Lab 6- Cat Integumentary & Skeletal

Pp. 153 - 170

1) Cat Integument:

Know: pinnae, eyes, nostrils, vibrissae, nipples, body regions, scrotum,urogenital aperature;mammary glands

2) Cat Skeleton :

Vertebral Column : Be able to identify individual vertebrae by region (i.e., cervical [including 1st and 2nd], thorasic, lumbar, sacral orcaudal). Know the following parts of the vertebrae: body, vertebral arch, spinous process, transverse process.

Ribs: Capitulum (aka head), neck, tubercule, body (aka shaft).

Sternum : Manubrium, body, xiphoid process.

Pectoral Girdle limbs : Scapula - glenoid fossa, coracoid process, acromion, spine, supraspinous fossa, infraspinous fossa, subscapular fossa;

Clavicle );

Humerus - head, greater and leser tubercle, shaft, trochlea, capitulum, epicondyle (medial and lateral); olecranon fossa

Radius - head, shaft, styloid process

Ulna - olecranon, trochlear notch, shaft, styloid process.

Manus: Carpus, Metacarpus and Phalanges (you do not need to learn the names of the individual elements).

Pelvic Girdle & Limbs :

Ilium, Ischium Pubis : acetabulum, obturator foramen; ischial tuberosity, pubic symphysis; iliac crest;

Femur - head, neck, greter trochanter, lateral and medial condyle

Tibia - tibial tuberosity, medial maleolus

Fibula - head, lateral maleolus

Patella )

Pes: Tarsus, Metatarsus, phalanges (you do not need to learn the names of the individual elements except you do need to know thecalcaneus).

Skull: Know all the major bones of the skull. Individual bones are separated by sutures. Know: premaxillary, nasal, maxillary, frontal, malar, zygomatic arch, parietal, temporal (squamosal), orbit, temporal fossa, lacrimal, saggital crest, tympanic bulla, mastoid bone, teeth (be able to differentiate incisors, canine, premolar and molar); palatine, vomer, pterygoid process, presphenoid, orbitosphenoid, basisphenoid, mandibular fossa, occipital (including occipital condyle) foramen magnum, optic foramen, external auditory meatus.

Mandible: coronoid process, condyloid process, diastema, intermandibular (aka mental) symphysis, masserteric fossa; incisors, canine, diastema, premolars, molar.

Hyoid Bone .

Click here for other photos of the skull.

3) Look at the skeletons of other animals that are available. You are responsible for knowing the skeletal elements in these animals that are homologous to those found in the shark and/or cat. You are not responsible for knowing all the taxon specific terminology associated with these other taxa EXCEPT for the following. Make certain that you know:

A)    Carapace and plastron in a turtle.

B)     Gastralia in a crocodile.

C)    Keel of sternum in a bird.
