Upcoming Events and Training
To download the current full Safety Training Schedule use the links below.
Safety Training Schedule Fall
Safety Training Schedule Spring
Safety Training Schedule Summer
Select the link below to register in OwlTrain.
Note: scheduled sessions with low enrollment may be canceled the prior day. Sessions may be canceled for other reasons as well.
There may be multiple listings for the same training. Review all before making a selection
If you sign up for a session and cannot attend, please cancel your reservation to open a seat for someone else
Earn a Laboratory Safety Technician Micro-Credential!
Individuals who sign up and complete all the safety training seminars, as well as pass a comprehensive exam, within two years (6 semesters) will receive a Laboratory Safety Technician Micro_Credential. This program would be valuable to those who plan to continue as laboratory workers, teachers, researchers, and others who will be working in a laboratory environment.
Note* Writing an SOP and Risk Assessment as well as Field Safety Awareness are not required for completion of the micro credential. However, additional training is always a benefit.
Sign up today by emailing Dale Zaborowski at dzaborow@kennesaw.edu