
Dr. Green holding a chipmunkMy path to KSU has been a little non-traditional, as far as academic careers go. Since finishing my PhD in 2012, I have been extremely fortunate to have worked in a variety of government and industry roles. Those experiences have shaped my perspective on biology and education. In my courses and advising I do my best to impress upon students the the variety of biological experiences and perspectives that different domains bring to the table...and the value that they all bring. 


Dr. Green in grad school

Collecting cotton rat data for my dissertation in Texas (2011).

2012: PhD, Biology, Baylor University

  • PhD advisor: Kenneth T. Wilkins
  • Dissertation title: Effects of habitat affinities and resource needs on edge responses by small mammals

Swimming in an lake

Looking for zebra mussels in a lake in Michigan, for an NSF REU project (2005).

2006: BS, Biology, University of Louisville

Professional Experience

2020-present: Assistant Professor of Biology, Kennesaw State University

  • Research in quantitative ecology of animal populations
  • Advising undergraduate and graduate students
  • Statistical consulting to other researchers
  • Courses taught: Comparative vertebrate anatomy, Invertebrate Zoology, Applied Biological Data Analysis

2018-2020: Project Scientist, Waterborne Environmental, Inc.

  • Investigated effects of agricultural chemicals on terrestrial and aquatic food webs, including toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TKTD) modeling, population viability analysis, and individual-based modeling
  • Developed and implemented stochastic population and individual-based simulation models to support ecological risk assessment
  • Analyzed data, programmed complex analyses and simulations, and automated data management processes using R and ArcGIS
  • Wrote and co-authored successful proposals to obtain research contracts

2017-2018: Applied Statistician (Senior), Climate Corporation

  • Developed advanced statistical models to support data-driven recommendations for farmers
  • Worked collaboratively with a diverse team of statisticians, programmers, engineers, and business managers
  • Communicated statistical approaches and findings to technical and non-technical audiences

2013-2017: Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey

  • Modelled fish and wildlife population dynamics using mark-recapture analyses, distance sampling, Bayesian and frequentist statistics, and stochastic simulations
  • Analyzed data, programmed complex analyses and simulations, and automated data management processes using R, SAS, ArcGIS, DISTANCE, and other software
  • Developed and taught training courses in statistics and R programming for researchers
  • Trained and supervised undergraduates and technicians in statistical programming, data management, and field wildlife sampling
  • Wrote and co-authored successful proposals to obtain research funding