Eisenstat J and Gooding AF. 2019. “Using Current Techniques to Identify Skeletal Remains.” Oral Presentation, 2019 Missing and Unidentified Persons Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Goden CM and Gooding AF. 2019. "Testing Ancestral Homogeneity of Anatomical Teaching Crania." Oral Presentation, Georgia Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Gainesville, GA.
Lane KM and Gooding AF. 2019. “Fracture Patterning and Distribution in the Appendicular Skeleton as a Result of a Blast Event.” Poster Presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists 88th Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Eisenstat J and Gooding AF. 2019. “Using Current Techniques to Identify Skeletal Remains.”
Oral Presentation, Fourth Annual Conference in Forensic and Pediatric Pathology, Atlanta,
Daniels JP, Goden CM, and Gooding AF. 2018. “Sex Estimation by Skeletal Element: Testing Method Precision through Inter- and Intraobserver Error.” Poster Presentation, Boston University Forensic Sciences Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts.
Gooding AF, McClung M, Johnston C, and Thomas K. 2018. “The Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Identify Relationships Between Victim Dispersal Patterns and Skeletal Trauma After a Blast Event.” Podium presentation, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Gooding AF, Sylvester AD, Auerbach BA. 2018. “Age-related changes in the structural properties of the human tibia.” Podium Presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists 87th Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
Gooding AF, McClung M, Kirkpatrick Smith, S. 2016. “Thoracic Fracture Patterning as a Result of Blast Trauma.” Poster presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists 85th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Fazlollah (Gooding) AE, Auerbach BM, Shaw C. 2015. “Effects of the Relative Position of the Fibula on the Cross-sectional Geometric Properties of the Tibia.” Poster presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists 84th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri.
Fazlollah (Gooding) AE, Auerbach BM, Shaw C. 2015. “Positional Relationship of the Fibula to Cross- sectional Geometric Properties of the Tibia as Compared in Different Sporting Groups.” Poster presentation, American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
Fazlollah (Gooding) AE, Wood MJ, and Wray-Miller BM. 2013. “Application and Use of Cyclododecane Part II: En Bloc Removal of Osteological Remains.” Poster presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists 82nd Annual Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Skorpinski MA, Fazlollah (Gooding) AE. 2013. “Wearing Down Old Perspectives: The Prevalence of Severe Dental Attrition in Modern Individuals.” Poster presentation, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting.
Fazlollah (Gooding) AE and MJ Wood. 2012. “Dem Dry Bones: Cyclododecane as a Tool in Osteological Analysis.” Poster presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting.
Fazlollah (Gooding) AE. 2011. “Applicability of Common Age-at-Death Estimation Methods in Cold Case Analysis.” Poster presentation, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting.
Fazlollah (Gooding) AE. 2011. “Comparison of Age-at-Death Estimation Methods Using Data From a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Sample and the William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection.” Podium presentation, Georgia Academy of Science Annual Meeting.
Graduate Collaborations
Greg Wehrman, Bone Strength in the Adult Skeleton. PhD in Anthropology, The University of Tennessee.
Alexander Kim, 2019, "A Comparison of Molar Morphology from Extant Cercopithecid Monkeys and Pliocene Parapapio from Makapansgat, South Africa Using Elliptical Fourier Analysis." MA in Anthropology, Georgia Stat University.
Katherine Lane, 2018, "Appendicular Skeletal Fractures in Postmortem Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa) Resulting from Experimental Explosive Devices: Implications for Understanding the Role of Blast Trauma in Global Terror Events." MA in Anthropology, Georgia Stat University.