
Book Publications

  • Published seven new figures and corresponding discussions (results generated by an in-house finite volume solver and personally developed script) to the 4th Edition of the Viscous Fluid Flow textbook by Dr. Frank M. White and Dr. Joseph Majdalani; these were published as part of the McGraw-Hill classic textbook adopted by over 1000 universities worldwide

Journal Publications

  • Al Ahmar, R., Majdalani, J., and Sharma, G., “Improved Viscous and Thermal Boundary-Layer Formulations for a Cylinder in Crossflow using Kármán’s Momentum-Integral Approach” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 240, January 2025, 126474. 
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Effects of Various Geometric Parameters on the Computed Swirl Numbers and Flow Topology in a Bidirectional Vortex Chamber” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 36, January 2024, 013625. (Special Collection: K. R. Sreenivasan: A Tribute on the occasion of his 75th Birthday) 
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Effects of Various Inlet Parameters on the Computed Flow Development in a Bidirectional Vortex Chamber” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34, April 2022, 093607.
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Effects of Nozzle Inlet Size and Curvature on the Flow Development in a Bidirectional Vortex Chamber,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33, September 2021, 093607 (Editor’s pick). (Special Collection: Tribute to Frank M. White on his 88th Anniversary)
  • Sharma, G., Ghosh, S., and Karmakar, S., “CFD Simulation of Single and Two-Phase Vortex Flow” Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 138, No. 8, August 2016, 082003.
  • Naimuddin, M., Chopra, G., and Sharma, G., “Experimental and Computational Study of Compound Delta Wing” Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER), Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2014, pp. 47-52.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications

  • Sharma, G., Naimuddin, M., Chopra, G., Sinha, J., and Sharma, G., “Numerical Analysis of Flow Field over Compound Delta Wing” IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016, March 2016, pp. 1-20.
  • Sharma, G., Sharma, G., and Chopra, G., “Computational and Experimental Study of Deflected Nose of Missile at Low Subsonic Speed” IEEE Aerospace Conference 2015, March 2015, pp. 1-10.

Conference Publications

  • Marcello, A. D., Majdalani, J., and Sharma, G., “Effect of Increasing Bidirectional Vortex Chamber Aspect Ratios on the Cyclonic Flowfield for Constant Velocity Inlet Conditions,” AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum, AIAA Paper 2025-2581, January 2025. 
  • Al Ahmar, R., Majdalani, J., and Sharma, G., “Improved Momentum-Integral Formulation for Hiemenz Farfield Motion Past a Cylinder,” AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum, AIAA Paper 2025-1114, January 2025. 
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Effects of Various Geometric and Kinematic Parameters on the Cyclonic Flow Evolution in a Vortex Chamber,” AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, AIAA Paper 2024-0306, January 2024.
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Effects of Varying Characteristic Injection Parameters and Geometric Configurations on the Cyclonic Flowfield in a Bidirectional Vortex Chamber Using Velocity Inlet Conditions,” AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum, AIAA Paper 2023-0136, January 2023.
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Effects of Nozzle Inlet Size and Curvature on the Cyclonic Flowfield in a Bidirectional Vortex Chamber using Velocity Inlet Conditions,” AIAA Aviation 2022 Forum, AIAA Paper 2022-3324, June-July 2022.
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Effect of Variable Outlets on the Nonreactive Flowfield of a Right-Cylindrical Cyclonic Chamber,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2020, AIAA Paper 2020-3823, August 2020.
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Characterization of Cyclonic Flowfield in a Swirl Driven Combustion Chamber,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference 2017, AIAA Paper 2017-4667, July 2017.
  • Sharma, G., Sharma, G., and Chopra, G., “Computational and Experimental Study of Deflected Nose of Missile at Subsonic Speed” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Aircraft Design and Manufacturing 2014 (NCERADM-2014).
  • Naimuddin, M., Chopra, G., and Sharma, G., “Experimental and Computational Study of Compound Delta Wing” 5th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Mechanical, Material, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aeronautical Engineering and Applied Physics 2014 (ITMAEAP-2014), August 2014
  • Sharma, G., Ghosh, S., and Karmakar, S., “CFD Analysis of Vortex Tube Air Separator for Space Transportation” International Conference on Muliphase Flows 2013 (ICMF-2013), May 2013.

Poster Publications

  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Vortex Combustion Cold-Wall Chamber: A Tamed Tornado,” Huntsville Graduate Engineering Research Showcase 2022
  • Naimuddin, M., Manjunath, and Sharma, G., “CFD Analysis of NASA Common Research Model at Various Angle of Attack,” 7th Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles (SAROD) 2015, December 2015

  • Kiran, G. A. R., Sharma, G., Ranganathan, P., Papadikis, K., and Gu, S., “CFD Modelling of an Ebullated Bed Reactor for the Upgradation of Bio-oil Derived from Lignocellulose Biomass,” Pyro Conference 2014, May 2014

  • Sharma, G., Karmakar, S., and Ghosh, S., “CFD Analysis of Vortex Tube,” 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference 2013, December 2013

Other Poster Presentations

  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Tornado inside a Liquid Rocket Engine,” Council of Engineering Graduate Students Research Showcase 2021
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Inception, Development, Precession and Breakdown of Confined Cyclonic Motions,” Council of Engineering Graduate Students Research Showcase 2019
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Designing Liquid Rocket Engine to be Shorter, Lighter and Self-Cooling,” Council of Engineering Graduate Students Research Showcase 2018 (Honorable Mention Poster Award Recipient)
  • Sharma, G., and Majdalani, J., “Inception, Development, Precession and Breakdown of Confined Cyclonic Motions,” Council of Engineering Graduate Students Research Showcase 2017