Research Interests
Health informatics, health analytics, STEM and IT education, game-based teaching and learning
Selected Publications
- Streeter, M., Li, Z., Li, J., Zhang, C., Tian, X., and He, S. (2024). Brain-Computer Interface and VR/AR for the Diagnosis and Intervention of ADHD and ASD: A Preliminary Review. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, Volume 17.
- Li, Y., Li, Z., and Zhang, C. (2023). Virtual Reality in Special Education: An Application Review. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, Volume 16. Link
- Li, Y., Li, Z., and Zhang, C. (2022). A Review of Immersive Virtual Reality in Special Education. Proceeedings of the EDSIG Conference. Link
- Li, Y., Li, Z., and Zhang, C. (2022). Learning-by-Teaching in CS Education: A Systematic Review. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - HICSS 55. Link
- Li, Y., Zhang, C. Luo, H. (2021). Using Mixed Reality in K-12 Education: A Literature Review. The 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Montreal, Canada. Link
- Shahriar, H., Zhang, C., Valero, M. Sneha, S., Riad, A B M K. I. R., Islam, M. S., and Ahamed S. (2021). Plugin-based Tool for Secure Mobile Application Development. Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ), V19 N2 Pages 25-34. Link
- Valero, M., Li, F., Zhao L., Zhang, C., Garrido, J., Han, Z. (2021). Vibration Sensing-Based Human and Infrastructure Safety/Health Monitoring: A Survey. Journal of Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier. Link
- Zhang, C., Luo, I., Li, Y. (2021). Depression Detection Using Virtual Reality: A Literature Review. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - HICSS 54. Link
- Li, Y., Luo, I., Zhang, C. (2021). Empathy Games for Depression Using Virtual Reality: A Literature Review and A Study Design. Honolulu HI: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - HICSS 54. Link
- Riad, A. B. M. K., Shahriar, H., Zhang, C., Barsha, F. (2021). Heath Device Security and Privacy: A Comparative Analysis of Fitbit, Jawbone, Google Glass and Samsung Galaxy Watch. In Ahmed A. Elngar, Ambika Pawar, Prathamesh Churi (Ed.), Data Protection and Privacy in Healthcare: Research and Innovations. Taylor and Francis: Taylor & Francis. Link
- Shahriar, H. M., Zhang, C., Islam, A., Islam, S. (2020). Mobile Application Security Using Static and Dynamic Analysis. In Machine Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for Cybersecurity Applications (pp. 443-459). Springer. Link
- Zhang, C., Shahriar, H. M. (2020). The Adoption, Issues, and Challenges of Wearable Healthcare Technology for the Elderly. SIGITE '20: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education. Link
- Islam, M., Shahriar, H. M., Sneha, S., Zhang, C., Ahamed, S. (2020). Mobile Sensor-Based Fall Detection Framework (pp. 693-698). IEEE Computer Society: Proc. of 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications. Link
- Zhang, C., Shahriar, H. M., Riad, A. B. M. K. (2020). Security and Privacy Analysis of Wearable Health Device (pp. 1767-1772). IEEE Computer Society: Proc. of 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications. Link
- Riad, A. B. M. K., Islam, M. S., Shahriar, H., Zhang, C., Valero, M. A., Sneha, S., Ahamed, S. (2020). Plugin-based Tool for Teaching Secure Mobile Application Development (pp. 10). Proc. of EDSIG Conference. Link
- Zhang, C., Shahriar, H. M. (2020). The Adaptation, Issues, and Future of Wearable Technology in Healthcare. ACM SIGITE. Link
- Shahriar, H. M., Zhang, C., Dunn, S., Bronte, R., Shalan, A., & Tarmissi, K. (2019). Mobile anti-phishing: Approaches and challenges. 1-16. Link
- Zhang, C., & Shahriar, H. M. (2019). Redeveloping Electronic Health Records Course with Open Source Tools and Platforms. Link
- Kim, L., Shahriar, H. M., & Zhang, C. (2019). Non-Invasive Wi-Fi Sensors For Smart Healthcare. 440–445. IEEE, USA: 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). Link
- Shahriar, H. M., Zhang, C., Talukder, M. A. I., & Ahamed, S. (2019). Resources For Healthcare Workflow Modeling and Analysis. 2469–2472. Link
- Vinaykuman, S., Zhang, C., & Shahriar, H. (2019). Security and Privacy of Electronic Medical Records. 1–6. Link
- Sinclair, D., Shahriar, H. M., & Zhang, C. (2019). Security Requirement Prototyping with Hyperledger Composer for Drug Supply Chain – A Blockchain Application. 158–163. Link
- Shahriar, H. M., & Zhang, C. (2018). Teaching of Clinical Workflow Analysis with Process Mining: An Experience Report. 1–7. Link
- Whitley, P., Ennis, E., Tacca, N., Sneha, S., Shahriar, H. M., & Zhang, C. (2018). Reduction of Medical Errors in Emergency Medical Care. 160. SIGITE '18 Proceedings of the 19th Annual SIG Conference on Information Technology Education. Link
- Zhang, C. (2018). Using Open Healthcare Datasets to Teach Health Data Analytics. Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2018. Link
- Tibeme, B., Shahriar, H. M., & Zhang, C. (2018). Process Mining Algorithms for Clinical Workflow Analysis. 6. Link
- Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Hu, T., & Zhang, C. (2016). Service Comprehensiveness: Another Piece of the Technology Acceptance Model. 17(II), 76–81. Link
- Li, L., Zheng, G., Peltsverger, S. B., & Zhang, C. (2016). Career Trajectory Analysis of Information Technology Alumni: A LinkedIn Perspective. In SIGITE'16. Link
- Zhang, C., Zhang, X., and Halstead-Nussloch, R. (2015). Validating the Assessment Metrics for Mobile Health Apps: Preliminary Outcomes from a Pilot Study. SIGITE/RIIT '15, Chicago, Illinois. Link
- Zheng, G., Zhang, C., & Li, L. (2015). Practicing and Evaluating Soft Skills in IT Capstone Projects. Link
- Li, L., Zhang, C., & Zheng, G. (2015). Developing Business Intelligence Competency in Health IT: Perspectives from Health IT Professionals. Southern Association for Information Systems Conference 2015. Link
- Zhang, C., Zhang, X., and Halstead-Nussloch, R. (2014). Assessment Metrics, Challenges and Strategies for Mobile Health Apps. Issues in Information Systems, 15(2), 59-66. Link
- Peltsverger, S. B., & Zhang, C. (2014). Bottleneck analysis with NetKit: teaching information security with hands-on labs. 45–50. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Information technology education. Link
- Zheng, G., Zhang, C., & Li, L. (2014). Bringing Business Intelligence to Health Information Technology Curriculum. Journal of Information Systems Education, 25(4), 317–326. Link
- Zhang, C. & Peltsverger, S. B. (2014). Interactive Online Learning on Information Privacy with Google's Oppia. In CISSE 2014. 18th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education. Link
- Li, L., Zhang, C., & Zheng, G. (2014). Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students-A Comprehensive Investigation. Journal of Information Systems Education, 25(3), 211–219. Link
- Zheng, G., Zhang, C., & Li, L. (2014). Success factors and challenges for IT capstone projects. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (139–140). Link
- Zheng, G., Zhang, C., & Li, L. (2014). Bringing Business Intelligence to Healthcare Informatics Curriculum: A Preliminary Investigation. In SIGCSE'14. Link
- Li, L., Zhang, C., & Zheng, G. (2014). Identifying Important Skill Sets to Support Healthcare Data Processing and Analytics: An Empirical Examination of Perceptions from HIT Practitioners. AMCIS 2014. Link
- Zhang, X., Zhang, C., Stafford, T. F., and Zhang, P. (2013). Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance. Journal of Information Systems Education, 24(2), 147-155. Link
- Preston, J. A., Reichgelt, H., Rutherfoord, R., Zhang, C., & Zheng, G. (2013). New educational learning environments: riding the wave of change instead of having it crash upon us. SIGITE 2013. Link
- Zhang, C. & Zheng, G. (2013). Profiling and Supporting Adult Learners. In Leone, S. editor. Synergic Integration of Formal and Informal E-Learning Environments for Adults Lifelong Learners. IGI Global. Link
- Zhang, C., & Zheng, G. (2013). Supporting adult learning: enablers, barriers, and services. SIGITE 2013. Link
- Zhang, C., Purcell, K.P., & Zhang, X. (2012), Using Fink's Integrated Course Design in Developing a Health IT Course, SIGED: IAIM. Link
- Zhang, C., Rutherfoord, R., Reichgelt, J., & Wang, J. (2012), Developing and Improving Health Information Technology Courses, 26th Annual CCSC:Southeastern Conference, November 2-3, 2012.
- Zhang, C., Reichgelt, J., Rutherfoord, R., Brown, B., & Wang, J. (2012), Developing and Improving Interdisciplinary Health Information Technology Certificate Programs, SIGITE 2012. Link
- Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Zhang, C., & Hu, T. (2012), Product and Service Comprehensiveness: Another Piece of the Technology Acceptance Puzzle, Academic Business World International Conference 2012, Nashville, TN, May 23-25, 2012.
- Horowitz, D. & Zhang, C. (2012), Streamlining Electronic Health Records and Healthcare Information Systems Implementation for General Practice: One Clinic's Experience, Southern Association for Information Systems Conference, SAIS 2012, Atlanta, GA. Link
- Zhang, C. & Wang, J. (2011), Effects of Communication, Leadership, and Team Performance on Successful IT Capstone Projects: A Case Study, SIGITE 2011, West Point, NY. Link
- Zhang, X. & Zhang, C. (2011), The More You Teach, the Less They Learn: Effects of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2011, Detroit, MI. Link
- Zhang, C. (2010), Technology Acceptance in Learning Settings from a Student Perspective: A Theoretical Framework, ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education Conference, SIGITE 2010, Midland, MI. Link
- Zigurs, I. & Zhang, C., I (2010), An Inductive Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Attitudes toward a Virtual World Learning Environment, Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2010, Lima, Peru. Link
- Zhang, C. (2010), Assessing a Web-based Virtual World Learning Environment: Implications for Technology Choice in Course Delivery, Southern Association for Information Systems Conference, SAIS 2010, Atlanta, GA.
- Zhang, C. & Zigurs, I. (2009), An Exploratory Study of the Impact of a Virtual World Learning Environment on Student Interaction and Learning Satisfaction, Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2009, San Francisco, CA. Link
- Zhang, C. (2009), Comparing Sense of Classroom Community and Learning Satisfaction in a Virtual World Learning Environment, Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, MWAIS 2009, Madison, SD. Link
- Zhang, C. (2008), Learning in Virtual Worlds: Understanding the Impact on Social and Cognitive Processes in Learning, PACIS 2008. Link
- Zhang, C. (2007). Theory and Practice: Review of Technology-Mediated Learning Research. Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, MWAIS 2007, Springfield, IL. Link
- Kamal, M., Zhang, C., Najjar, L., & Qureshi, S. (2007). Human Development through Information & Communication Technologies: Theoretical & Empirical Support. Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, MWAIS 2007, Springfield, IL.
- Noteboom, C., Zhang, C., Tarmizi, H., Steinhauser, L., Payne, M., Vreede, G.-J. de & Zigurs, I. (2006). Research as Teaching and Teaching as Research: Reflections on a Virtual Team Project. Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, MWAIS 2006, Grand Rapids, MI. Link
- Tarmizi, H., Steinhauser, L., Payne, M., Noteboom, C., Zhang, C., Vreede, G.-J. de & Zigurs, I. (2006). A Gaming Laboratory to Study Distributed Collaboration Processes. Proceedings of Collaboration Engineering Workshop at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2006, Kauai, HI. Link
- Tarmizi, H., Payne, M., Noteboom, C., Zhang, C., Steinhauser, L., Vreede, G.-J. de & Zigurs, I. (2006). Technical and Environmental Challenges of Collaboration Engineering in Distributed Environments. Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop, CRIWG 2006, September 17-21, 2006, Medina del Campo, Spain. Link