
This page contains a list of my publications. Please reach out by email if you would like a PDF reprint.

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Wildhaber ML, West BM, Bennett KR, May JH, Albers JL, Green NS. 2024. Sicklefin Chub (Macrhybopsis meeki) and Sturgeon Chub (M. gelida) temporal and spatial patterns from extant population monitoring and habitat data spanning 23 years. Fishes 9: 43. DOI:

Albers J, Wildhaber M, Green N, Struckhoff M, Hooper M. 2023. Visitor use and activities detected using trail cameras at forest restoration sites. Ecological Restoration 41: 199-212. DOI:

Green NS, Wildhaber ML, Albers JL. 2022. Interaction between transect design and animal distribution in distance sampling of deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 46: e1368. DOI:  

Green NS, Li S, Maul JD, Overmyer J. 2022. Natural and anthropogenic factors and their interactions drive stream community integrity in a North American river basin at a large spatial scale. Science of the Total Environment 835, 155344. DOI:  

Preston TM, Wildhaber ML, Green NS, Albers JL, Debenedetto GP. 2021. Enumerating white-tailed deer using unmanned aerial vehicles. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45: 97-108. DOI:

Green NS, Wildhaber ML, Albers JL. 2021. Effectiveness of a distance sampling from roads program for white-tailed deer in the National Capital Region Parks. Natural Resource Report NPS/NCR/NRR—2021/2224. U.S. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. DOI:

Green NS, Wildhaber ML, Albers JL, Pettit TW, Hooper MH. 2020. Efficient mammal biodiversity surveys for ecological restoration monitoring. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. DOI:

Kunz BK, Waddle JH, Green NS. 2019. Amphibian monitoring approaches for restored bottomland hardwood forests. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. DOI:

Bartell SM, Schmolke A, Green N, Roy C, Galic N, Perkins D, Brain R. 2019. A hybrid individual‐based and food web‐ecosystem modeling approach for assessing ecological risks to the Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka): a case study with atrazine. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38: 2243-2258. DOI:

Schmolke A, Bartell S, Roy C, Green N, Galic N, Brain R. 2019. Species-specific population dynamics and their link to an aquatic food web: a hybrid modeling approach. Ecological Modelling 405: 1-14. DOI:

Kunz BK, Green NS, Albers JL, Wildhaber ML, Little EE. 2018. Use of real-time dust monitoring and surface condition to evaluate success of unpaved road treatments. Transportation Research Record 2672: 195-204. DOI:

Albers JL, Wildhaber ML, Green NS. 2018. Population viability analyses for three Macrhybopsis spp. of the Lower Missouri River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34: 1285-1292. DOI:

Green NS, Wildhaber ML, Albers JL. 2018. Potential responses of the Lower Missouri River shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) population to a commercial fishing ban. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2018: 1-8. DOI:

Wildhaber ML, Albers JL, Green NS, Moran EH. 2017. A fully stochasticized, age-structured population model for population viability of fish: Lower Missouri River endangered pallid sturgeon example. Ecological Modelling 359: 434-448. DOI:

Moran EH, Wildhaber ML, Green NS, Albers JL. 2016. Visual basic, Excel-based fish population modeling tool—the pallid sturgeon example. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016–1009, 20 p. DOI:

Green NS, Wilkins KT. 2014. Small mammal habitat associations in a mixed grass prairie preserve. Southwestern Naturalist 59: 349-355. DOI:

Green NS, Early CE, Beard LK, Wilkins KT. 2012. Multiple captures of Reithrodontomys fulvescens and Baiomys taylori: evidence for short-term co-travelling. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 313-319. DOI:

Kirchner BN, Green NS, Sergeant DA, Mink JN, Wilkins KT. 2011. Responses of small mammals and vegetation to a prescribed burn in a tallgrass blackland prairie. American Midland Naturalist 166: 112-125. DOI:

Green NS, Wilkins KT. 2010. Continuing range expansion of the northern pygmy mouse (Baiomys taylori) in northeastern Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 55: 288-291. DOI:

Green NS, Hazlett BA, Pruett-Jones S. 2008. Attachment and shell integrity affects the vulnerability of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) to predation. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23: 91-100. DOI:
