Dr. Lawler's scholarship focuses on equity issues in mathematics education; in particular, the ways in which power and knowledge intertwine to govern
the learner's mathematical identity. His core research examines the personal epistemologies
of adolescent mathematicians: Do high school maths students see themselves as mathematical
authors? This interest leads him to seek to understand the ways that students come
to know the school, classroom, and teacher contexts, and how these knowings interact
with their mathematical identities.
During his 30+ year career as a mathematics educator, he has supported teachers, schools, and districts to de-track mathematics programs and transform teaching practices. He is a contributing author to the internationally acclaimed high school mathematics curriculum Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP).
His current research projects (district change and community organizing) focus upon how schools and districts transform their mathematics instruction to foreground student ways of thinking (inventions) against the backdrop of high-stakes education.
"One [can] teach without reinforcing existing systems of domination." (bell hooks, 1994)
Professional Appointments
Center for Innovation in STEM Education Research, Kennesaw State University, 2021–present
Mathematics Education, College of Education, Kennesaw State University, 2023–present
Associate Professor
Mathematics Education, College of Education, Kennesaw State University, 2018–2023
Assistant Professor
Mathematics Education, College of Education, Kennesaw State University, 2016–2018
Associate Professor
Mathematics Education, School of Education, California State University San Marcos,
Assistant Professor
Mathematics Education, School of Education, California State University San Marcos,
High School Mathematics Teacher
Clarke Central High School, Athens, GA, 2006–2007
Cedar Shoals High School, Athens, GA, 2004–2005
California Academy of Mathematics and Science, Carson, CA, 1997–2000
Eaglecrest High School, Aurora, CO, 1993–1997
Ph.D., Mathematics Education, University of Georgia, 2008
M.A., Mathematics, University of Georgia, 2006
M.A., Education, California State University Dominguez Hills, 1999
B.S., Mathematics, Colorado State University, 1992
Awards and Honors
Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 2019
Outstanding Reviewer, Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education,
Education Research Association , 2019
Invited Delegate, Mathematics Education and Contemporary Theory: Manchester Metropolitan
University, Manchester, England; 2011
Dissertation Fellowship, The University of Georgia, 2005–2006
University Assistantship, The University of Georgia, 2000–2003