
I currently teach the following courses at the Bagwell College of Education:

  • EDRS 9100: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods

    This course is an advanced study of qualitative research methodologies including ethnography, case study, and phenomenology. Students will examine a variety of data sources (e.g., interviews, observations) and methods of analysis (e.g., memo writing, coding). Students will conduct research as they hone their research questions, collect and analyze data, and produce a research study.

  • EDRS 9000: Conceptual Frameworks & Research Design

    This seminar assists the doctoral candidate in conceptualizing, identifying the components of, and articulating the emerging conceptual framework of their dissertation. Under the guidance of the course professor and in consultation with their dissertation chair (if chosen), the candidate will emerge from the course with a draft his/her conceptual framework which includes the purpose and rationale for his/her research as well as a draft of the theoretical underpinnings of the research described through a review of literature followed by preliminary research questions or hypotheses for his/her dissertation.


