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Lundy, B., Adebayo, A., & Hayes, S. (2018). Atone: Conflict, Religion, & Reconciliation. Lexington Books. ISBN 9781498560689 


Hayes, S. W., Priestley, J. L., Moore, B. A., & Ray, H. E. (2021). Perceived Stress, Work-Related Burnout, and Working From Home Before and During COVID-19: An Examination of Workers in the United States. SAGE Open, 11(4), 

Hayes, S. (2021). Commentary: Deepening understanding of refugee children and adolescents using Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological and PPCT models – A Commentary on Arakelyan and Ager (2020). Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 62(5), 510-513. 

Wood, B., Guimaraes, A.B., Holm, C.E., Hayes S. W., & Brooks, K.R. (2020). Academic Librarian Burnout: A Survey Using the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). Journal of Library Administration.

Hayes, S. W., & Endale, E. (2018). “Sometimes my mind, it has to analyze two things”: Identity development and adaptation for refugee and newcomer adolescents. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 24(3), 283-290. 

Hayes, S. (2017). Changing Radicalization to Resilience by Understanding Marginalization. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 29(2), 153-159. 

Hayes, S., Lundy, B., & Hallward, M. (2016). Conflict-induced migration and the refugee crisis: Global and local perspectives from peacebuilding and development. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 11(3), 1-7.

Hayes, S. (2016). Educational considerations for refugee and migrant children in the United States. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 11(3), 120-125.

Hayes. S (2013) Building peace across the educational curriculum: Book review of “Peace Education: How we come to love and hate war”. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 19(4), 421-422. 

Hayes, S., Grady, M., & Brantley, H. (2012). Emails, Statutes, & Personality Disorders: A survey of the processes, interventions, and perspectives of parenting coordinators. Family Court Review, 50(3), 429-440.

Hayes, S., Roberts, J., Witty, C., & Nunn, R. (2012). The Greensboro Landlord Tenant Dispute Program: Developing and sustaining a responsive dispute resolution program, Resolved: The Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution, 2(2).

Hayes, S. (2010). “More of a street cop than a detective”: An analysis of the roles and functions of parenting coordinators in North Carolina. Family Court Review, 48(4), 698-709.

Hayes, S. & Pelletier, L. (2009). Community based divorce education programmes: Short-term and longer-term impacts. International Family Law, 3, 260-265.

Hayes, S. (2008). Integrating Conflict Resolution Techniques into Employment Assistance Programs. Journal of Employee Assistance. 38(4). 18-22.

Hayes, S. (2007). Parenting Coordination: Resolving high conflict parenting disputes in the USA. International Family Law. 1, 132-134.

Hayes, S. (2007). Redefining Practice: Lessons Learned as a Researcher and Mediator. Family Law, 37, 844-848.

Hayes, S. (2002). Family Mediators in the UK: A survey of practice. Family Law, 32, 760 – 764.

Hayes, S. (2002). What do family mediators do? A look at practices and models. Context: The magazine for famliy therapy and systemic practice - Family Mediation Special issue, 63, 39-41.

Tudge, J., Doucet, F., & Hayes, S. (2001). Teoria, método e análise: As interconexões no estudo das crianças e das famílias. [Theory, method, and analysis: Necessary interconnections in the study of children and families.] Contrapontos: Revista de Educação [Counterpoints: The Journal of Education]. 1(3), 11-22.

Tudge, J., Hayes, S., Doucet, F., Odero, D., Kulakova, N, Tammeveski, P., Meltsas, M., & Lee, S. (2000) Parents' participation in cultural practices with their preschoolers. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa [Psychology: Theory and Research],16. 1-11.


Mobley, K., Ishmakhametov, N., Kota, J.S., Hayes, S. (in press). Big Data: Concepts, Techniques, and Considerations. In. H. Kunze, D. La Torre, A. Riccoboni, & M.R. Galan (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Mathematics: Foundations, Techniques, and Applications. London, Taylor & Francis.

Hayes, S. (2022). Midi-chlorians or Neurochemistry: Jedi and Sith approaches to conflict resolution. In N. Ebner & J. Reynolds (Eds.). Star Wars and Conflict Resolution: There are Alternatives to Fighting. (p. 97-108). Saint Paul, Minnesota, DRI Press.

Hayes, S. (2020). Informed Consent and Data Literacy Education are Crucial to Ethics. In B. Franks (Ed.) 97 Things About Ethics Everyone in Data Science Should Know. (p. 42-44). Sebastopol, CA, O’Reilly Media.

Hayes, S. (2020). Cautionary Ethics Tales: Phrenology, Eugenics...and Data Science? In B. Franks (Ed.) 97 Things About Ethics Everyone in Data Science Should Know. (p. 9-12). Sebastopol, CA, O’Reilly Media.

Lundy, B. D., Hayes, S. W. (2020). Refugees and Migration. In Charity Butcher and Maia Hallward (Ed.), Managing International Conflict: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Constructive Engagement (pp. 203-217). New York: Routledge. 

Lundy, B. D., Haque, Z., Adebayo, A.G., Hayes, S.W., & Clarke, A. (2018) Introduction: Examining the Paradoxical Role of Religion in Conflict and Reconciliation. In B. D. Lundy, A. G. Adebayo, & S. W. Hayes (Eds.) Atone: Religion, Conflict, and Reconciliation, Lanham, MA; Lexington Books. p. xv-xxxvi.

Hayes, S. (2011). Community engagement in peace and conflict studies: Connecting and advancing pedagogy, research, and practice. In T. Matyók, S. Byrne, & J. Senehi (Eds.), Critical Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies: Implications for Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy (p. 329-348). Lexington Books. 

Walker, J. & Hayes, S. (2006). Policy, practice and politics: Bargaining in the shadow of Whitehall. In P. Herrman (Ed.) The Blackwell Handbook of Mediation: Bridging theory, practice, and research. p. 99-128.

Other Publications

Hayes, S. W., Priestley, J. L., Ishmakhametov, N., & Ray, H. E. (2020, July 8). “I’m not Working from Home, I’m Living at Work”: Perceived Stress and Work-Related Burnout before and during COVID-19. 

Hayes, S. (2020, November). Diversity and Collaborative Problem Solving to Address Wicked Data Ethics Problems. Machine Learning Times.

Hayes, S. (2020, November). Ethical Machine Learning as a Wicked Problem. Machine Learning Times.

Hayes, S. (2013). The digital natives are restless: Engaging high conflict parents through technology. ACResolution: The quarterly magazine of the Association for Conflict Resolution, 12(3), 9-12.

Hayes, S. (2011). Family dispute resolution in North Carolina: Considerations for practitioners and policymakers. The Peacemaker: The Official Publication of the Dispute Resolution Section of the North Carolina Bar Association, 26 (1), 5-6.

Hayes, S., Witty, C., & Nunn, R. (2011). The Greensboro Landlord Tenant Dispute Program. The Peacemaker: The Official Publication of the Dispute Resolution Section of the North Carolina Bar Association, 25 (2), 8-9.

Hayes, S. (2008). Examining the Dispute Resolution Section Pro Bono Mediation Project: Lessons learned and a plan for the future. Dispute Resolution. 23(1), 5-7. Available at


Contracted Research - External

Project title: Participatory Decision Making: A Study of Community Trust Processes in the Rural Midwest. A two-year grant funded by the Jefferson-Franklin County Community Action Corporation ( (Began November 2020). $28,000.

Project title: European Identity, Law, and Policy: Research and Teaching. Partnered to do program evaluation research and guest lecturing with the Europaische Akademie Otzenhausen (European Academy at Otzenhausen ) Funded by the ASKO-Europa Stiftung (Foundation)  (June 4 -July 15, 2018). Travel and accommodation $6,000.

Project title: Family engagement and participatory decision-making in a refugee resettlement community. External evaluator for CDF: A collective action initiative (Clarkston, GA) project Clarkston Families Decide. Funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. – Research reports available on request . (May 2015- June 2016). Approx. $3,500.

Research Grants Funded – External

Project title: Humanitarian Assistance, Refugees, & Peacebuilding. United States Institute of Peace & Institute for International Education (USIP Public Education for Peacebuilding Support initiative). July 2013 – March 2014. $2,000.

Project title: Landlord-Tenant Dispute Project: A UNCG-City of Greensboro partnership, Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro. July 2010-July 2011. PI: Cathie Witty. Sherrill Hayes evaluated the program. . $4,000.

Contracted Practice & Training

Project title: Certified Analytics Translator Program. Co-presented a training program on developing skills to be an Analytics translator with J. Priestley, H.G. Ray, & B. Franks to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. (Nov. 5-7, 21, 2019) Approx. $38,000 generated for KSU.

Project title: Family Business Clinic ™, Cox Family Enterprise Center, Kennesaw State University. I work with two other colleagues (Gaia Marchisio and Marjorie Blum) as an interdisciplinary team of advisors to assist family businesses.  (May 2014 - March 2018). Approx. $50,000 personally generated for KSU.

Project title: Sports, Conflict, & Peace in Haiti, Provided workshop on Sports, Conflict, & Peace and program evaluation for group of 20 youth & disability sports professionals conducted on behalf of BlazeSports America (USA) and the Gerard Pierre-Charles Foundation/CRESFED (Haiti). Funded by the United Nations Office of Sport for Development and Peace and UEFA. Approx. $1,000.

Project title: Exploring what makes families and businesses stronger. I co-presented a 2-day pre-conference workshop with G. Marchisio & M. Blum to the Taking it to the Next Generation Symposium for UniPro Food Services, Inc., Orlando, FL. (July 29-31, 2015) Approx. $10,000.

Wright, B., Cummings, R., Marshall, B., Hayes, S. Chellappa, R. (2019, April). Ethical Considerations for Evolving Data Science: A Framework for Discussion (Academic Sector Panel), 12th Annual Analytics Day, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA.

McGrath, R., Hayes, S., Nestler, S., & Rhue, L. (2019, April). Ethics for Big Data and Analytics. INFORMS Analytics Meeting of Analytics Program Directors, INFORMS, Austin, TX.

Hayes, S. (2017, October). “Building a Conflict Management and Peacebuilding Community in Atlanta”. Georgia State Conflict Resolution Symposium, Office of the Ombuds at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Hayes, S., Pantic-Oflazoglu, V., Ma’at, I., Lopez J.P., Grace, K., Barakoti,S. (2017, October). Panel 2: Best Practices and Lessons Learned: Innovative Approaches to Community-Building, Georgia State Conflict Resolution Symposium, Office of the Ombuds at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Hayes, S. (2017, October). “Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Graduate Students: Lessons Learned”. The Seventh Annual Graduate Education Symposium, hosted by the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Washington, DC.

Savlov, J., Hayes, S. & Saavedra, M. (2016, October). Diversity in the Family Business Sandbox: Playing with Ideas at the Intersection of Interdisciplinary Academia, Research and Consulting. Family Firm Institute Annual Conference, Miami, FL.

Hayes, S. (2016, June). ‘Peacejacking’ and social policy: A case study of Martin Luther King and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Two Centuries of Peacemaking: From the Peace Society to Martin Luther King. Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.

Hayes, S. W., & Smith, D. J., Ogbozor, E. (2016, May). “Extraordinary Careers Require Unusual Instruction”: Using community engaged learning in Peace and Conflict Studies," The Sixth Annual Academic Symposium: Innovation in Graduate Peace and Conflict Resolution Education, George Mason University, School of Conflict Analysis & Resolution, Arlington, VA.

Hutcheson, B., Hayes, S., Tuschling, L., & Peck, A. (2016, March) “Leaving Utopia: The tyranny of the urgent, complex humanitarian emergencies, and humanitarian logistics” International Studies Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Hayes, S. & Malavenda, R. (2016, May) “Clarkston Families Decide: Modeling an Early Learning Community Trust Process” 2016 National SmartStart Conference, Greensboro, NC.

Hayes, S. W., (2015, June). From “Warrior Science” to “Peacebuilder Science”: Learning the physiology and neuroscience of conflict to improve conflict resolution education and practice. 9th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education, School of Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University, Alexandria, VA.

Hayes, S. W. & Endale, E. (2015, June). “You should try this school, you’re a smart kid”: Education and resilience for refugee and asylum seeker children in the US. 9th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education, School of Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University, Alexandria, VA.

Hayes, S. W., & Smith, D. J. (2015, May). “Practicing what we teach”: Using community engaged learning in Peace and Conflict Studies," The Fifth Annual Academic Symposium: Innovation in Graduate Peace and Conflict Resolution Education, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, DC.

Smith, D., Schoeny, M. & Hayes, S.  (2014, October).  Full immersion simulation as a means to building career ready skills and awareness: The Atlantic Hope experience. Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Reimers, B. & Hayes. S. (2014, October).  Using Photovoice as a Conflict Engagement Strategy in Diverse Communities. Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Hayes, S. (2013, October). High conflict parenting, technology, and conflict resolution: Does technology make parenting coordination possible? Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Hayes, S. (2013, January). Maximizing community engagement in the classroom: It’s not just service learning anymore. Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference.  Orlando, FL.

Hayes, S. (2012, October). Sports as a tool of identity maintenance and development: A case study of the Triad International Soccer League. 4th Conference on Immigration to the Southeast: Policy Analysis and Conflict Management. Kennesaw, GA.

Hayes, S. & Roberts, J. (2012, September). The Greensboro Landlord Tenant Dispute Program. Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Hayes, S., Borawski, J., Khadka, N. (2011, June). Sports, games, and conflict resolution education: Strategies for dialogue and action. 4th International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education. Highland Heights, OH.

Hayes, S. (2011, June). Mom’s Hates, Dad’s Hates: An analysis of parental conflict and co-parenting education programs. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 48th Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.

Hayes, S. (2010, March). Strategies for evaluating a community-based divorce education program. 3rdInternational Conference on Conflict Resolution Education. Highland Heights, Ohio.

Hayes, S. Matyók, T., Witty, C., & Janke, E. (2010, March). Community engagement in conflict resolution: Connecting and advancing pedagogy, research, and professional practice. 3rd International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education. Highland Heights, OH.

Hayes, S. (2009, October). Is a parenting coordinator more of a “street cop” than a detective? An analysis of skills and interventions. Association for Conflict Resolution 9th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Hayes, S. (2009, August). Parenting coordinators: An examination of an intervention for high conflict custody cases. National Association of Counsel for Children Annual Conference. Brooklyn, NY.

Hayes, S. & Walker, J. (2007, May). Legal dilemmas and policy imperatives: Influencing programs to support separating and divorcing families. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 47th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Hayes, S. (2006, October). Mediation practice in context: A British case study. Mini-plenary session “Thinking Mediation: Bridging Theory, Research, and Practice” with M. Herrman, Z. Zumeta, T. Jones, B. Polkinghorn, & J. Winslade. Association for Conflict Resolution 6th Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Hayes, S. (2003, November). UK family mediation: Policy and Practice. National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Hayes, S. (2002, September). Observing interactions between professionals and clients with family related legal issues. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships New Researchers Conference. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Hayes, S. (2002, November). Influences of evidence based policy on mediation and contact centres. Sunderland and South Tyneside Family Mediation Service Annual General Meeting. Sunderland, England.

Hayes, S. (2002, July). Family Mediators in the UK: Results of Survey Research. Opening Plenary. UK College of Family Mediators Annual Conference. Regent’s College, London, England.

Hayes, S. (2018, June 12). “Conflict Management Skills”. Workshop for START Scholarship students. ASKO EUROPE Foundation, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany.

Hayes, S. (2016, June 4). “Social Return on Investment (SROI) Models”, Workshop for the Leadership of the Georgia State Defense Force, Clay National Guard Center, Marietta, GA.
Hayes, S. (2016, May 12). “Conflict Management for Student Leaders” KSU Center for Student Leadership Annual training, Kennesaw, GA.

Marchisio, G., Blum, M., Hayes, S. W (2015, 29-31 July), "Exploring what makes families and businesses stronger," Taking it to the Next Generation Symposium, UniPro Food Services, Inc., Orlando, FL.

Bean, E. & Hayes, S. (2014, November). Non-violent direct action. Amnesty International USA Southern Regional Conference. Decatur, GA.

Hayes, S., Rodrigues, F, & Pierre-Charles, D.  (2014, March). Sports, Conflict, Development & Peace in Haiti. Gerard Pierre-Charles Foundation/CRESFED, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Hayes, S.; Starnes, R., & Wainwright, L. (2011, April). Communication and Conflict Resolution for Co-Parents. Family Life Council, Greensboro, NC.

Hayes, S. (2009, October). Middle class assumptions: Do conflict resolution processes have class-based values? Diversity & Equity Facilitated Discussion. Association for Conflict Resolution 9th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Hayes, S. (2009, May). The 5 Ps of Conflict Resolution: Designing systems to manage workplace disputes. North Carolina Employee Assistance Program Association Annual Spring Training. Winston-Salem, NC.

Hayes, S., Brantley, H., & Nunez. M. (2009, January). Parenting Coordination and High Conflict Families in Divorce. University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Greensboro, NC.

Hayes, S. (2008, April). Creative conflict management in senior centers (Intensive Pre-Conference Workshop). North Carolina Association on Aging. Atlantic Beach, NC.

Hayes, S. (2002, July). Reflective practice. UK College of Family Mediators Annual Conference, Regent’s College, London, England.

Hayes, S. (2002, June). Research update and implications for mediators. Continuing professional development training workshop, Family Mediation Scotland Head Office, Edinburgh, Scotland.