Robin Smith Mathis

headshot Robin Smith Mathis, PhD is Interim Associate Director for Strategic Communication and Assistant Professor of Communication in the School of Communication & Media at Kennesaw State University. Dr. Mathis previously held positions at Mercer University, Southern Polytechnic State University, and the McCoy College of Business Administration at Texas State University. She is a qualitative researcher. Her research interests are SoTL, instructional communication, and exploring the communication processes within human resource development. More specifically, she focuses on socially tainted professions and how communication influences their work experience.

Dr. Mathis has work published in Communication Education, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, Journal of Communication Pedagogy, Journal of Workplace Learning, and Advances in Developing Human Resources. Dr. Mathis is on the editorial board for Communication Teacher and a registered mediator with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution. She chaired the 2021 Eastern Communication Association (ECA) Organizational Communication Division. In 2022, Dr. Mathis was named an ECA Distinguished Teaching Fellow.