Peter Fielding

Dr. Peter G. Fielding serves as Associate Dean for the College of the Arts and Professor of Music for the Bailey School of Music. His instructional career spans Mahidol University College of Music, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami, the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Music, and the Music Branch of the Canadian Armed Forces. Peter was valedictorian for Mount Saint Vincent University's Faculty of Education Convocation, received an award of Academic Merit from the University of Miami Graduate School, and was inducted in Pi Kappa Lambda, Beta Beta chapter, for graduating summa cum laude at the University of Miami. He has also served as an Army Reserve Force Musician, attaining the rank of Sergeant and earning the Canadian Armed Forces Decoration (C.D.) for long-term military service.

Affirming the value of pre-collegiate instruction, Dr. Fielding has served as an examiner for AP Music Theory (Counterpoint Composition and Harmonic Dictation), with the College of Examiners for the Thailand International Music Examination (TIME) (Music Theory and Ear Training), and affirmed instruction qualification standards with the Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association through their provincial membership committee.