Awards and Funding History


2021-2022, College of Science and Mathematics, Outstanding Teaching Award, KSU

2012-2013, College of Science and Mathematics, Distinguished Service Award, KSU

2011 Tommy and Beth Holder Faculty Award, KSU Foundation, $4100

2009  College of Science and Mathematics – Distinguished E-learning Award, $750
2009 Tommy and Beth Holder Faculty Award, KSU Foundation, $5150
2007 Kennesaw State University, Distinguished Service Award, Finalist, $500

2006 College of Science and Mathematics, Distinguished Scholarship Award, KSU
2005 Major Declaration Incentive Award – College of Science and Mathematics

2004 College of Science and Mathematics, Distinguished Service Award, KSU
2003 College of Science and Mathematics, Distinguished Advising Award, KSU
2000 KSU Promising Collaboration Award - Environmental Studies Minor, KSU

Externally Funded Projects as PI

Dec. 2011 NSF-DUE-TUES – Collaborative Research: Analytical Method Transfer-Development of Case Studies, $45,207 in collaboration with Dr. Irene Kimaru, St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY  #1141042-  PI.

Feb. 2009 The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Inc, Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences. $5745. for Pharmaceutical Chemistry Track: A Pathway for the Pre-Pharmacy Students.

April 2006 AAUW Educational Foundation – American Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grant for 2006-2007 – to write a single-authored manuscript for publication in 8 weeks -$6000 – awarded but declined due to CETL Faculty Fellow Position overlapping the 8 weeks.

Feb. 2004 Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Program (USRP). $60,000.Funding for three years to support undergraduate research student stipends, supplies and ancillary program.

July. 1999 NSF, NSF-DUE-CCLI-A&I, $99,650, "Interdisciplinary Environmental Program:  Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Course and Field-Based Environmental Science Capstone Course" #9950378.

Externally Funded Projects as Co-PI

July 2002 NSF, NSF-CHE-MRI, $53,305, “Acquisition of a High-End UV-VIS Scanning Spectrometer System” #0215892, Co-PI and  ETACT funding for $53,300– Matching funds to acquire the 3 Cary 50’s and upgrades to the GC’s was obtained due to the NSF grant awarded to Drs. Gwaltney and Koether

Nov. 2000 NSF, NSF-DUE-CCLI-EMD,$74,985, “General Education Environmental Science:  An Interdisciplinary Laboratory Program for the 21st Century” #0088723.