Undergraduate Research Opportunities

During any semester (Fall, Spring and Summer) you can do undergraduate research with a faculty member in any department!

Just knock on their door and ask them about their current research. Then, if you think you are interested in working on that project, ask them if you could help with the project by doing some undergraduate work. The faculty member may say yes or no. If the answer is no and you still want to work with that faculty member, ask them if there are other projects more suitable for an undergraduate to do as you are really interested in the area of research that that faculty member works in. Don't be surprised if you need to knock on three or four doors before a faculty member says they have room in their research group for you. Take the chance, it is worth it.

Consider doing research during the summer at the following different sites. Most applications are due in the fall for the following summer so do your homework now.

National Science Foundation Website for Research Experiences for Undergraduates:

From the University of California, Irvine:

Training at the National Institute of Health:

From the American Math Society:

From the American Psychological Society:

From NASA:

From HHMI:

Experiences in Cancer Research:

From NIST:

From the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory:

From the Department of Energy: