
Below are the courses I have taught over the years. For additional details about each course, please visit the KSU Course Catolog:

CE 1000, Orientation to CE & CNST Engr, 49 courses.

CE 1000Z, Orientation to CE & CNST Engr, 1 course.

CE 1001L, Intro Civil and Envl Eng Lab, 2 courses.

CE 3398, Internship in Civil Engineerin, 7 courses.

CE 3703, EnvironmentalEngineeringDesign, 5 courses.

CE 3704, Intro Environmental Engr Lab, 2 courses.

CE 4343, Solid Waste Engineering, 1 course.

CE 4353, Air Pollution Control, 10 courses.

CE 4363, Envl Eng Chemistry, 7 courses.

CE 4371, Environmental Engineering Lab, 2 courses.

CE 4383, Sustainability for Engineers, 4 courses.

CE 4400, DS:GeotechAspSolidWasteMgmt, 9 courses.

CE 4490, Sustainability for Engineers, 1 course.

CE 6302, Air Pollution Control, 8 courses.

CET 3310Y, Water Treat & Distribution Lab, 1 course.

CET 3310Z, Water Treatment & Dist, 1 course.

CET 3320Y, WastewaterColl&TreatmntLab, 1 course.

CET 3320Z, WastewaterCollection&Treatment, 1 course.

CET 3901Z, SpTp: App of Phytoremediation, 1 course.

CET 4310Y, Erosion Control Lab, 2 courses.

CET 4310Z, StormwaterMgnt&ErosionCntrl, 2 courses.

CET 4320Z, Unit OpersinEnvironmtlEngr, 2 courses.

CET 4330Z, Solid Waste Management, 2 courses.

ENGR 1000, Introduction to Engineering, 3 courses.

ENGR 2214, Engineering Mechanics-Statics, 9 courses.

ENGR 2214Z, Engineering Mechanics-Statics, 2 courses.

ENGR 3343, Fluid Mechanics, 10 courses.

ENGR 3343Z, Fluid Mechanics, 1 course.

ENGR 3345, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, 8 courses.

ENGR 8860, Graduate Research, 1 course.

HON 3301, HON Interdisciplinary Seminar, 1 course.

ME 2290, SpTp: Intro to Engineering, 1 course.