

Mentored Student Researchers' Presentations. (Top): Elijah Madaris presenting at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, 2023 at the University of Wisconsin. (Bottom Left): Research group presenting at the KSU Symposim, 2023, and (Bottom Right): Chase Hughes presenting at the IEEE SoutheastCon, 2019 in Huntsville, AL. 

Research Group - Spring 2018

Research group - 2018. 

Top row (from left to right): Sam McWhorter, Erik Riefe, Abel Henok, Dr. Das; bottom row (from left to right): Shakwan Chisholm, Xueqi Ji, Lakota Griffis, and Shirali Patel. 

Ongoing Projects:

  1. Performance analysis of emerging Silicon heterojucntion tandem solar cells.
  2. IoT-enabled self-powered radiation detection device.
  3. Low-cost Multi-wavelength Laser Beam Induced Current (Mw-LBIC) mapping system for solar cell defect identicifation.
  4. Internet-connected open-source Advanced PV Laboratory.
  5. Vertically Integrated Project - Smart IoT Product Development. For more details and to apply, visit:

Previous Notable Researchers:

  • Alfredo Beltran, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Alfredo Beltran - GRA

    Alfredo Beltran was a Graduate Research Assistant, who worked under Dr. Das' supervision on novel MPPT algorithm development. His research and Master's Project involved Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) of Photovoltaic Arrays and PV Systems by improved Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique. He has co-authored three IEEE Conference Proceedings papers (IEEE PVSC and IEEE SoutheastCon). Alfredo graduated in 2020 with a M.S. degree in Applied Engineering - Electrical from KSU. 


  • Sumedha Inamdar, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Sumedha Inamdar - GRA

    Sumedha Inamdar was a Graduate Research Assistant, who worked in a collaborative project under Dr. Das' supervision. Her research work and Master's Thesis focused on improving the Maximum Power Point Tracking Efficiency of Photovoltaic Arrays via Machine Learning and Deep Learning. She has co-authored one IEEE Conference Proceedings paper (IEEE PVSC). Sumedha graduated in 2020 with a M.S. degree in Computer Science from KSU.

