
During my time at KSU, I have been an instructor for two courses:

1. Research Methods in Psychological Science: I enjoy teaching Research Methods because it prepares students to be producers and consumers of scientific research. Producers of scientific research conduct and publish studies to contribute to new scientific knowledge. Consumers of research read and interpret scientific research to make more informed choices in their personal and professional lives. Research Methods provide students with a foundation in scientific inquiry and critical thinking skills, which can be applied in graduate school and future jobs. 

2. Careers in Psychology: I enjoy teaching Careers in Psychology because it helps psychology majors prepare for their next step after graduation, whether that be applying to graduate school or searching for jobs. This class orients students to the requirements of majoring in Psychological Science at KSU, allows them to explore future career paths, and prepares them for graduate school and job application processes. In this class, students set educational and career goals that help them succeed at KSU and beyond. 
