
The courses Professor Farooq Kperogi teaches vary from semester to semester. Check the current class schedule listing for the courses he has been scheduled to teach this semester. Below is a list of courses he regularly teaches.

Graduate Courses:

COM 7100--Survey of Global Communication Seminar

COM 7600--Communication and Technology Seminar

Undergraduate Courses:

JOUR 4488—Multimedia Visions of Community ( the capstone course for Journalism seniors)

JOUR 4420--Advanced Media Writing

JOUR 4470--Media Law

COM 4480--Communication Theory

COM 4300--Special Topics (Global Journalism)

JOUR 4300--Special Topics (Journalism History)

COM 4400--KSUNewsNow

JOUR 3330--News Reporting and Writing

JOUR 3310--Concepts in New Media

JOUR 2135--Writing for Public Communication

COM 2020--Communication Sources and Investigations

COM 2230--Introduction to Mass Communication

COM 1100--Human Communication

