
I study immigrant integration at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels from a variety of lenses. I do this through community-based participatory research and community-university-engaged scholarship. To reflect this community-focused work, my research is collaborative in nature, inclusive of students at all levels. This has yielded over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and creative scholarship, one edited book, five book chapters, nearly 20 media interviews, and over $350,000 in grant support. This work has resulted in a curated art exhibit, experienced by over 2 million people, and over 100 peer-reviewed paper, panel, or poster presentations as well as invited talks at the local, state, national, and international levels.

Academia | Google Scholar  |  ORCIDID | Research Gate 

  • Refereed Journal Articles

    1. Hyde, A., Liu, C. McDaniel, P.N., Rodriguez, D.X., and Holmes, B. [graduate student]. (2023). “Welcoming Immigrant Integration Beyond the Local Level: Atlanta’s One Region Initiative.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and the City.

    2. Purcell, J.W., Rodriguez, D.X., and Ring, K. [graduate student]. (2022). “The Covid-Shift: Working
    Women’s Punctuated Equilibrium”. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. View ahead
    of print. Doi: 10.1108/LODJ-01-2022-0044.

    3. GuramatunhuCooper, N.M., Rodriguez, D.X., Kokil, U., and Smith, S. (2022). “Cross-cultural
    contexts of teaching and learning: Experiences of international faculty at a southeastern university
    in the United States.” Currents in Teaching and Learning 14(1), pp. 55-69.

    4. Rodriguez, D.X., Tuschling, L. [graduate student], and McDaniel, P.N. (2022). “‘Why do they have
    to laugh at me?’ Stereotypes and prejudices of immigrant youth.” Journal of Belonging, Identity,
    Language, and Diversity, 6(2). (Published Online 2022, June).

    5. Rodriguez, D.X. and Tuschling, L. [graduate student]. (2021). “#Here to Stay: Murals of resistance
    and civic engagement.” Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 35(2), pp. 294-313. Doi:

    6. Rodriguez, D.X. and Manley, E. [graduate student]. (2021). “Education and Health: The Uneven
    Playing Field Confronting DACA Recipients”. Youth and Policy. (Published Online 2021, June).

    7. Hill, J. [graduate student], Rodriguez D.X., and McDaniel, P.N. (2021). “Immigration status as a
    health care barrier in the USA during COVID-19.” Journal of Migration and Health: Special Issue on
    Migration & COVID-19. (Published Online 2021, March). Doi: 10.1016/j.jmh.2021.100036

    8. Rodriguez, D.X. and Manley, E. [graduate student]. (2020). “How We Fail Foreign-Born Veterans:
    A Scoping Study of Literature.” Journal of Veteran Studies. (Published Online November 20, 2020.)
    Doi: 10.21061/jvs.v6i3.186

    9. Rodriguez, S. and Rodriguez, D.X. (2020). “Hay que tener fe: The challenge of being a Latina
    DACA college student.” Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 26 (4), 390-402. Doi:

    10. Rodriguez D.X., Hill, J. [graduate student], and McDaniel, P.N. (2020). “A scoping review of
    literature about mental health and well-being among immigrant communities in the United States.”
    Health Promotion Practice. (Published Online July 30, 2020.) Doi: 10.1177/1524839920942511
    [Tied for the most downloaded article in 2021 by Health Promotion Practice.]

    11. Rodriguez, D.X., McDaniel, P.N., and Tikhonovsky M. [high school and undergraduate student].
    (2020). “Human services professionals’ perspectives on refugee resettlement in the United States
    before and after the 2016 presidential election.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies.
    (Published Online January 23, 2020.) Doi: 10.1080/15562948.2019.1702749

    12. McDaniel, P.N., Rodriguez, D.X., and Krumroy, J. [practitioner]. (2019). “From municipal to
    regional immigrant integration in a major emerging gateway: Planning a welcoming metro
    Atlanta.” Papers in Applied Geography, 5(1-2), 140-165. Doi: 10.1080/23754931.2019.1655783

    13. Rodriguez, D.X., Skott-Myhre, K., and Skott-Myhre, H. (2019). “Shifting the logic: Losing children’s
    bodies.” Journal of Progressive Human Services. (Published Online July 2, 2019.) Doi:

    14. Rodriguez, D.X. and McDaniel, P.N. (2019). “Community-based participatory research as a tool for
    improved understanding and practice of newcomer integration.” Journal of Higher Education
    Outreach and Engagement, 23(2)3-19. Retrieved from

    15. Rodriguez, D.X., Rodriguez, S., and Zehyoue, B.C.V. [graduate student]. (2019). “A content
    analysis of the contributions in the narratives of DACA youth.” Journal of Youth Development,
    14(2), pp. 64-78. Doi: 10.5195/jyd.2019.682

    16. Rodriguez, J.B. [alumni] and Rodriguez, D.X. (2019). “Let your past struggles serve as your future
    fortitude: The sinuous journey of a dreamer and a doctor.” Journal of Youth Development, 14(2),
    pp. 209-214. Doi: 10.5195/jyd.2019.762

    17. McDaniel, P.N, Rodriguez, D.X., and Wang, Q. (2019). “Immigrant integration and receptivity
    policy formation in welcoming cities.” Journal of Urban Affairs (Published Online: 2019, March).
    Doi: 10.1080/07352166.2019.1572456

    18. Smith-Sitton, L., Rodriguez, D.X., and McDaniel, P.N. (2019). “When local community writing
    initiatives crashed into White House public policy: Green Card Youth Voices-Immigration Stories of
    an Atlanta High School.” Spark, A4C4 Equality Journal (Published Online: 2019, March).

    19. Hold, J., Rodriguez, D.X., Skott-Myhre, H., and Janke, A. [alumni]. (2019). “Health care needs of
    older adults: In their own words.” Educational Gerontology (Published Online: 2019, February). Doi:

    20. Rodriguez, D.X., McDaniel, P.N., and Bisio, G. [graduate student]. (2019). “‘FU’: One response to
    the liminal state immigrant youth must navigate.” Law and Policy, 41(1), pp. 59-79. Doi:

    21. Greensmith, C. and Rodriguez, D.X. (2018). “Practicing storytelling with and learning from migrant youth.” Neos: A Publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, 10(2), pp. 14-15.

    22. Rodriguez, D.X., McDaniel, P.N., and Ahebee, M-D. [graduate student] (2018). “Welcoming
    America: A case study of municipal immigrant integration, receptivity, and community practice.”
    Journal of Community Practice, 26(3), pp. 348-357. Doi: 10.1080/10705422.2018.1477081

    23. Rodriguez, D.X., Skott-Myhre, H., and Skott-Myhre, K. (2018). “Our kids: Unaccompanied minors
    and the question of care.” Child and Youth Services Review. (Published Online: 2018, April). Doi:

    24. Hutchins, J. & Rodriguez, D.X. (2018). “The soft side of branding: Leveraging emotional
    intelligence.” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(1), pp. 117-125. Doi:

    25. McDaniel, P.N., Rodriguez, D.X., and Kim, A.J. (2017). “Receptivity and the welcoming cities
    movement: Regional immigrant and refugee integration policy potential in metropolitan Atlanta,
    Georgia.” Papers in Applied Geography, 3(3-4), pp. 355-379. Doi:

    26. Rodriguez, D.X. and Janke, E. (2016). “Same words different ideas: Why educators and
    students need to make explicit implicit notions of civic engagement.” Citizenship, Teaching, and
    Learning Journal 11(2), pp. 175-190. Doi: 10.1386/ctl.11.2.175_1

    27. Rodriguez, D.X. (2011). “Examining immigration on multiple levels.” Journal of Public
    Management and Social Policy 17(2), pp. 81-91. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy
    17(2), pp. 81-91.

  • Revise and Resubmit

    1. Rodriguez, D.X., Manley, E. [graduate student], and Bharwani, N. [graduate student]. “Georgia
    Health Care Providers’ Experiences with Community Public Health Clients”. Journal of Human

    2. McClellan-Karp, L. [alumni], Phelps, C. [alumni], Francis, A. [alumni], Greaves, L. [alumni], and
    Rodriguez, D.X. “Healthcare Concerns of Low-Income Residents: A Case Study Prior to and
    During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research.

  • Articles under Review

    1. Rodriguez, D.X., Manley, E. [graduate student] and Bharwani, N. [graduate student].
    “Naturalization Laws and Executive Orders that Facilitate Foreign-Born US Military Service: A
    Scoping Review.” Citizenship Studies.

    2. Galvez, E. [alumni and graduate student] and Rodriguez, D.X. “Hispanic Healthcare Needs Prior
    to and During COVID-19 in Georgia: A Case Study in Community Public Health”. Target Outlet:
    Perspectives in Social Work.

    3. Rodriguez, D.X., McDaniel, P.N., Tuschling, L. [graduate student], and Smith-Sitton, L. “Inclusive
    Storytelling: Immigrant Experiences and Community Reaction in a Southeastern United States
    Metropolitan Region.” Target Outlet: Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship.

  • Abstract Proposals under Review

    1. Purcell, J.W. and Rodriguez, D.X. “Boyer, Boundary Spanning, & Belonging: Accountability for the
    Promises We’ve Made”. Special Issue on Third Space Academic Labor. Workplace: A Journal for
    Academic Labor.

    2. Rodriguez, D.X., Purcell, J.W., and Tyler, A. [undergraduate student]. “The Covid Shift and
    decision-making: How COVID-19 has affected working mothers, the decisions they make, and their
    overall well-being”. Special Issue on the Changing Realities for Women and Work: The Impact of
    COVID-19 and Prospects for the Post-Pandemic Work World. Merits.

    3. McClellan, L [undergraduate student], Cooke, J. [undergraduate student], and Rodriguez, D.X. “A
    Smart Solution to Improve Health & Wellness among Young Adults”. Journal of the Georgia Public
    Health Association.

  • Edited Journals for Special Issues in Progress

    1. Rodriguez, D.X. and McDaniel, P.N. (Journal Approval, Granted 2022, July). Immigrant
    Community Engagement: Democracy in Modern America. Journal of Community Engagement andScholarship. Target Publication: Fall 2024.

  • Edited Books

    1. Rozman-Clark, T. [practitioner], Rodriguez, D.X., and Smith-Sitton, L. (2018). Green Card
    Youth Voices: Immigration stories from an Atlanta high school. Minneapolis, MN: Wise Ink.
    ISBN-10: 0997496061.

  • Edited Books in Progress

    1. McDaniel, P.N. and Rodriguez, D.X. (Book Proposal submitted 2021, December; Book Draft
    submitted 2022, December; Publisher review Spring 2023). Not-So-New Destinations:
    Changing Integration and Receptivity Experiences in Immigrant Gateway Metropolitan Regions
    in the Twenty-First Century. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

  • Refereed Chapters in Books

    1. McDaniel, P.N., Das, R.H. [graduate student] and Rodriguez, D.X. (2022). “Place-branding for
    immigrant and refugee integration and receptivity amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Responses of
    U.S. cities in the 'Welcoming America' network.” In S.D. Brunn and D. Gilbreath (Eds.) COVID-19
    and an Emerging World of Ad Hoc Geographies. Springer Publishing.

    2. Rozman-Clark, T. [practitioner], Rodriguez, D.X., Mueller, R. [practitioner], and Smith-Sitton, L.
    (2018). Introduction (pp. 5-10). In T. Rozman-Clark, D.X. Rodriguez, and L. Smith-Sitton
    (Eds.),Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration stories from an Atlanta high school. Minneapolis, MN:
    Wise Ink.

    3. Rodriguez, D.X. (2015). North Carolina (pp. 605–628). In K.R. Arnold (Ed.), Contemporary
    immigration in America: A state-by-state encyclopedia . Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

    4. Rodriguez, D.X. (2012). Latinos @ work in the nonprofit sector (pp. 227–248). In D.M.
    Blancero and R.G. DelCampo (Eds.), Hispanics at work: A collection of research, theory and
    application. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

    5. Rodriguez, D.X. (2010, November). Role of the nonprofit sector in providing opportunities for
    unpopular causes and disenfranchised people (pp. 250–257). In K.A. Agard (Ed.), Leadership
    in nonprofit organizations: A reference handbook. New York, NY: Sage.

  • Book Chapters under Review

    1. Rodriguez, D.X. and Manley, E [graduate student], and Bharwani, N. [graduate student]. Chapter
    under review by Temple University Publishers as part of an edited book: Chapter 5: Miami, Florida:
    Immigrant Settlement and Impact in the Gateway to the Americas. Submitted 2022, December;
    Awaiting external peer review from publisher, feedback will be returned in April 2023.

    2. McDaniel, P.N. and Rodriguez, D.X. Introduction Chapter under review by Temple University
    Publishers as part of an edited book: Chapter 1: Introduction - Changing Integration and
    Receptivity Experiences in Immigrant Gateway Metropolitan Regions in the Twenty-First Century.
    Submitted 2022, December; Awaiting external peer review from publisher, feedback will be
    returned in April 2023.

  • Conference Proceedings

    1. Srivastava, R., Edmiston, D., Borders, A.L., Rodriguez, D.X., and Wilson, N. (2017). Best
    practices in teaching international students. In J.G. Fowler and J. Weiser (Eds.). Ethical decisions
    in lifestyle choices: Proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances 2017 Conference (pp.
    130–131). Ohio: Society for Marketing Advances.

    2. Rodriguez, D.X., and Schaefer, D.T. [practitioner]. (2017). Policy windows and practical
    approaches: Advocating for immigrant clients. In S. Cockerham and J. Bernardini (Eds.).
    Proceedings of the National Organization for Human Services 2016 Conference (pp. 40–49). Tennessee: National Organization for Human Services.

  • Book Reviews

    1. Rodriguez, D.X. (2015, July). Religion in philanthropic organizations: Family, friend, foe?
    Edited by Thomas J. Davis. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(55), pp. 1068–1071.

    2. Rodriguez, D.X. (2010, June). The 11 questions every donor asks and the answers all donors
    crave: How you can inspire someone to give generously, by Harvey McKinnon. Journal of
    Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 22(2), pp. 158–160.

    3. Rodriguez, D.X. (2009, December). Restructuring the Philadelphia region: Metropolitan
    divisions and inequality, by Carolyn Adams, David Bartelt, David Elesh, and Ira Goldstein with
    Joshua Freely and Michelle Schmitt. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 38(6), pp.

  • Community Reports

    1. Cobb and Douglas Public Health Department
    a. Cobb and Douglas Community Health Improvement Plan II (2017-2021) (2017,
    b. 2016 Cobb and Douglas Community Health Assessment: Executive Summary (2017,
    c. 2016 Community Health Assessment Technical Report: Cobb and Douglas Counties
    (2017, September).

    2. Latino Community Needs Assessment for the City of Atlanta funded through the Latin American
    Association in partnership with the A. L. Burruss Institute for Public Service and Research and
    the Maya Heritage Community Project (2015, November).

    3. Hispanic League’s Scholarship Program Assessment, funded through a Hispanics in
    Philanthropy Capacity Building Grant in partnership with Salem College (2014, March).

  • Adviser/Reviewer of Publication

    1. “Immigration: Myths, fact, and fiction.” (White Paper Series). Published through the
    Anti-Defamation League, the Center for Hispanic Studies at Kennesaw State University,
    and the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (2006).

    2. “Exploring sustainable communities: Teacher’s guide to world resources.” Published by
    World Resources Institute: Washington, DC (1997).

  • Online Contributions for General Audiences

    1. Rodriguez, D.X. and McDaniel, P.N. 2022. “Exploring Immigrant Health Through the Lenses of
    Social Work and Geography.” Health Promotion Practice Podcast. (July 25, 2022).

    2. Hill, J. [graduate student], Rodriguez, D.X., and McDaniel, P.N. 2021. “Immigration Status as a
    Social Determinant of Health During Covid-19.” Public Health Post. (October 29, 2021).

    3. McDaniel, P.N., Rodriguez, D.X., and Smith-Sitton, L. 2021. “Inclusive Storytelling: Community
    Reaction to Immigrant Youth Experiences in Atlanta.” Atlanta Studies. (September 16, 2021).

    4. Rodriguez, D.X., Hill, J. [graduate student], and McDaniel, P.N. 2020. “Immigrant Health is Public
    Health.” Public Health Post. (October 20, 2020).

    5. McDaniel, P.N. and Rodriguez, D.X. 2020. “Immigration Integration.” Public Health Post. (March
    12, 2020).

    6. McDaniel, P.N., Rodriguez, D.X., and Kim, A.J. 2018. “Creating a Welcoming Metro Atlanta: A Regional Approach to Immigrant Integration.” Atlanta Studies. (April 26, 2018).

    7. Sivansay, M. [undergraduate student], Tse, A. [undergraduate student], and Rodriguez, D.X.
    (Posted March 28, 2011). Conversation of the Week XIX: Student reflections on how a visit to
    the International Civil Rights Center and Museum opens eyes. National Coalition for Dialogue
    and Deliberation, formerly known as USARiseUp.

    8. PSC305 Introduction to Political Psychology Students and Rodriguez, D.X. (Posted March
    28, 2011). “Conversation of the Week X: A professor and class examine ethnicity and identity.”
    National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation, formerly known as USARiseUp.

    9. Ugochukwu, Z. [undergraduate student] and Rodriguez, D.X. (Posted June 1, 2010). “How
    many students does it take to start a revolution?” National Coalition for Dialogue and
    Deliberation, formerly known as USARiseUp.

    10. Rodriguez, D.X. (Posted May 4, 2009). Scholar’s Corner. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher
    Education Magazine. p. 36.

  • Research and Creative Activity Cited in Social Media

    1. McDaniel, P.N., Rodriguez, D.X., and Smith-Sitton, L. (Posted September 16, 2021). “Inclusive
    storytelling: Community reaction to immigrant youth experiences in Atlanta.” Atlanta Studies Blog.

    2. Book Promotion. (Posted December 17, 2018). Children’s book feature for New Arrivals and
    New Americans to build a stronger culture of belonging and welcoming. I’m Your Neighbor.

    3. Ugarte Pardi, L. [practitioner]. (Posted October 17, 2018). “Book Club: Green Card Youth
    Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School”. Community Foundation of Greater

    4. Book Trailer for Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School.
    (Posted October 9, 2018). Green Card Voices–You Tube Channel.

    5. Kim, A.J. (Posted June 1, 2016). “Immigrant community studio and working group on
    immigrant labor”. Georgia Tech Center for Urban Innovation.

