HPE 4430 - HPE Mid. and Sec Practicium
- Application to HPE Practicum
- Practicum - General Information
- KSU HPE P-12 Web Site
- BCOE Criminal Background Check
- Camera Checkout for Video
- Cobb Co. Character Educ. Program
- Collab Teacher's Form
- Dispositions' Assessment for HPE
- Field Experiences Handbook
- Georgia's Prof. Standards for Health
- Georgia's Prof. Standards for P.E. (NEW)
- GA Teachers' Code of Ethics
- GPS - PE - Grades k-5
- GPS - PE - Grades 6-8
- GPS - PE - Grades 9-12
- HPE Generic LESSON PLAN Plan Format (edTPA)
- HPE Generic Lesson Plan Assessment Rubric
- HPE Lesson Evaluation Form
- Impact on Students' Learning
- KSU Student Health Insurance
- National Standards (Health)
- National Standards (Physical Education)
- OBSERVA Software
- Observation Summary - HEALTH LESSONS
- Observation Summary - PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- Outcomes and Proficiencies - PTEU
- Portfolio - Final Information
- Portfolio Narrative
- Practicum Schedule
- Practicum Time Sheet
- Practicum Eval (PTEU CPI)
- Résumé Sample Format
- Résumé Templates
- SAP Definitions
- Semester Activities Taught
- Student Health & Acad. Achievement
- Teacher Analysis & SAP Forms
- Teacher Analysis Definitions
- Templates for PowerPoint Games
- UNIT PLAN Format
- Verify Liability Insurance