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Zheng, A., Tian, X. (2024). BRAIN-COMPUTER INTERFACE (BCI) IN NEUROSCIENCE FROM 2008 TO 2023: A SURVEY. SAIS 2024, Gulf Shores, Alabama, USA.

Patel, A., Li, Z., Tian, X. (2023). Teacher Preparation and Curriculum Design in Cybersecurity. IACIS 2023, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA.

Tian, X., He, W., He, Y., et al., (2023). Using Health Belief Model and Social Media analytics to Develop Insights from Hospital-Generated Twitter Messaging and Community Responses on COVID-19. Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM).

Zhang, J. Z., He, W., Shetty, S., Tian, X., He, Y., Behl, A., & Veetil, A. K. V. (2023). Understanding governance and control challenges of blockchain technology in healthcare and energy sectors: a historical perspective. Journal of Management History.

Chen, W., He, W., Shen, J., Tian, X., & Wang, X. (2023). Systematic analysis of artificial intelligence in the era of industry 4.0. Journal of Management Analytics, 10(1), 89-108.

Li, Z., Tian, X., & Jin, Y. (2022). The Effectiveness of a Hybrid Cybersecurity Summer Camp for Teachers. AMCIS 2022 Proceedings.

Zhang, J.; He, W.; Shetty, S.; He, Y.; and Tian, X. (2022). A Proposed Framework for the Governance of Blockchain Technology. AMCIS 2022 Proceedings. 1. 

Kulal, S., Tian, X., Li, Z. (2022). Effectiveness Of Bridging a Master Program in Cybersecurity and Industry in Us: Program Comparison and Analysis. SAIS 2022. 24th annual Meeting of the Southern Association for Information Systems

He, Y., He, W., Xu, L., Tian, X., Yuan, X., Yang, L., & Ellis, J. T. (2022, March). Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning (GICL) for Online Teaching in Cybersecurity: Challenges and Recommendations. In Journal of The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 5-5).

Qu, F., Tian, X., Li, L., He, S., Han, M. (2022). A State-of-Art Survey: Digitalization of Money to Cryptocurrency. Issues in Information Systems. 

Kulal, S., Li, Z., Tian, X. (2022). Security and Privacy in Virtual Reality: A Systematic Literature Review. Issues in Information Systems.

Tian, X., He, W., Xing, Y. (2021). Using Data Science to Understand the COVID-19 Pandemic. Information Discovery and Delivery. (Impact Factor: 2.2, Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI))

Tian, X., He, W., Wang, FK. (2021). Applying Sentiment Analytics to Examine Social Media Crises: A Case Study of United Airline’s Crisis in 2017. Data Technologies and Applications. (Impact Factor: 2.5, Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI))

Tian, X., He, J. S., & Han, M. (2021). Data-driven approaches in FinTech: a survey. Information Discovery and Delivery. (Impact Factor: 2.2, Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI))

Chen, W., He, Y., Tian, X., He, W. (2021). Exploring Cybersecurity Education at the K-12 Level. SITE Interactive Online 2021 Conference.

Tian, X., He, W., Zhang, J., He, Y. (2021). Fake News or Real News? Sharing Behaviors on social media about COVID-19. Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice (CCERP).

He, Y., Li, W., Tian, X., Xing, Y. (2021). From Pandemic to New Normal: A survey on challenges, impact, and opportunity for information system research. 61st Annual IACIS Conference.

Kuntla, G. S., Tian, X., Li, Z. (2021). Security and Privacy in Machine Learning: A Survey. 61st IACIS Annual Conference.

Tian X., Li, Z. (2020). Collaborative Learning for Information Security Topics: A Pilot Study. AMCIS 2020.

Tian, X., He, W., Wen, Q., Zhang, W. (2019). Understanding the Vulnerable Community Through Social Network Analytics and Text Mining. INFORMS 2019, Seatle, WA

Tian, X., He, W., Tang, C., Li, L., Xu, H., Selover, D. (2019). A New Approach of Social Media Analytics to Predict Service Quality: Evidence from the Airline Industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Technology

Han, M., Li, Z., He, J. S., & Tian, X. (2019, October). What are the Non-majors Looking for in CS Classes?. In 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

He, W., Ash, I., Anwar, M., Li, L., Yuan, X., Xu, L., & Tian, X. (2019). Improving employees’ intellectual capacity for cybersecurity through evidence-based malware training. Journal of Intellectual Capital.

Li, Z., Tian, X., Li, L., Yang, M., Han, M. (2019). Practice What You Preach - Building a Capstone Management System as Undergraduate IT Capstone Projects. SIGITE 2019, Seatle, WA

Zhang, W., Tian, X., He, W., (2019). Information Seeking and Online Deal Seeking Behavior. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), Vol 27, Issue 4.

Pribesh, S., He, W., Walston S., Major, D., Xu, L., Li, L., Tian, X., Gorkhali, A., He, Y., (2019). Students with Learning Disabilities, Pair Programming and Situation Motivation. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference

He, W., Tian, X., Wang, FK. (2019). Innovating the Customer Loyalty Program with Social Media: A case study of best practices using analytics tools. Journal of Enterprise Information Technology.

Han, M., Li, Z., He, S., Tian, X., (2019). Understand the Emerging Demands of Computing Education for Non-CS Major Students. SIGCSE'19.

Tian, X., He, W., Tang, C., Li, L., Selover D. (2018). Examining Service Quality in the U.S. Airline Industry by Social Media Analytics. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings

He, W., Zhang, W., Tian, X., Tao, R., Akula V. (2018). Identifing Customer Knowledge on Social Media through Data Analytics. Journal of Enterprise Information Management.

He, W., Tian, X., Hung, A., Akula, V., Zhang, W. (2018). Measuring and Comparing Service Quality Metrics through Social Media Analytics: A Case Study. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 1-22

He, W., Tian, X., Tao, R., Zhang, W., Yan, G., Akula, V. (2018). Application of Social Media Analytics: A case of analyzing online hotel reviews. Online Information Review 41(7), 921-935

He, W., Yan, G., Shen, J., Tian, X. (2017). Developing a Workflow Approach for Mining Online Social Media Data. IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing.

Tao, R., Luo, Y., Liu, G., Shi, Y., Tian, X. (2017). A GRADE Requirements Engineering Management Model Based on the Co-creation of Value. Learning Technology for Education Challenges (LTEC)

Jiang, P., Tian, X., Xin, C., He, W. (2017). Teaching Hands-On Cyber Defense Labs to Middle School and High School Students: Our experiences from GenCyber Camps. EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology.

Tian, X., Gorkhali, A., Li, L. (2017). Service Quality Improvement through Waiting Time Reduction in a Multi-Facility Healthcare Center without an Appointment System. AMICS 2017.

Dai, M., He, W., Tian, X., Giraldi, A., Gu, F. (2017). Working with Communities on Social Media: Varieties in the Use of Facebook and Twitter by Local Police. Online Information Review.

He, W., Tian, X. (2017). A Longitudinal Study of User Queries and Browsing Requests in a Case-based Reasoning Retrieval System. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Tian, X. (2016). Investigating Cyberbullying in Social Media: the case of Twitter. CCERP 2016

Tian, X., He, W., Tao, R., Akula, V. (2016). Mining Online Hotel Reviews: A case study from hotels in China. AMCIS 2016.

He, W., Yang, J., Tian, X. (2016). Comparing Social Media Use by Small Businesses in China and the US: A case study. GITMA 2016

He, W., Tian, X., Chen, Y., Chong, D. (2016). Actionable Social Media Competitive Anlytics for Understanding Customer Experiences. Journal of Computer Information Systems 56(2), 145-155.

He, W., Tian, X., Shen, J., Li, Y. (2015). Understanding Mobile banking Applications' Security risks through Blog Mining and the Workflow Technology. ICIS 2015.

He, W., Shen, J., Tian, X., Li, Y., Akula, V., Yan, G., Tao, R. (2015). Gaining Competitve Intelligence from Social Media Data: Evidence from Two Largest Retail Chains in the World. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115 (9).

He, W., Tian, X., Shen, J. (2015). Examining Security Risks of Mobile Banking Applications through Blog Mining. The 26th Modem Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference.

Tian, X., Schwartz, S. (2015). The Use of Analytical Platform to Identify Valuable Interventions in Retail Pharmacies. SAIS 2015.

He, W., Yuan, X., Tian, X. (2014). The Self-Efficacy Variable in Behavioral Information Security Research. IEEE Conference on Enterprise Systems 2014, 28-32

Tian, X., Bai, C. (2014). The Impact of Information Overload on Decisional Makings on MNEs: A Culture Perspective. 2014 International Conference on Technology and Industrial Management, 947-961



