PHYS 2212

Kennesaw State University
College of Science and Mathematics
Department of Physics
PHYS 2212
Principles of Physics II
Spring 2025

Professor Nikolaos Kidonakis
Office: SC 437
Phone: (470) 578-6607

Lectures: MWF 12:20-1:10pm, Science 214

Breakout sessions: M 1:25-2:15pm, Bagwell 130; W 1:25-2:15pm, Bagwell 119 

Office hours: after the breakout sessions or by appointment

Textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Serway and Jewett, 10th ed.

Course description
PHYS 2212. Principles of Physics II
3 Credit Hours
Prerequisite: MATH 2202 and PHYS 2211
This course is an introductory calculus-based course on electromagnetism, physical optics, and quantum physics. The student will be able to apply the concepts of electric field and electric potential to problems in electrostatics and with electric currents, describe the motion of charged particles in magnetic fields and induction, explain the origin of electromagnetic waves and properties of light, determine the behavior of light waves passing through single or multiple slits, and understand elementary principles of quantum physics.

Course content
PHYS 2212 is a calculus-based course on electromagnetism and modern physics. Problem solving will be emphasized. Homework is an integral part of the course. The course will cover electric forces and fields, electric flux and Gauss's law, electric potential, electric current, capacitors, direct current circuits, magnetic fields and flux, Biot-Savart and Ampere's laws, Faraday's law of induction, AC circuits, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, interference and diffraction, quantum physics, the photoelectric and Compton effects, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the Schrodinger equation, Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom, size and structure of nuclei, elementary particles and fundamental forces, quarks and leptons, the Standard Model of particle physics, and cosmology.

Learning outcomes
1. Analyze and solve electrostatic problems for discrete and continuous charge distributions involving electric fields, Gauss's law, and electric potential using physical and mathematical concepts, techniques, and tools (including calculus and vectors). 
2. Analyze and solve problems involving magnetic fields and forces using physical and mathematical concepts, techniques, and tools (including calculus and vectors). 
3. Analyze and solve problems involving DC and AC circuits with resistors, capacitors, and inductors using appropriate techniques (including calculus and phasors). 
4. Explain the nature of electromagnetic waves from Maxwell's equations, and predict the behavior of light waves passing through single or multiple slits. 
5. Identify and describe the basic ideas of quantum theory, and apply its principles to atoms, nuclei, and elementary particles.

Homework 15%
Tests 60% (3 tests, 20% each)
Final Exam 25%

Grades: A >90%; B 80%-90%; C 70%-80%; D 60%-70%; F <60%

Last day to withdraw is March 28.

Tentative Schedule

Jan 6-10
Introduction; Electric forces and fields
Chapter 22: Sects. 22.1-22.6

Jan 13-17
Electric fields of charge distributions; flux and Gauss's law
Chapter 23: Sects. 23.1-23.4

Jan 22-24
Electric potential
Chapter 24: Sects. 24.1-24.6

Jan 27-31
Review; Test 1
Test 1 is on Jan 31

Feb 3-7
Chapter 25: Sects. 25.1-25.7

Feb 10-14
Current, resistance, and DC circuits
Chapter 26: Sects. 26.1- 26.6
Chapter 27: Sects. 27.1-27.5

Feb 17-21
Magnetic fields; Test 2
Chapter 28: Sects. 28.1-28.5
Test 2 is on February 21

Feb 24-28
Biot-Savart and Ampere's laws; Magnetic flux
Chapter 29: Sects. 29.1-29.6

March 3-7
Chapter 30: Sects. 30.1-30.6

March 10-14
Spring break; no classes

March 17-21
Inductance; AC circuits
Chapter 31: Sects. 31.1-31.4
Chapter 32: Sects. 32.1-32.8

March 24-28
Maxwell's equations; Electromagnetic waves
Chapter 33: Sects. 33.1-33.7

March 31-April 4
Wave optics; Test 3
Test 3 is on April 4
Chapter 36: Sects. 36.1-36.3
Chapter 37: Sects. 37.1-37.3

April 7-11
Quantum physics
Chapter 39: Sects. 39.1-39.8
Chapter 40: Sects. 40.1-40.3

April 14-18
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Chapter 41: Sects. 41.1-41.7
Chapter 43: Sects. 43.1-43.4

April 21-25
Particle Physics and Cosmology
Chapter 44: Sects. 44.1-44.11 

April 28

Final Exam 
Friday, May 2, 1:00-3:00pm

Exams Policy
Please note that any mobile device that transmits a signal is not permitted to be used in an exam. All mobile devices should be deactivated during exams. Final exam make-up is only for documented and excused emergencies or for scheduling conflicts with other final exams.

Academic Integrity
Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. 

Attendance & Participation
Students are expected to attend all lectures and recitations, take all tests and exams, and complete all homework assignments.

Federal, BOR and KSU Student Policies

KSU Student Resources
