
Cato, M. & Mathis, R. S. (2023). Patch Leaks in the Pipeline Post-Pandemic by Preparing a Resilient and Sustainable Community- Classroom to College. Communication Education, 72(3), 311-315.

Mathis, R. S. & Aust, P. J. (2023) Perpetuating perceptions: Using Communication Theory to Understand the "Chaining" or Sharing of the Common Training and Development Narrative. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 86(2), 125-145. 

Wang, X., Dai, M., & Mathis, R.S. (2022) A comparative analysis of teacher and student perceptions of motivation sources in freshman engineering design courses at liberal arts and research universities. International Journal of STEM Education. 9, 23 

Mathis, R. S. (2021). A Professing Parent’s Reflection on the COVID Classroom and Research Illustrates the Full Utility of Communication Pedagogy. Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 5, 172-178.  

Mathis, R. S. (2020). Communicating Influence: Positioning the Trainer as an Organizational Leader. Journal of Workplace Learning, 32(8). 549-568.  

Mathis, R. S. (2019). Strategic silence: Is a leader’s choice not to talk a dichotomy to innovation and creativity? Journal of Leadership Studies, 13(1). 75-77.  

Mathis, R. S. (2007) Leadership in relationships: An analysis of Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood through leadership theory. Advances in Developing Human Resources.  


2022: RCHSS seed grant-Legislators and Lobbyist: Is it relational, rhetorical or both? A comprehensive narrative analysis and change project. $7,500

2022: First Year Scholars Program, Office of Undergraduate Research Law and Legislation: Women Communication Challenges in Masculine Professions. $5,000

2021: Sophomore Scholars, Office of Undergraduate Research, Joking, Juries, and Jurisprudence

2021: RCHSS Scholarship Support Grant Award toward research on Women in the world of law communicating to navigate the crossroads of masculinity and taint.

2020: First Year Scholars Program, Office of Undergraduate Research, Joking, Juries, and Jurisprudence

Book Chapters 

Mathis, R.S. (2019). The F-word [feminism] changes a circular message: Linking a profession’s history to communication training’s unique organizational role. Handbook of Communication Training: A Best Practices Framework for Assessing and Developing Competence

Mathis, R. S.  (2016). Water Cooler Talk: Qualitative Consultants Give Voice to Making a Living. Qualitative Communication Consulting: Stories and Lessons from the Field.

Notable Conference Presentations

Top Research Paper Panel: Eastern Communication Association-COVID-19 Courtroom: How an Innovated Solution and/or Disruption Reveals a Tale of Communication Trials. Applied Communication Interest Group, Baltimore, Maryland (March-April 2023)

Top Research Paper Panel: Southern States Communication Association- (2021) A professing parent’s COVID reflection argues negotiating power and communicating compassion harbors hope in a seemingly hopeless crisis. Instructional Interest Group; Virtual Conference

Top Research Paper Panel: Eastern Communication Association-Applied Communication Interest Group -(2007). Diffusion: The forgotten mode of communication in organizational learning. Applied Communication Interest Group; Providence, R.I.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Assignments and Assessment

Mathis, R. S. (2023) “Did you get the memo?” Incorporating Business Communication in ALL Courses with the Progress Report Memorandum. (My Favorite Assignment Forum) Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 86(3)