
My public service is inextricably tied to my research and teaching. Consequently, my service is strategically aligned to advance my relevance in the classroom, the community, and the academy. Because my work requires intentional community investment, my areas of service focus on the immigrant community and organizations that seek to facilitate their integration. At the university level, I seek to do the same by creating third spaces for people to come together, learn from one another, find areas of connectivity, and design collaborative relationships for them to pursue in service to their departments, colleges, and the institution.

This page highlights selected examples of my recent service commitments for the department, college, university, discipline of geography, and community/general public.

Service to Kennesaw State University

  • University

    1. American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network and the Georgia Association for
    Women in Higher Education (GAWHE) (2022–Present).

    • a. Institutional Representative for Kennesaw State University by staff and faculty nomination
      and approval by presidential appointment by KSU President Kat Schwaig.

    2. A. L. Burruss Institute of Public Service and Research (Burruss Institute)

    • a. Work with Burruss Institute leadership and staff along with the Maya Heritage
      Community Project, in collaborative outreach projects and graduate student/research
      supervision (2014–2017).
    • b. Invited faculty researcher for Latino Community Needs Assessment for the City of
      Atlanta in partnership with the Latin American Association (2014–2015).

    3. Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)

    • a. Mutual Mentoring Group (MMG)– Facilitator Leaders Council (2021‒Present).
      i. Working group responsible for developing and deploying Mutual Mentoring
      Groups to meet various communities within KSU. Responsible for crafting and
      updating a toolkit to help future facilitators as CETL expands this peer mentor
      model for faculty development.
    • b. Parents in Academe (PIA) Lead Mentor Faculty Mutual Mentoring Group
      Subject matter expert on mentoring and supporting undergraduate and graduate
      students as well as staff and faculty who are parents. This MMG is aimed at working
      with those who identify as parents develop a daily practice that will advance their
      research, teaching, service, and personal wellbeing goals (2021‒2022; Fall 2022).
    • c. Flourishing Faculty Learning Community, competitively selected participant to identify
      and cultivate current talent at KSU into other areas of growth in the academy (Spring
    • d. Inaugural R2 Research Success Faculty Learning Community. Center for Excellence
      in Teaching and Learning (CETL).
      • i. Human Development and Wellbeing (Cohort, 2019‒2020).
    • e. CETL University-wide Workshop Presenter:
      • i. Spring 2023 Series (2023, April): “Reframing Faculty Engagement and
        Success: The Covid Shift and its Implications for Faculty with Caretaking
        Responsibilities”. Co-presenter Dr. Jennifer Purcell, by invitation from CETL
        Faculty Development to report on our research findings, conceptual model, and
        how this may inform career pathways and progression at KSU.
      • ii. CETL Spring 2021 Series (2021, April):
        “Working Girl to Wonder Woman: Mothering and Meaning Making a Professors
        and Researchers during COVID-19”. Co-presenter: Dr. Jennifer Purcell.
      • iii. Spring 2021 Series (2021, January):
        “National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity: What Your Free
        KSU-Membership Provides”. Co-presenter: Dr. Este Jordan.
        iv. Spring 2018 Series (2018, April):
        “Teaching from Cultural Strengths: Challenges and Opportunities for
        International Faculty”. Co-presenters: Dr. Michele DiPietro and Dr. Nyasha
    • f. New Faculty Orientation, Panelist for event sponsored by CETL (2015).CETL
      QuickStarters Faculty Learning Community.
      • i. Created CETL’s New Faculty Website with member of the community to give
        advice to current and future new faculty coming to KSU (2015–Present).
      • ii. New Faculty Retreat. Developed, organized, and implemented the inaugural
        university program with members of 2014−2015 QuickStarters Faculty
        Learning Community and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
        Staff (2015, May).
      • iii. Competitively selected as a member of the inaugural cohort for a new faculty
        development program for new faculty at KSU (2014–2015).

    4. Chet Austin Teen Leadership Academy, Program Organizer (2022–Present).

    • a. A partnership with the KSU Foundation and the KSU Community and Professional
      Education funded through the Chet Austin Endowment. The Academy’s goal is to provide
      low-resourced Georgia high school youth a week-long leadership academy at no cost
      during the summer at KSU. The Academy was initiated by Chet Austin, a ten-year member
      of the KSU Board of Trustees.
    • Due to his passing in May 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Academy was put on hold. In response to institutional and community changes, I was brought on by the organizers to assist with relaunching the program in Summer 2024.

    5. Children and Family Programs (CFP)

    • a. Led by Clinical Director Dr. Allison Garefino, using the Vertically Integrated Project
      model promoted through Georgia Institute of Technology, I am a faculty partner who
      mentors, guides, and supports undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate student
      researchers (2019–2021).

    6. Division of Global Affairs (DGA)

    • a. Year of Cuba Planning Committee, Member (2018‒2020). Division of Global Affairs
      “Year Of” Annual Country Study Program.
    • b. Co-organizer and host for two-day Civic Engagement Academy for middle and high
      school students as well as college students to learn, obtain, practice, and utilize civic
      • i. Co-organizers Cobb County Public Schools Family and Community
        Engagement Program (Maria Prieto); First Year and Transition Studies
        Program (Dr. Danelle Dyckhoff Stelzriede); Recruitment, Retention,
        Progression to Graduation Program (Marcela Cadavid and James
        Stinchcomb); and Social Work and Human Services Department.
      • ii. Day 1: Day-long training on the KSU campus for 45 students on civic
        engagement and democracy in America as well as the role of education and
        advocacy for making policy changes (March 2, 2018).
      • iii. Day 2: Day-long visit to the Georgia State Capitol, attend a policy briefing,
        interact and have a forum with elected and appointed representatives, a tour
        of the building and photography with Governor Nathan Deal (March 7, 2018).

    5. Fast Start Academy, under the direction of Dr. Megan Adams and Dr. Sanjuana Rodriguez.

    • a. Invited to work with both co-directors and Children and Family Programs to seek out
      funding opportunities to expand Fast Start Academy in light of COVID-19 (2020–2021).
    • b. Provide onboarding training for pre-service teachers who work as tutors in the summer
      program with elementary-aged children regarding immigration in Georgia and working
      with mixed-status families/households (2020, June).

    6. Goizueta Scholarship Committee Member, Enrollment Services.

    • a. Identified and selected scholarship recipients, resulting in nearly $110,000 awarded to
      incoming or returning Hispanic/Latino students for the 2021‒2022 Academic Year

    7. Invited Speaker to University Events

    • a. Recruitment, Retention, and Progression to Graduation (RRPG) Program for Hispanic
      and Latino Students (2022, October). Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Invited
      Panelist with KSU DACA Students and the Georgia Association of Latino Elected
    • b. Bagwell College of Education, Invited Panelist (2022, March). “Write Days: COVID-19’s
      Impact on Mothers in the Academy”.
    • c. University Honors College, Invited Speaker (2018, October). “Latino immigration in
      Georgia: Understanding dreamers and their plight to realize the ‘American Dream’”.
    • d. “Coming to America”, Member of a five-person panel for a university event sponsored by
      the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (2017).

    8. Need-Initiated Service

    • a. Mothers in Academe (MIA), Co-founder and Organizer.
      • i. As an outgrowth CETL QuickStarters and involvement in the Faculty Success
        Program with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, a weekly
        writing accountability group for mothers and women currently in or seeking to enter
        the academy was established.
      • ii. Over the five years of the initiative 25 women were involved, all of which have
        successfully earned their post-graduate degree and/or earned promotion and
        tenure (2015–2020).
      • iii. Transitioned to work with colleagues in the CETL-sponsored Book Club: Writing
        Your Article at Home in 12 Weeks by mentoring three junior female faculty in how
        to align their research goals with their life’s priorities as they juggle the first-shift,
        second-shift, and COVID-shift within the academy (Fall 2020).
      • iv. MIA has expanded to include a component for monthly mentoring for all parents,
        through the CETL-sponsored mutual mentoring group called PIA (Parents in
        Academe). As the Lead Mentor, through both groups 20 individuals/per term,
        including graduate students as well as new and established faculty on the
        tenure-track are being served on a weekly or monthly basis throughout the
        calendar year. (Spring 2021–Present).
    • b. Doctoral Dissertation Success Program, Lead Architect
      • i. A pilot with the Coles College of Business, specifically the Marketing and Sales
        Ph.D. program to create an affinity group model for peer mentoring at the doctoral
        level to aid students in the dissertation writing process to improve progression to
        graduation and advance the R2 Roadmap.
      • ii. Collaborators are Dr. Mona Sinha and Dr. Jennifer Hutchins.
      • iii. Pilot, with nine doctoral students, the aim is to replicate this to other
        doctoral-granting programs throughout KSU (Summer 2020).
      • iv. The Coles College of Business has decided to make this a pass/fail course in the
        future and are currently going through curricular revisions to incorporate it into
        their doctoral programs (Fall 2021–Present).

    9. Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)

    • a. Invited to serve on KSU President’s Task Force on Race. Declined invitation due to
      COVID-19 and pre-existing responsibilities (2020, July).
    • b. National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Institutional Membership.
      • i. Co-led the University-wide initiative with Wellstar College of Health and Human
        Services Dean Mark Tillman and Chief Diversity Officer Erik Malewski to obtain
        funding for a pilot year-long institutional membership (2018−2019).
      • ii. Funding has been continued with the support of the Dean’s Council for
        sustained membership benefits and mentoring services for graduate students,
        post docs, and faculty at KSU (2019−2020).
      • iii. Work with ODI, Dean’s Council, CETL, and Provost’s Office to continue
        institutional membership (2019−Present).

    10. Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

    • a. Community Emergency Response Team Member, Met all requirements for certification,
      except for face-to-face simulation/examination which has been postponed due to
      COVID-19 (2020–Present).
    • b. Crisis Response Team Member (2016–Present).

    11. Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR)

    • a. National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at Kennesaw State
      University 2019 Conference Host.
      • i. Abstract Review Chairperson for Wellstar College and Health and Human
        Services (2018‒2019).
      • ii. Abstract Reviewer (2019).

    12. Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (OVPSA)

    • a. Student Assistance for Leadership in Teaching Program, program ended in 2017 due to
      priority changes within the unit and the larger institutional administration.
    • b. Competitively selected to be a mentor for four students at KSU (2014–2017).

    13. Presidential Commission on Gender and Work Life Issues (GWLI)

    • a. Gender and Diversity Scholar for Two Generation Approaches (2020–2021)
    • b. Member (2020–Present).

    14. Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity (CORED)

    • a. Co-organizer and host for Dr. Tea Rozman-Clark (Executive Director and Co-founder
      of Green Card Voices) campus visit, lecture, and exhibit at KSU for campus and local
      community to discuss the Green Card Youth Voices Series and the second printing of
      Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories of an Atlanta High School (2019,
      March). Co-organizers: Dr. Paul N. McDaniel and Dr. Lara Smith-Sitton.
    • b. Co-organizer and host for David Lubell (Executive Director and Founder of Welcoming
      America) campus visit, lecture, and simulation at KSU for campus and local
      community to discuss the need for welcoming campuses as part of the larger
      Welcoming Movement (2017, November).
      • i. Co-organizers: Dr. Volker Franke, Dr. Paul McDaniel, and TRENDS Global.
      • ii. Article: The Sentinel. “Immigration expert advocates for ‘welcoming
        campuses’” (November 13, 2017).
      • iii. Article: The Sentinel. “Immigration, integration expert to visit campus” (August
        28, 2017).
    • c. Palmer and Pine Mountain Middle Schools KSU Campus Visit organized by the Foreign
      Language Department (Dr. Audrey Garcia) and Marietta City Schools (Dr. Eddie Bennett),
      serve as guest speaker and campus guide (2017, April).
    • d. Race and Ethnicity Fellow (2016–2017).
    • e. Member (2016–Present).

    15. University Libraries

    • a. Promotion and Tenure Committee Member (2021–2022).
    • b. University Library Committee Chairperson (2016–2019).
    • c. Member (2016–2019).

    16. Writing Center

    • a. Professors Talk Writing (2018–2019). Selected among the university faculty by the
      Writing Center to talk about the importance and role of writing in the academy and in
      the profession of Social Work and Human Services.
  • College

    1. Wellstar College of Health and Human Services Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Search
    Committee, invited by Senior Associate Dean and Department Chair to serve as a member on the
    committee (2022).

    2. Wellstar College of Health and Human Services Dean’s Search Committee, invited by the
    University Provost to serve as a member on the committee (2019–2020).

    3. Nursing Practicum in Oaxaca, Mexico. KSU Study Abroad Program led by Dr. Carol Sue Holtz.
    Came as a faculty participant-observer to learn about the existing program and make determination
    if a joint program could be developed for human, social, and public service students in the future
    (2017, May).

    4. KSU Library Committee, Elected Undergraduate Programs Representative (2016–2018).

    5. Cobb and Douglas Counties Public Health Department Community Health Assessment Team
    (2015–2016). Team consisted of Wellstar College undergraduate and graduate students, faculty,
    staff, and administrators as well as community health stakeholders to conduct, analyze, and report
    on data to inform community health and human service initiatives for increasingly diverse and
    underserved populations in the area.

    6. Safe Space Campus Ally (for the LGBTQ+ community) (2015–Present).

    7. Sustainability across the Curriculum Workshop, College Representative (2015).

  • Department

    1. Social Work and Human Services Department Faculty Committee, Member (2022–2024).

    2. Social Work and Human Services Department Scholarship and Awards Committee, Chairperson
    and Member (2021–2023).

    3. Social Work and Human Services Department Chairperson Search Committee, Member

    4. Social Work and Human Services Department Junior and Part-Time Faculty Mentor
    (2014–Present). Service performed informally from 2014 to 2019 and formalized in 2020.

    5. Social Work and Human Services Department Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member

    6. Human Services Program Faculty Search Committee for Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate
    Professor, Committee Member (2018–2019).

    7. MSW Faculty Search Committee for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position, co-chair with Ms.
    Naynette Kennett (2017–2018).

    8. Alliance Management Institute.

    • a. Attend annual conference in Denver, CO with Dr. Jennifer Wade-Berg, Campus
      Executive Director of Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (NLA) and 11 NLA students
      as a faculty representative (2017, January).

    9. Kennesaw State University Symposium of Student Scholars and Undergraduate/Graduate
    Research Reception–Faculty Mentor for presentations.

    • a. Symone Gaskin (Honors College) (2022, November).
    • b. Kennedy Boner, Ashley Celestin, Lee McClellan-Karp, Eric Manley, Abigail
      Ramos, and Alaya Tyler (2022, April).
    • c. Lee McClellan-Karp (2022, April – NCUR).
    • d. Lee McClellan-Karp (2021, November).
    • e. Magdalene (Maggy) Boadu, Lordy-Monica Brisson, James Cooke, Kylie Deal,
      Ashley Francis, Leonine Greaves, Mackenzie Harris, Joseph Loch, Lee
      McClellan-Karp, Eric Manley, Corey Phelps, Shandia Sinclair-Childress, Quinley
      Whitley, and Brianna Zambo (2021, April).
    • f. Magdalene (Maggy) Boadu, Anne Chance, Eliza Galvez, Nashay Lowe, Tram
      (Anh) Nguyen, Karla Ramirez, Julissa Tello, and Genesis Weever (2020,
    • g. Melissa Hayden, Nicole Nielson, Jaclyn Regnery, Megan Scott, Kimberly Smith,
      and Michelle Sauve (Selected for 2020, April Conference, but chose not to
      participate due to COVID19).
    • h. Whitney Spear and Christina Loud (2019, April – NCUR).
    • i. Danita Austin, Lennetta Graham, Vanessa Lanier, Victoria McCormick, Kaleigh
      Raulerson, Dartricia Rollins, and Norma Zúñiga (2018, April).
    • j. Kristina Agbebiyi, Socorro Aguila, Kayland Arrington, Kaylie Callahan, Jordan
      Foster, Jennifer Klos, Holley McGowan, Kaelyn Meade, Sydney Scruggs,
      Christopher Sipes, Ariel Walley (2017, April).
    • k. Annette Burt, Ashley Goble, Malinda Hernandez, Stormy Kage, Asha Thomas,
      Meshellee Tolbert (Poster Presentations) and Malinda Hernandez (Oral
      Presentation) (2016, April).
    • l. Undergraduate Researcher Recognition for Robert Butler, Marcela Cadavid, Imani Crosby,
      Earnest Lawrence, and Tiffaney Maddox (2016, April).
    • m. Karen Costa and Gabriella Mosso (Poster Presentation) (2015, April).

    10. Co-created Library Guide for Senior Capstone (HS4900: Rodriguez Section) with Librarian
    Ashley Hoffman (2016–2021).

    11. GoodSearch Fundraising Penny Campaign, Organizer and Coordinator, students are engaged
    in learning about charity search engines that diversify funding streams for human service
    organizations. The aim is to raise money to create a student fund within the Department, and
    eventually College and University-wide.

    12. As of May 2020, we have 226 KSU supporters and have raised $478.86 (resulting from 47,886
    unique internet searches, yielding a penny for each unique search) (August 2014–May 2020).
    Was informed by departmental administration to discontinue this campaign, funds remain
    available for intended usage.

    13. Human Services Curriculum Affairs Committee (HS-CAC).

    • a. Implemented orientations for prospective students and declared majors to facilitate their
      recruitment, retention, and progression to graduation in the program.
    • b. “Module Five” Orientation, Faculty Team Member.
      • i. Curriculum design and coordination with Human Services Program Director (Dr.
        Jennifer Wade-Berg), Human Services Internship Coordinator (Ms. Leslie
        McClane) and other instructors, as well as delivering orientations to rising seniors
        prior to enrollment (2014–Present).
    • b. Secretary (2015–2016; 2020–2021).
    • c. Member (2014–Present).

Service to Profession

  • Service to Journal

    1. Manuscript reviewer for Council of Undergraduate Research Quarterly (2016–Present).

  • Service to Professional Association

    1. National Organization for Human Services.

    • a. National Secretary (2016–2018).
    • b. Junior Program reviewer for Annual National Conference (2016, 2017).
    • c. Member (2016–Present)

    2. American Society for Public Administration.

    • a. Moderator for Social Equity, Diversity, Immigration, and At-Risk Communities Track (2017,

    3. Alliance Management Institute.

    • a. Facilitated case study at the Annual Conference in Denver, CO for 10 non-KSU
      students to address a problem with an area nonprofit as part of the day-long
      case study exercise (2017, January).

Service to the Community

  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund Atlanta Advisory Council

    a. Due to years of service (five or more) within the Atlanta/Georgia Advisory Council, invited
    to serve as a national scholarship reviewer and/or in-depth interviewer for the most
    coveted scholarship program in the U.S. dedicated to Hispanic/Latino educational
    advancement. This requires an annual review and ranking of essays and/or in-depth
    interviews of finalists for the coveted scholarship award for each application year

    b. Adhoc Planning Committee member for re-launching/expanding in-person programming in
    Georgia “post-COVID-19” as all programs were held virtually (2021–2022).

    c. Adhoc Planning Committee member for Inaugural Copa United (Copa Unidos), corporate
    charity soccer tournament to benefit HSF and LAA with Atlanta United. (November 11,

    d. Planning Committee and presenter at bilingual event on college readiness and selection
    process HSF College 101 Gainesville, GA (2017, September).

    e. Planning Committee for HSF College Camp hosted at Georgia State University (March 18,

    f. Personally invited by National President Fidel A. Vargas, to become a member of the
    inaugural Atlanta Advisory Council (2016–Present).

  • Welcoming America

    a. Welcoming America One Region invited to serve as a member of a national pilot
    56-person steering committee to create a regional welcoming plan (2018–2019).

    • i. Task Force member to steward the implementation of Phase I (2019–2022).
    • ii. Co-lead with Dr. Paul N. McDaniel for the One Region Program Evaluation
    • iii. Interpreter for Spanish language audiences, as needed (2015–Present).

    b. Welcoming America National Interactive (Inaugural Annual Conference), roundtable
    focus group with immigrant and immigration researchers and practitioners to
    determine what areas of scholarship are most/least useful for the immigrant
    integration and welcoming cities movement. Co-Primary Investigator Dr. Paul N.
    McDaniel (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019-proposed, but canceled due to COVID-19).

    c. Invited by Executive Director Rachel Peric, to serve as a public scholar to advance the
    generation and dissemination of knowledge surrounding the welcoming movement in
    academic research (2014–Present).

  • Latin American Association (LAA)

    a. Attend, record, and/or facilitate community forums:

    • i. Georgia for Immigrants (April 21, 2018).
    • ii. Immigration Raids (June 18, 2016).
    • iii. Immigration Detention (May 19, 2016).

    b. Planning committee for KSU hosting the 2017 Latino Youth Leadership
    Conference (2015–2017).

    c. Adhoc Committee member for institutionalizing partnership with LAA and KSU to
    continue hosting the Latino Youth Leadership Conference (LYLC) at KSU

    d. Presenter at the LYLC (November 2015, 2017, 2018).

    e. Volunteer (2014–Present).

  • El Refugio

    a. Hosting university students to do visitations with detained immigrants at Stewart
    Detention Center (2015).

    b. Co-Facilitated session with Ms. Jordyne Krumroy during Board of Directors Retreat in Americus, GA (2017, October).

  • Local Immigrant Scholars Network

    a. Founding member (2016–Present).

  • Georgia Immigrant Research Network (GIRN)

    a. Co-organizer and co-facilitator for the GIRN Annual Gathering (2017; 2018).

    b. Invited by GIRN member, Georgia 4 Immigrants, to co-facilitate with Dr. Paul N. McDaniel
    their annual convening at Mercer University Law School (2018, March).

    c. LISTSERV Moderator (2017–2020).

    d. Founding member (2015–Present).