Honors Calculus I Project Page
The Projects:
B. Snell's Law
To see which project has been assigned to you, and to see your teammates' names and SPSU email addresses, please navigate to our course page on D2L. From the course, click "Content" in the top navigation pane, then "Group Project" from the navigation bar on the left.
Some excellent guides to writing in mathematics:
Annalisa Crannell's check list (this is a good guide, but please don't print and staple to your paper)
Some information on creating a presentation:
Creating effective presentation slides (MS office guide)
Example of a mathematical presentation (this is a bit too technical, but it's short)
Another math presentation (this one is in power point, but it's a bit long)
Site to download SPSU powerpoint slides
Technical paper examples:
A student technical paper from a past year
(This is from a Calculus II class. English was a second language for this student.)
A journal article (This paper is very technical. Just consider the structure of this paper.)
Peer Assessment Rubric:
Rubric for assessment of group members
Paper and Presentation Grading Rubric:
Rubric for grading paper and presentation