Biol 3350- Quiz 2

Spring 2004

For this 15 point quiz, to be given at the beginning of lecture on 01 March 04, read chapter 17. You will have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. You should know the function of any anatomical structure listed and be able to provide an example of the structure and provide examples of taxa that possess that structure. This chapter has a lot more detail in them - you are only responsible for what is found here.

1) Terms: Sensory receptors, Proprioception, chemoreceptors, pheromones, transducer, stimulus, vomeronasal (Jacobson's) organ, taste buds, photoreceptors, rods, cones, tapetum lucidum, sclera, choroids, retina, lens, infrared receptors (thermoreceptors), parietal eye/parietal organ, lateral line, vestibular apparatus, ear ossicles (stapes/columella), incus, malleus), electroreceptors, neuromast organ,

2) Potential questions - Here are some potential questions that may appear on the quiz. There is no guarantee that I will ask the questions exactly as phrased below and I am not restricted to using any particular type of question. These questions are meant to give you an idea as to the level of detail you need to know.

a) Name two taxa that lack a parietal organ.

b) What is the function of rods and cones?

c) Facial and labial pits are examples of what kind of special sensory organ?

d) What is a neuromast organ?

e) Give specific examples of a neuromast organ.

f) A sensory receoptor is usually composed of ____ and can include tissue that ______ the stimulus.

g) Name two taxa that possess vomeronasal organs.

h) Evolutionarily, from what structure is the columella derived?


The above terms may also appear on any exam throughout the semester.
