Jeanne Beatrix Law

Jeanne Beatrix Law, Ph.D, Professor of English, Director of Composition, AI Evangelist, LinkedIn Top Digital Learning Voice

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Recent Items:

I am working on several academic and public research projects that connect generative AI literacies and civil rights digital archives. With three of my student scholars, I have two book chapters accepted for publication. In both chapters, we explore GPT as a collaborative assignment creator and as a digital archive using the Rhetorical Prompt Engineering Framework and my Four Qualifiers for Ethical Output. Along with co-authors, I have an article in-press with Computers & Writing as well as chapters on AI use cases in edited collections from Routlege.

I have also authored several Coursera courses to help community stakeholders, students, and colleagues engage ethically with generative AI for many diverse use cases. If you are Kennesaw State student, faculty, or staff, you may take these certificate courses for free by following these directions: KSU Free Coursera Instructions

AI for Grant Writing

AI for Professional Communication

Ethical AI Use

AI for Everyday Life 

AI for Education (Basic) Here's the Intro Video

AI for Education (Intermediate) Here's the Intro Video

AI for Education (Advanced)Here's the Intro Video

Atlanta Student Movement Updates

Check out the Atlanta Student Movement Oral History Project and the Atlanta Student Movement GPT Archive, a searchable archive I built in Chat/GPT that uses transcripts from oral histories and copyright-free documents about the Movement.

First-Year Writing Custom GPT

To support and mentor colleagues aligning their work in our first-year writing program, I have created and trained a custom GPT. I included specific parameters, including: 1. The GPT is closed; only image generation connects to OpenAI's Internet data set. 2. I included TILT data with attributions to Dr. MaryAnn Winkelms. 3. I trained the GPT to align outputs to national and state standards for writing instruction. 4. I trained it also for popular genres of writing: narrative, analysis, argument, annotated bibliography, research outline, and various resesearch projects. 5. I trained the GPT on multimodal writing, including podcasts, video essays, and social media writing. Check it out: First-Year Comp GPT

Check out my recent media appearances:

Teaching with AI: Chronicle of HIgher Education

Understanding AI

AI Needs Humanities Majors

STEM Disciplines Need Humanities Majors

Check out my blog on AI

Hit me up on LinkedIn


Rhetorical Prompt Engineering Method

My Rhetorical "Rhet Shot"  Meta-Prompt Process

About Me:

Dr. Law Profile Image

I am Professor of English and the Director of First-year Writing at Kennesaw State. I earned my Ph.D in rhetoric and composition from Georgia State University, specializing in post-process composition theory and histiographic rhetorical praxis.  My research finds further loci in diverse sub-fields of language study, including digital literacies and civil rights oral histories. In the past year, I have also presented and published extensively on generative AI assistants, developing a rhetorical Methods of prompt engineering and advocating for collaborative, ethical human-machine writing outputs. I serve as a faculty mentor for the 2024 AAC&U's Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum. I also teach prompt engineering in KSU Master's in Professional Writing Program.

My public scholarship includes collaborative work with veterans of the Atlanta Student Movement as well as collaborations that will help bring useful and ethical generative AI to personal and professional writing spaces through Rhetorical Prompt Engineering methods.

Read a recent article about my AI research. Watch a recent workshop I delivered on teaching with generative AI.

Check out my co-authored text for first-year writing, The Writer's Loop

Teaching Philosophy

My foundational pedagogical philosophy can be defined with answers to a question upon which I reflect countless times through each semester and each course I teach:

“How can I engender student-scholars’ rhetorical growth in a democratized, community space, using new media tools and dialogic methods to inspire students to further develop their writing prowess using themes relevant to them and their everyday lives?”

I would further define my perspective on the efficacy of feminist pedagogy as a rhetorical situation in which teachers and students question traditional, androcentric rhetorics and knowledge claims, while conversely developing alternative interpretations based on social constructivist principles. In such a space, even the physical presence of chairs and desks works in concert with teaching methods to teach “with,” not “at” students.   In my inclusive classroom, questions of how student-scholars and instructors identify themselves take precedence in how a course is negotiated, from due dates to topics for projects, from low-stakes to high stakes writing opportunities

In designing opportunities for first year writers that narrate their life experiences in multiple discourse communities and in diverse digital spaces, I offer opportunities to not only take a seat at the table of academic conversations, but to speak up and make their voices heard. I want my and their work to be a continued commitment to making what bell hooks calls “the liberated voice” and for recovering, appreciating, and teasing out voices long silenced. While my chosen theories inform my pedagogy and numerous research quests, students remain the primary reason for what I do. Through shared meaning-making and reification of students’ authority, I encourage students’ rhetorical abilities and challenge them as emerging scholars to think critically about their writing and speaking, not just in their academic discourse but also in their multiple discourse communities -- their communities of praxis.

Overall, I want my students to know from day one: they are already writers; they are scholars; they are stakeholders and arbiters of their own rhetorical growth; and they and I are part of a community of learners that is driven by their needs and direction, whether students are digital natives or digital immigrants.
