
  • January 2025 - New Publication Announcement

    I'm pleased to annouce that our manuscript entitled "A Structured Approach for Designing Early-Career Faculty Development" has been published by the Journal of Faculty Development.

    Dubay, C., & Earnshaw, Y. (2025). A structured approach for designing early-career faculty development. Journal of Faculty Development, 39(1), 103-105.

  • December 2024 - New Publication Announcement

    I'm pleased to annouce that our manuscript entitled "Supporting Tenure-Seeking Faculty in Online Programs: A Critical Discourse Analysis" has been published by Online Learning. I am so proud of this work, which is part of our longitudinal qualitative study looking at online programs in the United States. It's open access!

    Earnshaw, Y., & Bodine Al-Sharif, M. A. (2024). Supporting tenure-seeking faculty in online programs: A critical discourse analysis. Online Learning, 28(4).

  • November 2024 - New Publications Announcement

    I'm pleased to announce that the edited book on transdisciplinary learning experience design and chapter have been published.

    Schmidt, M., Earnshaw, Y., Exter, M., Tawfik, A. A., & Hokanson, B. (Eds.). (2024). Transdisciplinary learning experience design: Futures, synergies, and innovation. Springer.

    Schmidt, M., Rieber, L., Earnshaw, Y., Hokanson, B., Exter, M., & Tawfik, A. (2024). Transdisciplinary learning experience design: Using Q methodology to explore perspectives from the 2023 AECT Summer Research Symposium. In M. Schmidt, Y. Earnshaw, M. Exter, A. Tawfik, & B. Hokanson (Eds.), Transdisciplinary learning experience design: Futures, synergies, and innovation. Springer.

  • November 2024 - Presentation at the Bagwell College of Education Research Week

    Supporting online programs: A longitudinal qualitative analysis with Dr. Mary Ann Bodine-Al Sharif, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. BAS joined us from Saudi Arabia where she is currently a Fulbright scholar.

  • November 2024 - Presentation at MSERA 2024

    Cracking the academic blackbox: Faculty experiences at early-career symposia.

  • October 2024 - Invited Guest Speaker

    I was an invited guest speaker for Smurfit WestRock's Articulate User Group. My talk was on Learning experience design.

  • October 2024 - New AECT Position

    I became the AECT Design and Development President during our board meeting. I'm excited to serve the division over the next year.

  • October 2024 - Presentations at AECT 2024

    I will have a total of 6 sessions this year, including a workshop and two invited sessions by the Graduate Student Assembly.

    Applying project management to instructional design workshop with Dr. Jennifer Johnston, recent graduate from University of Georgia.

    Building a strong professional network: Strategies for graduate students (invited)

    Creating best practices for the support of online programs: A longitudinal analysis with Dr. Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

    Entangled eclecticism: A sociotechnical-pedagogical systems theory approach to learning experience design with Dr. Matthew Schmidt, University of Georgia, Dr. Isa Jahnke, University of Technology Nuremberg, and Dr. Andrew Tawfik, University of Memphis.

    Knowledge, skills, and support needed by online program leaders panel with Drs. Swapna Kumar, Kara Dawson, and Albert Ritzhaupt, University of Florida, Dr. Tiffany Roman, Kennesaw State University, and Dr. Beth Oyarzun, University of North Carolina Charlotte.

    Understanding the academic job market (invited panelist) with Dr. Jennifer Johnston.

  • July 2024 - New Publication Announcement

    Bodine Al-Sharif, M. A., & Earnshaw, Y. (2024). Supporting contingent faculty in online programs. In Proceedings of 2024 Distance Learning Administration Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.

  • July 2024 - Presentation at the 2024 Distance Learning Administration conference

    Supporting contingent faculty in online programs with Dr. Mary Ann Bodine-Al Sharif, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

  • July 2024 - Presentation at the 2024 Distance Teaching & Learning Conference (DT&L) / Summit for Online Leadership and Administration + Roundable (SOLA+R)

    A longitudinal analysis of online program support with Dr. Mary Ann Bodine-Al Sharif, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

  • June 2024 - RECRUITING FOR STUDY: Program Coordinators of Online Programs

    I am currently recruiting participants who are between the ages of 18-89, teaching in an online program at a public institution in the United States, and are program coordinators of online programs.

    Approved by KSU and University of Florida IRBs.

  • June 2024 - New Publication Announcement

    I'm excited to announce a new book chapter on learning experience design (in German). It's open access!

    Jahnke, I., Schmidt, M., Tawfik, A., & Earnshaw, Y. (2024). Methoden für learning experience design. In U. Engelkenmeier, K. Keller-Loibl, B. Schmid-Ruhe, & R. Stang (Eds.), Handbuch bibliothekpädagogik. De Gruyer Saur.

  • May 2024 - Congratulations to our First Learning, Design, and Technology Students!

    Our very first class of students graduated from our program. I'm so proud of everything they've accomplished and have enjoyed watching them grow as instructional designers.

  • April 2024 - New AERA Position

    I'm now serving as the Program Chair for the AERA Design & Technology SIG. I'm looking forward to planning our conference for Denver.

  • March 2024 - New Publication Announcement

    I'm pleased to announce that our article entitled "Entangled eclecticism: A sociotechnical-pedagogical systems theory approach to learning experience design" has been published by Educational Technology Research & Development. I'm very excited to see this work in print with my LXD colleagues from the University of Georgia, the University of Nurenberg (Germany), and the University of Memphis.

    Schmidt, M., Earnshaw, Y., Jahnke, I., & Tawfik, A. A. (2024). Entangled eclecticm: A sociotechnical-pedagogical systems theory approach to learning experience design. Educational Technology Research & Development.

  • January 2024 - New Publication Announcement

    I'm pleased to annouce that our manuscript entitled "The 'Woeful' State of Administrative Support for Online Programmes: A Critical Discourse Analysis" has been published by Higher Education Quarterly. I am so proud of this work, which is part of our longitudinal qualitative study looking at online programs in the United States. It's open access!

    Bodine Al-Sharif, M. A., Earnshaw, Y., & Corcoran, S. (2024). The “woeful” state of administrative
                support for online programmes: A critical discourse analysis. Higher Education Quarterly.

  • December 2023 - New Publications Announcement

    I'm pleased to announce the publication of two chapters in the newest volume of the Educational Media and Technology Yearbook. The first publication is a comprehensive, updated list of undergraduate and graduate programs in the United States. There is an alphabetical listing by institution and a state listing. The second publication is a comprehensive, updated list of professional organizations and associations in the United States and Canada.

    Earnshaw, Y., & Johnston, J.* (2023). Programs in learning, design, and technology. In H. Lee & R. M. Branch (Eds.), Educational media and technology yearbook (Vol. 44, pp. 93-148). Springer.

    Johnston, J.,* & Earnshaw, Y. (2023). Organizations and associations in the USA and Canada. In H. Lee & R. M. Branch (Eds.), Educational media and technology yearbook (Vol. 44, pp. 153-210). Springer.

  • November 2023 - New Publications Announcement II

    I'm pleased to announce that the edited book on formative design and two chapters have been published.

    Hokanson, B., Schmidt, M., Exter, M., Tawfik, A., & Earnshaw, Y. (Eds.). (2023). Formative design in learning: Design thinking, growth mindset, and community. Springer.

    Earnshaw, Y., Hokanson, B., Exter, M., Schmidt, M., & Tawfik, A. A. (2023). What is formative design? Collaborative meaning-making from the 2022 AECT Summer Research Symposium. In B. Hokanson, M. Exter, M. Schmidt, A. Tawfik, & Y. Earnshaw (Eds.), Formative design in learning: Design thinking, growth mindset, and community (pp. 1-11). Springer.

    Glaser, N., Earnshaw, Y., AlZoubi, D., Yang, M., & Shaffer, E.* (2023). Designing the museum of instructional design, a 3D learning environment: A learning experience design case. In B. Hokanson, M. Exter, M. Schmidt, A. Tawfik, & Y. Earnshaw (Eds.), Formative design in learning: Design thinking, growth mindset, and community (pp. 49-64). Springer.

  • November 2023 - RECRUITING FOR STUDY: Contingent Faculty in Online Programs

    I am currently recruiting participants who are between the ages of 18-89, contingent faculty (instructor, lecturer, adjunct, clinical, visiting assistant professor), and teach in an online program in a public institution in the United States.

    Approved by KSU and UAB IRBs.

  • November 2023 - New Publication Announcement

    I'm excited to announce the following publication that we just presented on earlier this week:

    Earnshaw, Y., & Bodine Al-Sharif, M. A. (2023). Developing an inclusive community in online programs. In B. Hokanson, M. Exter, M. Schmidt, & A. Tawfik (Eds.), Toward inclusive learning design: Social justice, equity, and community (pp. 481-492). Springer.

  • November 2023 - Presentation at the Bagwell College of Education Research Week

    I presented with Dr. Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif from the University of Alabama at Birmingham on our research study on Developing an inclusive community in online programs. This study will be published in an upcoming Springer publication in November and was the first study that launched our longitudinal qualitative research study on online programs.

  • October 2023 - RECRUITING FOR STUDY: Early Career Symposium Participants

    This phenomenological study aims to explore the experiences of tenure-seeking faculty who participate in early career symposia.

    I am currently recruiting participants who have participated in an early career symposium in the past 3 years. You must be tenure-seeking faculty at a public institution in the United States.

    Approved by KSU and ETSU IRBs.

  • October 2023 - Presentation at the Open Access Week Conference

    The Open Access Week conference is October 23rd-26th. Dr. Matthew Schmidt from the University of Georgia and I presented on Open access scholarship: Amplifying reach, enhancing collaboration, and empowering education.

    In this presentation, we highlight three benefits of leveraging open educational resources in academia. Our experiences as open access advocates and key contributors to OER projects will be supported by compelling analytics, highlighting the potential of open access publishing. We will first discuss how OER increases impact and visibility in that it liberates research from paywalls, granting unrestricted global access. This wider reach leads to greater readership, amplifying the influence of research within and beyond academia. Next, we will discuss enhanced citations and collaboration, highlighting how open access fosters a culture of knowledge-sharing and community across disciplines, thereby reducing the siloization of academic knowledge and promoting transparent research practices. Third, we will focus on how OER leads to greater reach and inclusivity by providing more equitable access to resources for both students and faculty. Ultimately, OER empowers individuals to benefit from cutting-edge research and enriching materials, fostering inclusivity in education and research.

  • October 2023 - AECT: Newly Elected Position

    During the Design and Development division meeting, I began my new term as the President Elect. This means I had to vacate my 3-year Board Member position a year early. I am excited to be your convention planner for AECT 2024 in Kansas City, Missouri! 

  • October 2023 - Presentations at AECT 2023

    I will have 6 presentations this year, 2 of them are invited for the Graduate Student Assembly.

    Becoming a learning and instructional design technology professional (invited panelist for the Graduate Student Assembly)

    First generation doctoral students: How to set yourself up for success? (invited panelist for the Graduate Student Assembly)

    Higher education administrators' perceptions of online programs: A critical discourse analysis with Dr. Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif, University of Alabama at Birmingham and Dr. Stephanie Corcoran, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

    Learner and user experience evaluation of the Museum of Instructional Design, a 3D collaborative learning environment, with Dr. Noah Glaser, University of Missouri, Shangman Li, University of Missouri, Dr. Mohan Yang, Old Dominion University, and Dr. Dana AlZoubi, Mississippi State University.

    Learning experience design & research - Advancing a new field in LDT with Dr. Isa Jahnke, University of Technology Nuremberg, Dr. Matthew Schmidt, University of Georgia, Dr. Andrew Tawfik, University of Memphis, Dr. Rui (Tammy) Huang, University of Florida, and Dr. Noah Glaser, University of Missouri.

    Learning experience design and learning engineering: Emerging perspectives and implications for learning with technology with Dr. Andrew Tawfik, University of Memphis, Dr. Aaron Kessler, MIT, Dr. Lauren Totino, MIT, Dr. Isa Jahnke, University of Technology Nuremberg, Dr. Matthew Schmidt, University of Georgia, and Dr. Noah Glaser, University of Missouri.

  • October 2023 - New Publications Announcement

    I'm excited to announce the publication of these two new chapters on LXD:

    Schmidt, M., Earnshaw, Y., Tawfik, A., & Jahnke, I. (2023b). Learning experience design. In R. E. West & H. Leary (Eds.), Foundations of learning and instructional design technology (2nd ed). EdTech Books.

    Schmidt, M., Earnshaw, Y., Tawfik, A., & Jahnke, I. (2023a). Evaluation methods for learning experience design. In R. E. West & H. Leary (Eds.), Foundations of learning and instructional design technology (2nd ed). EdTechBooks.


  • September 2023 - New Publication Announcement, Part II

    Earnshaw, Y., & Hall, B. M. (2023). Becoming a consultant in instructional design. In R. E. West & H. Leary (Eds.), Becoming an LIDT professional. EdTechBooks.


    The definition of a consultant means different things to different people, but it is especially important to discover its meaning for yourself. The most obvious answer is “to consult,” or seek someone’s opinion, advice, or guidance; or, seen from the other side, to consult is to offer someone your opinion, advice, or guidance. Think of the many ways you have already been a consultant either giving or receiving advice, guidance, and opinions. You are likely to have already been a consultant in some way today. Being an instructional design consultant is not much different than the other kinds of formal and informal consulting you have probably already done. Simply stated, a professional consultant offers considered opinions related to tailored solutions for specific clients and their needs.

    In this chapter, we will introduce you to the world of consulting and discuss how to set up your business, find a job as a consultant, write proposals and contracts, and succeed as a consultant. We will also provide tips along the way that we discovered as consultants.

  • September 2023 - New Publications Announcement, Part I

    I'm excited to announce our open access Journal of Applied Instructional Design special issue on Learning Experience Design: Informing Practice and Extending the Tradition.

    In addition, I co-authored two articles:

    Earnshaw, Y., & Schmidt, M. (2023). Informing practice and extending the tradition of LXD: Introducing the special issue. Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 12(3).

    Schmidt, M., & Earnshaw, Y. (2023). Do-it-yourself, low-cost pop-up usability labs for learning experience designers. Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 12(3).

  • September 2023 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit

    The SoTL Summit will be held (online) on September 21st-22nd. I am moderating three sessions. 

  • September 2023 - ASHE Early Career Faculty Workshop

    I'm excited to attend the Early Career Faculty Workshop offered by the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). I am always interested in hearing from experts who navigate the structures of higher education, including the tenure and promotion process.

  • August 2023 - Invited Guest Speaker
    I was an invited guest speaker for the University of Michigan Introduction to Learning Experience Design: Voices from Academia. My two co-panelists were Dr. Matthew Schmidt, University of Georgia, and Dr. Andrew Tawfik, University of Memphis. 
  • July 2023 - New Publication Announcement
    Earnshaw, Y., & Bodine Al-Sharif, M. A. (2023). Providing appropriate support to faculty in online programs. In Proceedings of 2023 Distance Learning Administration Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.
  • July 2023 - Presentation at the 2023 Distance Learning Administration conference
    Providing appropriate support to faculty in online programs with Dr. Mary Ann Bodine-Al Sharif, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
  • July 2023 - AECT Summer Research Symposium
    Co-facilitated the AECT Summer Research Symposium, which is a 2-day symposium where authors receive feedback on their chapter drafts that will be published in an edited volume.
  • April 2023 - AERA: Newly Elected Positions

    At the AERA conference in Chicago, I began my term as the elected Secretary/Treasurer for the Design & Technology SIG and for the Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning (TICL) SIG. 

  • March 2023 - Presentation at the 2023 Experiential Commons Scholar Summit

    I presented on: The faculty perspective of managing virtual community partners and students in an e-service-learning course

  • January 2023 - Call for Proposals: AECT Summer Research Symposium on Learning Experience Design

    Call for Proposals for the 2023 AECT Summer Research Symposium. The theme is Transdisciplinary Learning Experience Design: Futures, Synergies, and Innovation. 

    Editors: Matthew Schmidt, Brad Hokanson, Marisa Exter, Andrew Tawfik, & Yvonne Earnshaw

    Proposals are due by March 31st, 2023.

  • November 2022 - New Publication Announcement

    Glaser, N., AlZoubi, D., Earnshaw, Y., Shaffer, E., & Yang, M. (2022). Formative design and development of a three-dimensional collaborative virtual learning environment through learning experience design methods. Journal of Formative Design in Learning.

    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe the formative design, development, and evaluation of a three-dimensional collaborative virtual learning environment (3D CVLE) called the Museum of Instructional Design. The 3D CVLE was designed to support the classroom activities of doctoral students enrolled in an instructional design and technology program with an emphasis on providing synchronous discourse and applied design opportunities. The development of the MID was led by an iterative three-phased learner experience design process based on the Successive Approximation Model that included (1) preparation, (2) iterative design, and (3) iterative development. The findings from this paper will provide insight into how formative learner experience design processes can lead to the development of a 3D CVLE.

  • October 2022 - Presentations at AECT 2022

    I had 5 presentations at AECT this year:

    Instructional product evaluation with Dr. Rick West, BYU, and Dr. Randall Davies, BYU.

    Preparing future practitioners for the complexities of ID project management with Jennifer Johnston, Doctoral student at UGA, Dr. Jason McDonald, BYU, and Dr. Jill Stefaniak, UGA.

    Preparing instructional designers for the workplace: Integrating project management skills with Jennifer Johnston, Doctoral student at UGA, and Dr. Jason McDonald, BYU.

    Toward a theory of learning experience design with Dr. Isa Jahnke, University of Technology Nuremburg, Germany, Dr. Matthew Schmidt, University of Florida, and Dr. Andrew Tawfik, University of Memphis.

    Where is the "learning" in learning experience design: Implication for methodology and measurement with Dr. Andrew Tawfik, University of Memphis, Dr. Matthew Schmidt, University of Florida, and Dr. Isa Jahnke, University of Technology Nuremburg, Germany.

  • September 2022 - Invited Guest Speaker

    I was an invited guest speaker for the Utah State University, Instructional Technology Student Association Food for Thought Speaker Series. My talk was on Using learning experience design to improve digital learning experiences

  • August 2022 - Welcome to KSU!

    I joined the faculty at KSU to teach in the brand new B.S. in Learning, Design, and Technology program. The LDT program focuses on instructional design positions in corporate and higher education settings. I'm excited to bring my 20 years of practitioner experience into the classroom to teach undergraduates and connect with community partners in Metro Atlanta.