
Core Courses

MAED 3475 Historical and Modern Approaches to Mathematics. Students will investigate classical and modern mathematics through problem-solving and mathematics-specific technologies. Students will have opportunities to connect course content with the middle and secondary school curriculum.

MAED 4495 Advanced Perspectives on High School Mathematics II. Students’ understanding of secondary mathematics will be deepened and broadened through the study of algebraic structures, analytic geometry, and trigonometry including conic sections, complex numbers, polynomials, and functions. This course is designed so that students can revisit key ideas in high school mathematics, bringing with them the skills and understandings of college course work in mathematics, deepening and broadening their understanding, and connecting more advanced ideas to the topics they will teach in high school.

MAED 6418 Social Foundations of Mathematics Education. An examination of the social, historical, and institutional contexts of mathematics and mathematics education, specifically how these contexts affect mathematics teaching and learning and produce inequitable learning experiences and outcomes for students. Examine strategies to ensure access and advancement; develop positive mathematical identities; draw on students’ mathematical, cultural, and linguistic resources; and advocate for each and every student.

Additional Courses

MAED 1190 Calculus for Middle Grades Teachers. This course is a study of real numbers, functions, and calculus with the dual objectives of developing understanding of these topics and the pedagogy of teaching mathematics in contemporary middle schools. Concepts and definitions, proofs, precision and rigor of language, accurate representations and connections within/between mathematics and other subjects as applied to pedagogy and teaching in the middle school will be emphasized. This course does not count as credit for Secondary Education or Mathematics Majors.

MAED 4416 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics II. This is the second of three courses in a professional sequence toward becoming a well-prepared beginning secondary mathematics teacher. Topics include social learning theories, equity issues, and specific teaching strategies. Students will explore how to support discourse in the secondary mathematics classroom, develop questioning techniques, examine how to plan for learning sequences, and apply their learning in an accompanying field experience.

MAED 6414 Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Mathematics I. This is the first of three courses in a professional sequence toward becoming a well-prepared beginning secondary mathematics teacher. Topics include introductory ideas about mathematics education, including current mathematics standards and policy documents, cognitive learning theories, and teaching frameworks. Students will explore how secondary students think about and learn mathematics, examine how to select and modify tasks, use appropriate manipulatives and technology, differentiate instruction, and apply their learning in an accompanying field experience. 

MAED 7900 Modern History of Mathematics Education in The U.S. This course examines a Modern History of Mathematics Education in the U.S., with a focus on the experiences and identities of Black students and teachers. Topics include: (1) Schooling and mathematics education in Black communities prior to desegregation. (2) The role of mathematics education in the resegregation of students and teachers after Brown v. Board of Education. (3) Bob Moses and The Algebra Project as one response to the gatekeeping functions of mathematics education. For each topic, the student will examine areas of interest related to their research agenda.

EDRS 9100 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods. This course is an advanced study of qualitative research methodologies including ethnography, case study, and phenomenology. Students will examine a variety of data sources (e.g. interviews, observations) and methods of analysis (e.g. memo writing, coding). Students will conduct research as they formulate their research questions, collect and analyze data, and write a research report.
