

  1. Y Zolome, S Khorsandi, P Achar, H Msimanga. Quantification of Aflatoxin B1 in Aspergillus parasiticus and A. flavus in Peanuts Treated with Plant-based Antimicrobial Compounds,  IAFP 2019 Annual Meeting.

  2. Msimanga, Huggins Z.; Dockery, Christopher R.; Van Denbos, Deidre. Prediction of diesel fuel physicochemical parameters using partial least squares regression and mid-​infrared spectroscopy data. Abstracts, 71st Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Savannah, GA, United States, October 20-23 (2019), SERMACS-1400.  
  3. Fatunmbi, Oluwatobi; Dockery, Christopher R.; Msimanga, Huggins Z. Detection of pesticide residues in baby foods using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and high-​performance liquid chromatography​/PDA system. Abstracts, 70th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Augusta, GA, United States, October 31-November 3 (2018), SERMACS-378.  
  4. Lakeman, Noah; Msimanga, Huggins Z.; Herfurth, Daniel. Simultaneous determination of gunshot residue components using room-​temperature ionic liquid as an electrolyte and electrochemical detection. Abstracts, 70th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Augusta, GA, United States, October 31-November 3 (2018), SERMACS-658.  
  5. Msimanga, H.Z.; Dockery, C.; VanDenbos,D.; Garcia, E. Fast identification of sugars using mid-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate statistics, Abstracts, 69th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Charlotte, NC, USA, Nov 7-11, 2017.

  6. Msimanga, Huggins Z.; Whitlow, Megan; Drape, Kristy. Common features of fourteen arthritis treatment products using liquid and gas chromatography and their antioxidant activity properties,  Abstracts, 69th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Charlotte, NC, USA, Nov 7-11, 2017.
  7. Msimanga, Huggins Z.; Dockery, Christopher R.; VanDenbos, Deidre D.; Garcia, Estefania,
     Quick class identification of fuels by fast fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy data coupled with chemometrics,  Abstracts, 69th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Charlotte,, NC, United States, Nov 7-11, 2017.
  8. Msimanga, Huggins Z. Profiling over the counter remedies commonly used to treat arthritis-​related disorders, Abstracts, 68th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbia, SC, United States, October 23-26, 2016.
  9. Andrew Montalvo*, Huggins Z. Msimanga, and Daniela Tapu, “Profiling N, N’-dibutylbenzimidazolium salt and its derivatives using cyclic voltammetry”, Pittcon Conference and Expo, Atlanta Georgia, March 6-10, 2016.
  10. Huggins Z. Msimanga, Mihyang Song, Newsha Tavakoli, and Truong Thach Ho Lam, “An effective approach to building a calibration matrix for a multi-component mixture”, Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Providence, Rhode Island, September 27-October 2, 2015.
  11. Huggins Z. Msimanga, Mihyang Song, Newsha Tavakoli, and Truong Thach Ho Lam, “Developing a calibration matrix for determining actives in Children’s DimeTapp using UV data and Target Factor Analysis”, Georgia Journal of Science 73(1), 2015.
  12. Christopher R. Dockery, Marina C. Koether*, Kimberly J. Linenberger, Huggins Z. Msimanga, Wei Zhou, Producing market ready students: Quantitative Analytical Chemistry overhaul.   250th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, United States, August 16-20, (2015).
  13. Msimanga, H. Z., Dockery, C. R., Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, "Multivariate Analysis Techniques in Teaching Forensic Analytical Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level," American Chemical Society, Atlanta, GA. Completed. (November 15, 2013).
  14. Dockery, C. R., Msimanga, H. Z. Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, "Perspectives in the teaching of forensic chemistry in undergraduate programs". American Chemical Society, Atlanta, GA. (November 15, 2013).
  15. Msimanga, H. Z. (Author Only), Tchio, C. I. (Presenter & Author), Annual Biomedical Research Conference, "Quantitative Analysis of Lycopene from Tomatoes using HPLC and Standard Addition Method," American Society for Microbiology, Nashville, TN. Completed. (November 13, 2013).
  16. Msimanga, H. Z., Tavakoli, N., Federation of Analytical Chemistry & Spectroscopy Societies, "Evaluation of a calibration matrix for heavily overlapped UV spectra by TFA.," Milwaukee, Winsconsin. (November 1, 2013).
  17. Msimanga, Huggins Z.; Ho Lam, Truong T., " Actives in children's Dime Tap by target factor analysis and generalized standard addition techniques", Abstracts, 64th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC, United States, November 14-17 (2012)
  18. Dockery, Christopher R.; Msimanga, Huggins; Haney, Anthony R.; Kim, Sun J. , Classification of Rocks by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: A Classroom Simulation of the Curiosity Rover ChemCam", Abstracts, 64th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC, United States, November 14-17 (2012)
  19. T. T. Ho Lam* and H. Z. Msimanga, “Building a Calibration Matrix for Quantifying Actives in OTC Medicines by Target factor Analysis”, Abstract: Georgia Journal of Science, Kennesaw State University, March 23-24, 2012.
  20. Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Analysis of  Complex Matrices Using Multivariate Analysis Techniques in Undergraduate Classes”, Southeast / Southwest Regional Meeting of the National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers,  Auburn University, AL, November 2011.
  21. Emily M. Wysocki, Huggins Z. Msimanga, "Spectroscopic Identification of Major Components from the Elephantorrhiza Elephantina Rhizomes", The Pittsburgh Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March, 2011.
  22. Huggins Z. Msimanga, Christopher Dockery, "Laboratory activities in the Forensic Track B. S. Degree at Kennesaw State University", 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, ACS, University of North Texas, August 1-5, 2010
  23. Emily M. Wysocki and Huggins Z. Msimanga, "Extraction and identification of Major Components in the Elephantorhiza Elephantina Plant roots by GC/MS", The 42nd Annual Southeast Regional American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Conference, Kennesaw State University, April 8-9, 2010.
  24. Koether, Marina; Msimanga, Huggins; Dockery, Christopher,"Kennesaw State University offers three upper-level analytical chemistry courses", Abstracts of Papers, 239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, March 21-25, 2010 .
  25. Quynh Nguyen and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Extraction of Major Compounds in Arabica Beans and Identification by GC/MS”, The 41stAnnual Southeast Regional American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Alabama at Birmingham, April 9-10, 2009.
  26. Huggins Z. Msimanga, "Important Variables in the Classification of OTC Drugs by FTIR/ATR Spectra and Principal Component Analysis", Federation of Analytical Chemists and Spectroscopy Society, Reno, NV, September 28 - October 2, 2008.
  27. Andrew Levitz, Ibrahim Najimudeen, and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Characterization of a Natural Laxative Using Liquid-Liquid and Solid Phase Micro-Extraction”, NOBCChE Southeastern Region Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2-3, 2007.
  28. Huggins Z. Msimanga and Robert Ollis, “Profiling Drugs by Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectrometry and Principal Component Analysis”, Federation of Analytical Chemists and Spectroscopy Society, Memphis, TN, October 14-18, 2007.
  29. Gregory P. Everhart and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Identification of a Suspicious Drug Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy”, Southern Association of Forensic Scientists, Atlanta, GA, September 10-14, 2007.
  30. Huggins Z. Msimanga, Qyuni T. Handfield, “Identification of Over‑the‑Counter Medicines by FTIR/ATR and Principal Component Analysis”,  The Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Georgia Academy of Science, Albany State University, GA, March  2007.
  31. Huggins Z. Msimanga and Qyuni T. Handfield, “Discerning Analgesic Brands by Principal Component Analysis of their FTIR Spectra”, The Southeastern Regional meeting of the American Chemical Society, Augusta GA, November 2006.
  32. Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Multivariate analysis in forensic instrumental analysis”, 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, ACS, Purdue University, July 30-August 3, 2006.
  33. Courtney Phillips* and Huggins Msimanga, “Investigating the Major Components of Elephantorhiza ElephantinaUsing GC/MS”, The Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Georgia Academy of Science, Lawrenceville Georgia, March  2006.
  34. Amelia H. Robinson and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Characterization of Over-the-Counter Herbal Food Supplements by GC/MS”, The 231st National ACS Meeting & Exposition Atlanta, GA March 26-30, 2006.
  35. Huggins Z. Msimanga, Ismail Kul, “An Introductory Forensic Chemistry Course at Kennesaw State University”, 18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, ACS, Iowa State university, Iowa, July 2004.
  36. Jilliann M. Wiese and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Analgesics in Tylenol and Migraine Tablets by the Standard Addition method: A Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab”, 55th Southeastern Regional meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlanta GA, September 2003.
  37. Jilliann M. Wiese and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Analysis of Medicinal Drugs for Acetaminophen by the Standard Addition Method”, 35th Annual Southeastern Undergraduate Research Conference, Kennesaw, Georgia, April2003.
  38. Natalia McConnell and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “Characterization of imazaquin by cyclic voltammetry”, Georgia Academy of Science, March 2003.
  39. Natalia McConnell and Huggins Z. Msimanga, “The Electrochemistry of Imazaquin via Cyclic Voltammetry”, The 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, March 2003.
  40. Huggins Z. Msimanga and Segmia K. Tata, "A Support Electrolyte for Simultaneous Determination of Metal Ions in Food Supplements", Georgia Academy of Science 79th Annual Meeting, Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA, March 2002.
  41. Huggins Z. Msimanga and Scott Englebert, "Electrochemical Characterization of Imazaquin Pesticide Using Cyclic Voltammetry", Georgia Academy of Science 79th Annual Meeting, Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA, March 2002.
  42. Huggins Z. Msimanga and Segmia K. Tata, "A Modeling Experiment for Instrumental Analysis: A Support Electrolyte for the Electrochemical Analysis of Heavy Metals in Food Supplements",  53rd Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Savannah, GA, September 24, 2001.
  43. Huggins Z. Msimanga, "An Introductory Chemometrics Module for Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis Course", Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Nashville, TN, September 2000.
  44. Marina Koether, Kenneth Hughes, Huggins Msimanga, and Ken Busch, “Collaboration and Technology in the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory”, Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Nashville, TN, September  2000.
  45. Richard Hart, Charlie Taylor, and Huggins Z. Msimanga, "A Study of Selected Pesticides Using a Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer", Georgia Academy of Science 78th Annual Meeting, Albany, GA, March2000.
  46. Elmang Nchako and Huggins Z. Msimanga, "Voltammetric Determination of Metal Ions in Centrum Tablets", 30th Annual Southeastern Regional American Chemical Society Student Affiliate, Kennesaw, GA. 1998.
  47. Huggins Z. Msimanga, Phet Elkins, and Elmang Nchako, "A Calibration Matrix for Heavily Overlapping Peaks from Electrochemical Data", Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, 1998.
  48. Phet Elkins and Huggins Z. Msimanga, "Collinearity in Heavily Overlapped Profiles: Analysis of Cr, Zn, and Ni in a Mixture", Georgia Journal of Science, 56, 1998.
  49. Nea W. Martin, Melissa J. Charles, and Huggins, Z. Msimanga, "Experimental Considerations in the Multivariate Analysis of BC Powder Using Target Factor Analysis", Georgia Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Albany, GA, April, 1996.
  50. Nea W. Martin, Melissa J. Charles, and Huggins, Z. Msimanga, "Comparison of High-performance Liquid Chromatography and Target Factor Analysis Methods in the Analysis of BC Powder", Georgia Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Albany, GA, April, 1996.
  51. Melissa J. Charles, Nea W. Martin, and Huggins Z. Msimanga, "Simultaneous Determination of Aspirin, Salicylamide, and Caffeine in Pain Relievers by Target Factor Analysis", 35 th  Annual Eastern Analytical Symposium, Garden State Convention Center, Somerset, NJ, November, 1996.
  52. H. Z. Msimanga, "Analysis of BC Tablets: A Chemometrics Experiment for Undergraduate Students", Southeast Association of Analytical Chemists, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC, September, 1995.
  53. H. Z. Msimanga, "The Use of Target Factor Analysis in Multivariate Calibration Techniques", Kennesaw State College Faculty Forum, Marietta, Georgia, February, 1995.
  54. Kimberly L. Fahn and H. Z. Msimanga, "Optimization of Experimental Parameters in the Determination of Nitrites in Water Samples", Undergraduate Research Posters at 207th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March,1994
  55. Emmet F. Curtis and H. Z. Msimanga, "Characterization of Lake Allatoona Water Samples by Factor Analysis", Undergraduate Research Posters at 207th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March, 1994.
  56. H. Z. Msimanga, "A Moving Band Method for Drifting Background in Electrochemical Data Matrices", Southeast Association of Analytical Chemists, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, September, 1993.
  57. H. Z. Msimanga, "An Overview of Gas Chromatography", The Roche Biomedical Laboratories (Continuing Education Division), Tucker, Georgia,  June, 1993.
  58. Dirnberger, J.M., R.J. Rascati, and H. Msimanga, A Clean Lakes Phase I Diagnostic/ Feasibility Study of Lake Allatoona: A Preliminary Report. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Southeastern Regional Lakes Management Conference, 1993.
  59. Emmet Curtis and H. Z. Msimanga, "Characterization of Lake Allatoona Water Samples by Factor Analysis", 25th Annual American Chemical Society Southern Undergraduate Research Conference, Wetern Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC,  April, 1993.
  60. H. Z. Msimanga, and P. E. Sturrock, "Target Factor Analysis and Drifting Background in a Swept-potential Electrochemical Detector", The Pittsburgh Conference, Atlanta, GA, March, 1993.
  61. H. Z. Msimanga, "Predicting the Number of Significant Factors in a Matrix from a High-performance Liquid Chromatography / Swept- potential Electrochemical Detection System", NSF Sponsored Workshop: Optimal Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,  December, 1992.
  62. H. Z. Msimanga, Tuan Anh Ly, and P. E. Sturrock, "Factor Analysis and HPLC / Swept-potential Electrochemical Detection Data at Lower Analyte Concentrations", The Pittsburgh Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March, 1992.
  63. H. Z. Msimanga and P. E. Sturrock, "Quantitation of Coeluting Compounds from the HPLC/EC Data Matrix Using the Target Factor Analysis Approach", Nineth Atlanta Chromatography Symposium, Atlanta, GA, June, 1987.
  64. G. Morris, H. Z. Msimanga and G. S. Owen, "Curve  Deconvolution for Microcomputers : I. Taylor Series Method", Georgia Academy of Science Meeting, Kennesaw, GA, April, 1983.
  65. H. Z. Msimanga and G. S. Owen, "Curve  Deconvolution for Microcomputers : II. Fourier Transform Method", Georgia Academy of Science Meeting, Kennesaw, GA, April, 1983.
  66. H. Z. Msimanga and G. S. Owen, "Curve Deconvolution Using the Fast Fourier Transform", Southern Eastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Charlotte, NC, November, 1983.