
ENGR 1000: Introduction to Engineering
1 Credit Hour
This course explains the engineering education pathways in the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology. The course introduces University and College resources as well as an overview of career opportunities, available campus facilities and student organizations. The course also covers advising and course planning, and some of the skills necessary for various Engineering disciplines. Students will learn basic skills in problem solving, computation, design, and communication that is needed for future engineering courses.

IET 2000: Introduction to Industrial Engineering Design
Concurrent: IET 1001L
3 Credit Hours

Introduce students to Industrial Engineering design concepts important for ensuring product, process, and service performance and safety. Topics include design for usability, safety, reliability, manufacturability, quality, and other current topics in design.

ENGR 3407 Lean Six Sigma
Prerequisite: Engineering Standing or IET 2227 or ENGT 2000
3 Credit Hours

An introduction to the application of the Six Sigma methodology in the area of process improvement and an introduction to Lean manufacturing concepts. This course includes a Term Project where the student will use the concepts presented in this course to create a quality control plan or a Lean production plan for an organization that includes an acceptance sampling plan, a control chart, or Lean applications, and recommendations for optimizing the overall efficiency of the organization.

ENGR 3325: Engineering Economic Analysis
3 Credit Hours
Prerequisite: MATH 1190 and Engineering Standing 

Students learn the time value of money and the basic tools used in engineering economic decision making. The tools include engineering factor notation, algebraic formulas, and Excel functionality. The time value effect is studied as equivalences for present worth, annual worth, or future worth evaluations. Useful algorithms are presented for making sound economic investment decisions involving replacement theory, risk analysis, depreciation, tax incentives, rate of return, cost benefit ratio, return on investment, and economic service life.

ISYE 3350 Logistics and Supply Chain Systems
Prerequisite: Engineering Standing
3 Credit Hours

This course is an analysis of decision making in the current logistics environment and the tools and optimization models needed for finding solutions to problems relating to supply chain design and strategy, transportation, and warehouse management.

ISYE 4500 Systems Modeling and Simulation
Prerequisite: (ISYE 2600 or STAT 2332) and Engineering Standing
3 Credit Hours

This course covers modeling and simulation of systems.  Topics include basic simulation and system modeling techniques, random sampling procedures, input analysis, output analysis and system evaluation. Practical implementations using common modeling languages and simulation software are emphasized.

IET 2227 Introduction to Statistics
Prerequisite: MATH 1113 Precalculus
3 Credit Hours

As a study of descriptive and inferential statistics and applied probability, the course includes measures of central tendency and variability, statistical sampling and estimation, probability distributions, introduction to hypothesis testing and non-parametric statistics. Industrial applications rather than theoretical developments are emphasized. Computer based solution techniques are used when appropriate. This is the first of a two-course sequence.


IET 2449 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Prerequisite: none
3 Credit Hours

This course offers an analysis of decision making in the current logistics environment and the tools needed for finding solutions to problems relating to purchasing, inventory, transportation, and warehouse management.

IET 3320 Advanced Logistics
Prerequisite: IET 2449 Logistics & Supply Chain Management
3 Credit Hours

This course will expand on the topics covered in IET 2449, leading students to a deeper understanding of logistics and supply chain systems. Special emphasis will be given to current trends in the field such as global logistics, reverse logistics, nontraditional supply chains and risk assessment/disaster recovery. Each student will also research and write about in more depth a single topic that interest them.


IET 3424 Engineering Economy
Prerequisite: MATH 1113 Precalculus
3 Credit Hours

As an introduction to the effect of the time value of money this course will use equivalent annual cost, present worth, internal rates of return, and benefit to cost ratios in making economic analysis. Tax consequences, replacement theory and economic life will be examined in the analysis of engineering problems.

IET 3511 Sustainability Engineering
Prerequisite: none
3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the science, engineering and ethics of ecological, social environmental issues and the impact human population has on the current environment and explores new sources of energy, air and water quality, waste treatment, reclamation, conservation efforts and how engineers can partner to meet the challenges.

IET 3620 Warehousing Systems
Prerequisite: none
3 Credit Hours

Warehouses and distribution centers are the material sortation and consolidation points of the supply chain. The internal process flow of material, storage strategies, material handling equipment, dynamic algorithms, transportation modes, pick methods, and yard operations will be discussed.

ISYE 4200: Engineering Optimization: Stochastic Decision Models
Prerequisite: (ISYE 3400 or MATH 3272) and (ISYE 2600 or STAT 2332 or MATH 3332) and MATH 2202
3 Credit Hours

Modeling and solution of decision problems under uncertainty. Topics include Markov Chains, stochastic programming, stochastic dynamic programming, theory, utility theory and simulation. Computer solution techniques are emphasized.

IET 4405 Operations Research: Concepts, Models, and Methods
Prerequisite: IET 2227 Introduction to Statistics
3 Credit Hours

This course will introduce quantitative techniques used in the solution of industrial and business operations problems. Topics include linear programming, assignment and transportation techniques, sensitivity analysis, and decision analysis.

IET 4451 Systems Simulation
Prerequisite: IET 4405 Operations Research: Concepts, Models, and Methods
3 Credit Hours

This is an in-depth study of simulation as applied to manufacturing, inventory and distribution systems. Topics will include basic simulation and system modeling techniques, random sampling procedures, production modeling, inventory modeling and system evaluation. Emphasis will be upon hands-on simulation of various operations using ARENA, a PC-based stochastic graphical simulation program.

IET 4475 - Senior Project
Prerequisite: IET 2000, IET 2449, IET 3356, IET 4422
Concurrent: IET 4135
3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the student completing a project that is a comprehensive application of the subject matter in the IET curriculum. A large-scale feasibility study is to be performed to emphasize the interrelated topics of logistical and production processes for a fictitious company. The course requires a formal written report and a defended oral presentation before industrial and academic experts.


