinking teacher preparation: Does action research fit into the transformation? GATEways to Teacher Education, 29(2), pp. 41-53.

Dail, J & Vásquez, A. (2018). Google Drive: Facilitating Collaboration and Authentic Community Beyond the Classroom, Voices from the Middle. 25(4), pp. 24-28.

Thomson, K., Draper, P., Gilmore, A., Majury, N., O’Conner, K., Vásquez, A. & Waite, J. (2017). Student voice in work integrated learning scholarship: A review of teacher education and geographical sciences. Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal, 5(1), pp. 1-13.    

Ellerbrock, C., Vásquez, A. Cruz, B., and Howes, E. (2016). Preparing culturally responsive teachers: Effective practices in teacher education. Action in Teacher Education, 38(3), pp. 226-239.

Vásquez, A. (2009). Breathing Underwater: At-risk ninth graders dive into literary analysis. The ALAN Review, 36(4), pp. 18 – 28.

Vásquez, A. (2005). Literary analysis 101. English Journal, 94(6), 97-100.


Jorrín Abellán, I. M., Koz, O. O., Gaines, R., Chang, M., Vásquez, A. (2019). Interactive Research Methods Lab: Una iniciativa transformadora para fomentar la innovación reflexiva en las aulas (Interactive Research Methods Lab: A transformative initiative to promote reflective innovation in the classroom). Proceedings XXVII  University Conference on Educational Technology (JUTE). (pp. 178-184). Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Cantabria: libro de Actas de las XXVII Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa (JUTE).


Hansen, A. L., & Vásquez, A. (2021 - under contract). Teaching Literature-Based Instructional Units: From Planning to Assessment. Routledge.

Cruz, B., Ellerbrock, C., Vásquez, A. and Howes, E. (Eds.). (2014). Talking Diversity with Teachers and Teacher Educators:  Exercises and Critical Conversations across the Curriculum. Teachers College Press.

Vásquez, A., Hansen, A. L., & Smith, P.C. (2013). Teaching language arts to English language learners. 2nd ed. Routledge.

Vásquez, A., Hansen, A. L., & Smith, P.C. (2010). Teaching language arts to English language learners. Routledge.

Chapters in Books:

Dail, J & Vasquez, A. (2018). Seeing the world differently: Remixing young adult literature through critical lenses. In  J.S. Dail, S. Witte & S.T.  Bickmore  (Eds.), Towards a More Visual Literacy: Shifting the Paradigm with Digital Tools and Young Adult Literature (pp. 91-100). Rowman & Littlefield.

Vásquez, A. (2014). English Language Arts Education: Valuing All Voices. In B. Cruz, C. Ellerbrock, A. Vasquez, and Elaine Howes (Eds.), Talking Diversity with Teachers and Teacher Educators:  Exercises and Critical Conversations Across the Curriculum (pp. 75 – 98). Teachers College Press.

Sections in Books:

Vásquez, A. (2010). Examples of Interview Questions from a Recent Study. In V. Janesick (author), Stretching Exercises for Qualitative Researchers. 3rd edition (pp. 103 – 107). Sage.

Reports for Florida Department of Education:

Florida Department of Education. (2005). The Dale Hickam Excellent Teaching Program: Recommendations for “best practices” regarding the mentoring bonus program. Florida Education Standards Commission.

Florida Department of Education. (2004). An examination of selected aspects of the Dale Hickam Excellent Teaching Program. Florida Education Standards Commission.

Florida Department of Education. (2003). Performance-based pay: a review of Florida school districts’ plans. Florida Education Standards Commission.

Florida Department of Education. (2002). A report of substitute teachers in Florida. Florida Education Standards Commission.

