
Looking to engage with biological anthropology? SkeVar offers a number of opportunities to get involved with research and build your CV or resume.


Check out the Students Anthropology Cub for opportunities! All majors are welcome.


Volunteer as a Lab Assistant


Work on Independent Research for Course Credit

  • Students of any major can take ANTH 4100 Directed Applied Research (DAR). This class is approximately 150 hours of independent research under Dr. Gooding. This course can satisfy an Upper Division elective or a biological/physical anthropology elective for anthropology majors. DARs are generally offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. 
  • Anthropology majors can take ANTH 3397 Practicum in Anthropology. This class is approximately 150 hours of independent research under Dr. Gooding and satisfies one of the Anthropological Application Requirements. Practicums are generally offered only in the Fall and Spring semesters. 
  • E-mail Dr. Gooding - - to learn about current opportunities.


Volunteer as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for ANTH 2223: The Human Skeleton

  • Students who earn an 'A' in The Human Skeleton may be eligible to volunteer as a TA. TAs are responsible for attending class and setting up materials. 
  • The Human Skeleton is generally offered in the Summer and Fall semesters. There are limited TA positions available. E-mail Dr. Gooding - - to learn about current opportunities.


Amy Darrah, Anthropology'21, Lab Assistant

Annaleise Schneider, Biology'21, Teaching Assistant

Sara Malek, Biology'20, Lab Assistant

Abby Hill, Anthropology'20, Teaching Assistant

Steven Ho, Biology'19, Lab Assistant

Patrick Wilborn, Anthropology'19, Lab Assistant and Practicum

Megan Swim, Anthropology'18, DAR and Practicum 

Chris Goden, Anthropolgy'18, Lab Assistant, DAR, and Practicum

Dakota Doomstorm, Anthropology'18, DAR and Practicum

Jessica Daniels, Anthropology'18, Lab Assistant and DAR

David Axford, Biology'18, Lab Assistant and DAR

Dusty Phyfe, Anthropology'18, Lab Assistant and Practicum

Caroline Johnston, Anthropology and GIS'17, Lab Assistant and Practicum

Kendra Thomas, Anthropology and GIS'17, Lab Assistant

