one of the three Associate Editors of The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, and
a member of the Editorial Review Boards for Industrial Marketing Management and The Journal of Business Research.
Dr. Rutherford has received numerous awards including:
six best paper awards at various marketing conferences, including the American Marketing
the “Article of the Year” award twice from Marketing Management Journal,
Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award (2017) at Kennesaw State University, and
Outstanding Reviewer Award (2018) from The Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
Dr. Rutherford has served on over 30 dissertation committees including:
chairing/co-chairing eight dissertations at Kennesaw State University and
chairing/co-chairing six dissertations at Purdue University.
Dr. Rutherford’s students have placed all across the United States, including several
currently working at major doctoral-granting universities in tenured or tenure-track