
Student, university, and community colleagues comments about the quality and significance of my contributions will be shared on this page.

Coming soon, but here are a couple special ones to get started...


Dr. Rodriguez deserves this award because her mentorship is not temporary. Looking back on my life, I will not remember my mentorship with Dr. Rodriguez as just consisting of the period between the start and end of this program. My mentorship with Dr. Rodriguez will span the rest of my life, and it will continue even when Dr. Rodriguez is not along with me on this journey. How is it possible for me to claim that it will go so long? The mentorship will last forever because—whenever I speak up to express my opinion in 10 or 30 years—I will remember Dr. Rodriguez’s voice telling me that I deserve to be heard. Whenever I fail to meet my own personal goals, I will have Dr. Rodriguez’s voice in my head assuring me that any failure is never final and that there is always a way forward. 50 years from now, I will still fondly remember the wonder I felt when she first taught me about Bloom’s Taxonomy. I remain eternally grateful that my path has crossed with Dr. Rodriguez’s. In people’s lives, there always exist watershed moments that institute pillars whose presence remain constant until the end. I am very glad to say that Dr. Rodriguez has entered mine as a consistent pillar of kindness, compassion, dedication, dependability, and virtue.

  • First Year Scholar - Office of Undergraduate Research


In reflecting on my experiences with Dr. Rodriguez, I have come to the realization that the virtues that make a good mentor are the same that make a good person. Dr. Rodriguez has been one of the best people I have ever come across, so it has been no wonder that she has, is, and will continue being one of the best mentors someone could have. Dr. Rodriguez is far more than an outstanding mentor, and I believe she is the best mentor that KSU has.

  • First Year Scholar - Office of Undergraduate Research