

  1. A Feast of Logos: Essays in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Georgia Continental Philosophy Circle, edited with Jason M. Wirth and Michael Schwartz (Georgia Philosophy Series, 2005)
  2. Buddha Nature and Animality, edited with an Introduction. (Jain, 2007)
  3. Confucius Now: Contemporary Encounters with the Analects, edited with an Introduction (Open Court Publishing, 2008)
  4. Asian Texts — Asian Contexts: Encountering the Philosophies and Religions of Asia, edited with an Introduction with E.R. Klein (State University of New York Press, 2009)
  5. The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy, edited with Jason Wirth and Michael Schwartz with an Introduction. (Revisioned from Feast of Logos) (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2010)
  6. The Dynamics of Cultural Counterpoint in Asian Studies, edited with Michele Marion with an Introdcution (State University of New York Press, Spring 2014
  7. Returning to Zhu Xi: Emerging Patterns within the Supreme Polarity, edited with HE Jinli with an Introdcution (State University of New York Press, Spring 2015)

  8. On the True Sense of Art: A Critical Companion to the Transfigurements of John Sallis, edited with Jason Wirth and Michael Schwartz with an Introduction (Northwestern University Press, Spring 2016)
  9. Confucianism: Its Roots and Global Significance, by Lee Ming-huei and edited and annotated by David Jones (University of Hawai`i Press, Fall 2017)
  10. The Fractal Self: Science, Philosophy, and the Evolution of Human Cooperation, with John L. Culliney (University of Hawai`i Press, Spring 2017)
  11. The Humanist Spirit of Daoism, Chen Guying, edited by David Jones with Sarah Flavel (Brill Academic, Spring 2018)
  12. The Philosophy of Creative Solitudes, edited by David Jones (Bloomsbury, Spring 2019)
  13. Wandering Dance through the Philosophy of Graham Parkes: Comparative Perspectives on Art and Nature, edited by David Jones, Bloomsbury Academic (Spring, 2024)
  14. Intercultural Perspectives on the Philosophy of Zhu Xi, edited by Huang Chun-chieh, Kirill Thompson, and David Jones (under contract State University of New York)
  15.  Japanese Environmental Philosophy: Bridging the East and the West, Tomosaburō Yamauchi, edited by Kirill Thompson and David Jones (in preparation)
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Books with Students

  1. Outside the Box: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference edited with a Preface with John Sweeney and Burr Osoinach North Georgia Philosophy Series (New York City: Global Humanities Press, 2003)
  2. The Exquisite Corpse: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference, edited with a Preface with John Sweeney and Chris Aflague, North Georgia Philosophy Studies (Global Humanities Press, New York City, 2004)
  3. The Fool: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference, edited with a Preface with Paul Boshears and Chris Aflague, North Georgia Philosophy Studies, 2006
  4. Interplay: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference, edited with a Preface with Abbey Swanson and Chris Aflague, North Georgia Philosophy Studies, 2007
  5. Quinta Essentia: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference, edited with a Preface with Abbey Swanson and Jason Bice, North Georgia Philosophy Studies, 2007
  6. Anamnesis — Remembering Our Futures: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference, edited with a Preface with Justin Downey, Cody Staton, and Marie Norton, North Georgia Philosophy Studies, 2009
  7. In Between: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference, edited with a Preface with Cody Staton and Matthew Dudt, North Georgia Philosophy Studies, 2010
  8. Crossing Borders — Border Crossings: Selected Proceedings of the North Georgia Philosophy Student Conference, edited with a Preface with Cody Staton and Matthew Dudt, North Georgia Philosophy Studies, 2011

Book Series

Editor, Series on Comparative and Continental Philosophy, Northwestern University Press (with launch books by Rodolphe Gasché and John Sallis.)

Journal Volumes Published

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Recent Introductions to Comparative & Continental Philosophy

  • “Worn Out Dreams and That Gentle and Good Night” (3.1)
  • “The Long Way” (3.2)
  • “The Question of Earth: Listening to Look, Hearing to See” (4.1)
  • “For Her, and His Pain” (4.2 )
  • “Attending to Logos and Dao: The Elemental and Fate’s Other Twisted Hand" (5.1)
  • “An Open Letter to Horatio” (5.2)
  • “Discursive Coherence and the Standard” (6.1)
  • "Finding Ourselves in Compassion” (6.2)
  • "Listening to Nearness: Toward a Sutra of Free-Willing” (7.1)
  • "A Crucible of Imagination" (8.1)
  • “On Our Marks, On Our Landmarks” (8.2)
  • "Time Passing" (9.1)
  • " In Irma’s Eye of the Storm" (9.3)
  • “Sheddings” (10.2)
  • "Naming the Tree of Life" (10.3)
  • “Death of the Old God: Swimming with Dionysos’s Dolphins and Dancing with Shiva” (11.1)
  • “Narrow Spheres of the Greatest Matters," Editors’ Preface with Jason M. Wirth (11.2)
  • "Lovers in the Round: In Memory of M.S. Merwin and a Lost Planet" (11.3)
  • "Democracy is Coming to the USA—Weather Permitting" (12.2)
  • “Philosophy—More than Ever” (13.3)
  • “Defacing Eternal Re-Coming” (14.1)
  • “Charlie’s Reading Room: Comparative Philosophy as Just Philosophy” (14.3)
  • "The Future is Female" (15.1-15.2)
  • “Beyond the Doubleday Myth” (15.3)
  • "Believing in Dividing Times: From the Gates of Hell—The Anti-Christ Cometh" (16.1)

Journal Volumes with Students

Books in Progress

  • Japanese Environmental Philosophy: Bridging the East and the West, Tomosaburō Yamauchi, edited by Kirill Thompson and David Jones
  • Selves — Collections, David Jones
  • Logic of the Heart: Wisdom Teachings of the Prajnaparamita Sutras, edited with Alan Pope

Chapters and Introductions in Books

  1. “The Fractal Self and the Organization of Nature: The Daoist Sage and Chaos Theory” (with John Culliney) reprinted in The Fractal Self: Proceedings of the 1999 Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, Oneonta Philosophy Studies: Historical and Cultural Perspectives
  2. “Rectifying the Institution: Navigating the Edge of Chaos with Complexity Theory and Confucian Maps” (with John Culliney) in New Sciences for Public Administration and Policy: Connections and Reflections, Göktug Morçöl and Linda F. Dennard, eds. (Burke, VA: Chatelaine Press, 2000)
  3. “Finding Our Ways Through Chinese Classics: Reading the Analects of Confucius and the Zhuangzi” in Extending the Boundaries: Approaches to World Literature, Michael Tierce, ed. Dubuque: (Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2000)
  4. “Master Kong (551-479)” in How to Get a Life: Empowering Wisdom for the Heart and Soul, Lawrence Baines, ed. (Atlanta: Humanics Press, 2003
  5. “The Death of Pan: The Divining of Logos from Muthos and Soul from World,” in A Feast of Logos: Essays in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Georgia Continental Philosophy Circle, Jason Wirth, Michael Schwartz editors, and David Jones editors (Georgia Philosophy Series, Atlanta: 2005)
  6. “Animal Buddhas” in Buddha Nature and Animality (Jain, 2006)
  7. “Toward an Ecology of Compassion: Homo Specialis, Animality, and Buddha-Nature,” Introduction in Buddha Nature and Animality (Jain, 2006)
  8. “The Confucian Dao of Decision-Making” in Handbook of Decision-Making, Göktug Morçöl, Editor (Marcel Dekker Publishing, New York: 2006
  9. “Riding Along the Way: The Dao of Riding” in Harley-Davidson and Philosophy, Bernard Rollin, ed.  Popular Culture and Philosophy Series (Open Court, Chicago: 2006)
  10. “Feeling Safe: Atonement in Henry Rosemont” in Polishing the Mirror: Essays in Honor of Henry Rosemont, Ronnie Littlejohn and Marthe Chandler, eds. (Global Scholarly Productions, New York: 2007)
  11. “The Intimate Self: Understanding Asian Cultural Sensibilities” The Journal of Ethics and Leadership, Introduction to Volume 2, number 2 (Spring 2007)
  12. Introduction to Confucius Now: Contemporary Encounters with the Analects, edited (Open Court, Chicago: 2008)
  13. Introduction to Asian Texts - Asian Contexts: Encountering the Philosophies and Religions of Asia, edited (with Ellen Klein) (State University of New York Press, 2010)
  14. The Logos and Its Gift, Introduction to the The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy with Jason Wirth, and Michael Schwartz (Spring 2010)
  15. "Pan’s Death and the Conspiracy of Logos: Plato’s Case Against Myth” (substantial revision from A Feast of Logos) in The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy, (Cambridge Scholars Publishing) David Jones, Jason Wirth, and Michael Schwartz, Editors (Spring 2010)
  16. “When Butterflies Change into Birds: Life and Death in the Liezi,” in Riding the Wind with Liezi: New Perspectives on the Daoist Classic, Jeffrey Dippmann and Ronnie Littlejohn, Editors (State University of New York Press, Spring 2011)
  17. "Empty Soul – Empty World: Nietzsche and Nishitani" in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Comparative Approaches to the Kyoto School, Bret W. Davis, Brian Schroeder, and Jason M. Wirth, Editors (Indiana University Press, Studies in Continental Thought, (Spring 2011)
  18. “Before Sallis: On Letting Heaven and Nature Sing,” in On the True Sense of Art: A Critical Companion to the Transfigurements of John Sallis, edited by Jason M. Wirth, Michael Schwartz, and David Jones ( Northwestern University Press, Fall 2015)
  19. “From the Heart: Compassionate Knowing in the Heart and Diamond Sutras,” in Psychology of Mindfulness, edited by  Kimiyo Murata-Soraci, (Nova Science Publishing, Spring 2014)
  20. “Traveling Around the Threshold: Continental Philosophy and the Comparative Project” in Bloomsbury Research Handbook on Methodology in Chinese Philosophy, edited by Sor-hoon Tan (Bloomsbury Publishing, August 2016)
  21. Introduction to The Philosophy of Creative Solitudes, edited (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019)
  22. “You Lonely Farang” in The Philosophy of Creative Solitudes, edited by David Jones (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019)
  23. “Once Upon a Pandemic: Confucius, Rosemont, Marx, Deleuze and the Opportunity for a Confucian Ideology”in Chinese Ideology, edited by Shiping Hua (Routledge Press, Fall 2021)
  24. “Contextual Turning and Becoming Intercultural,” in Intercultural Perspectives on the Philosophy of Zhu Xi, edited by Huang Chun-chieh, Kirill Thompson, and David Jones (under review)
  25. “The Three Teachings” in Intercultural Perspectives on the Philosophy of Zhu Xi, edited by Huang Chun-chieh, Kirill Thompson, and David Jones (under review)
  26. “Once Upon a Signature Event" in Wandering Dance through the Philosophy of Graham Parkes: Comparative Perspectives on Art and Nature, edited by David Jones
  27. Downbeats and Upbeats in the Meters of Nietzsche, Zhuangzi, and Parkes in Wandering Dance ithrough the Philosophy of Graham Parkes: Comparative Perspectives on Art and Nature, edited by David Jones

Articles, Review Articles, and Interviews

  1. "Straight as an Arrow: Reading Confucius Archetypally" in Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 22: 1995, 465-485
  2. "Confucian Order at the Edge of Chaos: The Science of Complexity and Ancient Wisdom" with John L. Culliney in Zygon: The Journal of Science and Religion, 33, 4, 1998
  3. "The Fractal Self and the Organization of Nature: The Daoist Sage and Chaos Theory" with John L. Culliney in Zygon: The Journal of Science and Religion, 34, 4, 1999
  4. "The Fractal Self and the Organization of Nature: The Daoist Sage and Chaos Theory" with John L. Culliney reprinted in Asian Culture Quarterly, Volume XXVIII, No.3, Autumn 2001
  5. "Dao's Metaphor: The Way of Water" in Asian Culture Quarterly, Volume XXVII, No.1, Spring 1999
  6. "Teaching/Learning Through Confucius: Navigating our Way Through the Analects" in Education About Asia, Volume 5, Number 2, Fall 2000
  7. "The Death of Pan & Modernity's Inception: Socrates and Plato's Divining of Logos from Muthos and Soul from World" in Aristoi, March 2001
  8. Philosophy and the Early Chinese World View: An Interview with Roger Ames in Education About Asia, Fall 2004: “Integrating Asia into World History: The Classical Traditions (1000 BCE–300 CE)
  9. "Crossing Currents: The Over-flowing/Flowing-over Soul in Zarathustra & Zhuangzi" in Dao: Journal of Comparative Philosophy Volume IV, No. 2 (June 2005)
  10. "The Shifting Sands of Self: Buddhist & Confucian Solutions in Abe Kobo's Woman in the Dunes" in Interlitteraria, IL, (October 2005)
  11. “The Confucian Authoritative Self: Real Authority or a Counterfeit Alternative?,” The Journal of Ethics and Leadership Volume 2, number 2 (Fall 2006)
  12. “The Fractal Self and the Organization of Nature: The Daoist Sage and Chaos Theory” (with John L. Culliney) translated into Chinese by HE Jinli, in Zhongwen Zixue Zhidao (Journal of the Chinese Language Department of the East China Normal University) (July 2008)
  13. “Peace, Ecology, and Religion: Evolution and Buddhism’s Empathic Response” in Manuysa: Journal of Humanities Vol.11, No.2 (September 2008), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
  14. “At a Crossroads—Beginnings of Zen,” in Japan Studies Association Journal Volume 7 (Fall 2009) [occasional paper crosslisted below in Creative Work]
  15. “Crossing Currents: The Over-flowing/Flowing-over Soul in Zarathustra & Zhuangzi” translated into Chinese by HE Jinli in Xiandai Zhexue (Journal of Modern Philosophy) (2010)
  16. "Letting Life In: Religious Concord through Chinese Sources" in the Journal of Religious Philosophy, Taiwan (December 2014, 75-90)
  17. “The Spirit-of-This-World Encounters the Spirit-of-Tragedy: Wang Guowei and Schopenhauer through the Hermeneutical Lenses of Kierkegaard and Heidegger,” with He Jinli in Comparative and Continental Philosophy 6.1 (Spring 2014)
  18. “Alterior Reflections from Asian Philosophies: Levinas and the Comparative Way,” Journal of International Communication of Chinese Culture, (Springer, July 2015), Beijing Normal University
  19. “In an Age of Global Decline: The Need for a Return to a World Classical Philosophy” with John L. Culliney, Taiwan Journal of East-Asian Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, National Taiwan University (July 2016)
  20. “Heaven-Earth-Self: The Fractal Divinity of Self,” in Journal of Religious Philosophy,  Society for the Study of Religious Philosophy, Taiwan (June 2016, 61-89)
  21. “Sustaining Our Planet and Ourselves: A New Focus on Ancient Models of Universal Cooperation,” in The Philosophers’ Magazine, London (Fall 2018)
  22. Review of Confucianism and Ecology: The Interrelation of Heaven, Earth, and Humans,Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Berthrong, eds. (Harvard University Press, 1998) for the Journal of Asian and African Studies
  23. Review of Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius and the Hope for Democracy in China, David L. Hall and Roger T. Ames, (Open Court, 1999) for Education About Asia
  24. Review of Intimacy or Integrity: Philosophy and Cultural Difference, Thomas P. Kasulis, (University of Hawai`i Press, 2002) with John Sweeney in Philosophy East-West, Volume 55, Number 4, 603-607 (October 2005)
  25. Review of Teaching the Daode Jing, Gary D. Deangelis and Warren G. Frisina, editors; Oxford University Press, 2008), Education About Asia , Volume 17, Number 1, Online Article, Supplements, and Reviews (Spring 2012)
  26. Review Essay: “Many Ways to the Way: Teaching the Dao De Jing,” Teaching the Daode Jing, Gary D. Deangelis and Warren G. Frisina, editors; Oxford University Press, 2008),  ASIANetwork EXCHANGE: A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts (expanded version of the above) (Spring 2013)
  27. “That Thou Art: Aesthetic Soul/Bodies and Self Inter-being in Buddhism, Phenomenology, and Pragmatism,” in Eidos: A Journal for Philosophy of Culture, Volume 4: No. 3. Special Issue on “Relations: Between Thoughts and Things,” Warsaw (November 2020)
  28. “A Rhapsody in Pink: Reflections on Seducing Nature through World Philosophies by Way of James Joyce’s Ulysses,” in Interlitteraria, Volume 26, Issue 1 (Fall 2021)

Creative Work

  • “Riding Along the Way: The Dao of Riding” in Harley-Davidson and Philosophy, Bernard Rollin, ed.  Popular Culture and Philosophy Series (Open Court, Chicago: 2006) [also listed above]
  • A Day, Just Like Any Other Day [creative nonfiction on Hiroshima] in The Arabesques Review, Globalization, Peace & Cultures Dialogue, Vol. 3 Number 3, August 2007
  • At a Crossroads—Beginnings of Zen [occasional paper] in Japan Studies Association Journal Volume 7 (Fall 2009) [also listed above]
  • “You Lonely Farang” in The Philosophy of Creative Solitudes, edited by David Jones (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019) [also listed above]
  • “A Rhapsody in Pink: Reflections on Seducing Nature through World Philosophies by way of James Joyce’s Ulysses,” in Interlitteraria, Volume 26, Issue 1 (Fall 2021) [also listed above]

Articles in Other Periodicals and Newspapers

  • "Justifying the Margins: Incorporating Asian Studies/Philosophy into the Undergraduate Curriculum" in Reaching Through Teaching, Fall 1998
  • "Welcome" in Maiden December 15, 2004 issue Korean-American Times (Atlanta)

Interviews and Articles on David Jones

  • Asahi Shimbun (Japan), June 25, 2003
  • Asahi Shimbun (Japan), June 28, 2003
  • Korean Journal (Atlanta), March 2004
  • East-West Center Newsletter, Honolulu: October 2004
  • East-West Center's Observer, Honolulu: Spring 2004