The research projects that I have conducted so far:
- Biomedical Engineering (Please see the BioMechanical Engineering Research Lab page):
- Design, simulation, fabrication and mechanical testing of finger, foot and spine supports to correct deformity.
- FEM analysis of blood flow through polymeric blood vessels.
- Manufacturing Engineering:
- Modeling of slot milling of heat treated EN24 Steel,
- Modeling the high speed drilling of Ti Alloys (such as Ti-6Al-4V),
- Designing a software for line-tracing plasma tube notcher.
- Rheology & Viscoelasticity:
- Soft Tissue Rheology: Mechanical characterization of soft solids (such as soft tissue, bread dough, etc) by considering shear, biaxial elongation and oscillatory squeezing flows.
- Polymer Processing: Experimental analysis and also Constitutive Modeling of linear and branched polymers.
- Analysis of a fluid bubble rising in a more viscous medium (Experimental Analysis and mathematical modeling using MATLAB). More info.
- Micro-Machinery (MEMS): Designing rigid and elastic micromachines swimming in viscous fluids.
- CFD / Computational Mechanics:
- Analysis of a large number of fluid particles subjected to shear and elongation using Boundary Element Method (BEM), and Completed Double Layer Boundary Element Method (CDLBEM). The simulation was performed by parallel computing via PVM.
- Optical Fiber Technology: Designing the preforms for drawing optical fibers using the Finite Element Method (FEM).
- Robotics: Designing a robot with multiple degrees of freedom.
- Research on Engineering Education
Some images:
Micromachinery (Designing micromachines swimming in viscous fluids)
Optical Fiber Technology (Designing polymeric preforms for drawing optical fibers)
Mechanical Characterization (soft solids such as soft tissue, bread dough, etc)
Collaboration with International/National Universities and Companies:
- PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
- Novelis R&D center, Kennesaw, Ga.
- Cole Electric Technology, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
Publications/ Intellectual Properties
Books/ Book Chapters:
- A book on 'Tool Design' has passed the review process and is in the publication process. 2024.
- Book Chapter by Springer: Investigating Release-Connection Between Post-tensioned Concrete Slab and Wall, 2024.
- Solving Mechanical Engineering Problems with MATLAB – 2nd Edition E-book, 2023. The E-book with additional quizzes.
- Solving Mechanical Engineering Problems with Matlab, 2nd Edition, 2022. ISBN 13: 978-1-60797-954-8.
- Solving Mechanical Engineering Problems with Matlab, By Simin Nasseri, 1st Edition, 2015, Linus Learning Publishing company. ISBN 13: 978-1-60797-524-3, ISBN 10: 1-60797-524-6
- Also revised edition published in 2016.
- "Drilling Technology," Book chapter, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, Editor J. Paulo Davim, "On a New Model Pertaining to the High Speed Drilling of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V." 2018.
- Full or Non-provisional patent: Systems and Methods for Appendage Support, 2021 (EFS ID TBA, and Application number TBA). Filed on 01/14/2021. For modified bunions supports, bunions insoles, bunions band-aids and spine supports. Application Number: 17/148891, Publication Number: US2021212850A1 (07/15/2021). Ranking: Top Assignees for A61F.
- Full or Non-provisional patent: Systems and Methods for Appendage Support, 2020 (EFS ID 38293251, and Application number 16742520). For finger and foot supports.
- Designing the spine supports for patients with deformity, 2020 (EFS ID 38293386, and Application number 62960984).
- Designing finger and foot supports for patients with deformity, 2019 (EFS ID 34846513 and Application number 62792099). Patent Application Publication: US20200222222A1.
Journal Papers/ Book Reviews (All first author, except three):
- Nasseri S., Jonaidi, M., Kortobi, S., Williams G., and Willis L. (2023) Design, Finite Element Analysis and Fabrication of Composite Orthoses for Bunions; A Comprehensive Study. Int. Journal of Product Sound Quality, Special Issue: Structural, Vibration Analysis, Design, Control and Applications. 1(1)- 59-77.
- Nasseri S., Jonaidi, M., Kortobi, S., Williams, G. and Plowman, T. (2023) Design and Evaluation of a New Composite Spine Support. Int. Journal of Product Sound Quality, Special Issue: Structural, Vibration Analysis, Design, Control and Applications. 1(1)- 78-90.
- Design, simulation and fabrication of a new finger support. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol 8, No 4, July/Aug 2018.
- On fabrication and mechanical testing of a new finger support. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol 8, No 4, July/Aug 2018.
- 'Efficient teaching methods in engineering mechanics courses’ International Journal of Polytechnic Studies, Fall 2011, Vol 1-1.
- Book Review, Chapter 2 of “High Pressure Rheology for Quantitative Elasto Hydrodynamics” By Scott Bair, 2007.
- 'Recoil from elongation using general network models,' R.I. Tanner, A.M. Zdilar and S. Nasseri, Reologica Acta, 44(5): 513 - 520, 2005.
- 'Modelling the biaxial elongational deformation of soft solids,' S. Nasseri, L. Bilston, and R. Tanner, Rheologica Acta, 43(1): 68 - 79, 2004.
- 'Simple constitutive models for linear and branched polymers,' R.I. Tanner and S. Nasseri, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 116: 1-17, 2003.
- 'Lubricated squeezing flow: a useful method for measuring the viscoelastic properties of soft tissues', S. Nasseri, L.E. Bilston, and R.I. Tanner, Biorheology 40(5), 545-551, 2003.
- 'Viscoelastic properties of pig kidney in shear: Experimental results and modeling,' S. Nasseri, L. Bilston and Nhan Phan-, Rheologica Acta, 41: 180-192, 2002.
- 'Oscillatory squeezing flow of a biological material,' N. Phan-Thien, S. Nasseri, and L. Bilston, Rheologica Acta, 39: 409-417, 2000.
- 'Lubrication approximation in completed double layer boundary element method,' S. Nasseri, N. Phan-Thien, and X.J. Fan, Computational Mechanics, 26: 388-397, 2000.
- 'Hydrodynamic interaction between two nearby micromachines,' S. Nasseri and N. Phan-Thien, Computational Mechanics 20(3): 551-559, 1997.
- 'Geometric optimization of a micromachine with spiral tail,' S. Nasseri and N. Phan-Thien, Computational Mechanics 20(3): 267-271, 1997.
- 'Modelling micromachines with elastic parts in a viscous environment,' S. Nasseri and N. Phan-Thien, Computational Mechanics 20(3): 242-246, 1997.
- 'On the path and efficiency of two micromachines with rigid tails,' S. Nasseri and N. Phan-Thien, Computational Mechanics 18(3): 192-199, 1996.
Conference Papers (All first author except four):
- Nasseri S., Jonaidi, M., Nasajpour, Navid and Schultz, Ralph. Lean Practices in Academia. A Comprehensive Review and a New Provisional Model, 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.
- Jonaidi, M., Nasseri S., Innovative Industry-Related Research Projects for Civil Engineering Undergraduate Students, 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.
- Jonaidi M., Sasani, M., Nasseri S. and Williams, G., Investigating Release-Connection between Post-tensioned Concrete Slab and Wall, 2022 CSCE Annual Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada.
- An Experimental Study on Effect of Process Parameters on Slot Milling of Heat Treated EN24 Steel Metals, Submitted for National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) proceeding, University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA), Nov 2019, Presented in April 2019, Kennesaw, Ga.
- Designing a Software for Line-tracing Plasma Tube Notcher, presented at National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Kennesaw, Ga, April 2019.
- Design, Simulation and Fabrication of a composite Food support for Bunions, Presented at National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Kennesaw, Ga, April 2019.
- "Reserach methods in desgining various finger supports for patients with deformity," Presentation in the 6th Annual Southeast Preeminent Regional Research & Creative Endeavors Conference, Georgia College & State University, Oct 27-28, 2017.
- In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted: Using an Undergraduate Programming Course to Improve the Administrative System of a Department.
- 'How delivery modalities affect students' academic achievement and their life plans,' S. Nasseri, ASEE SE Section Conference, Macon, Ga, March 2014.
- 'An Interdisciplinary Strategy for Improving Enrollments in ET Programs,' Austin B. Asgill, Craig A. Chin, Ali Khazaei, Florian Misoc, Simin Nasseri, Adimathara Preethy, Scott Tippens, Randall Emert, 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23-26, 2013.
- ‘Analysis of a fluid bubble rising in a more viscous medium; An undergraduate research project’, ASEE South-eastern Section Conference, Mississippi State University, April 2012.
- ‘On graphic user interface development in an engineering technology program’, ASEE South-eastern Section Conference, Mississippi State University, April 2012.
- 'Bridge condition deterioration modelling based on data from level two inspection,' X. Wang, G. Foliente, S. Nasseri, L. Ye and M. Lowe, 2nd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Oct 2004, Kyoto.
- 'Application of CDLBEM on motion of particles in shear flows of viscous fluid,' S. Nasseri, N. Phan-Thien, and X.J. Fan, 8th National conference on Rheology, 19-22 July, Adelaide, 173-176, 1998.
- 'Application of BEM to predict the efficiency of two micromachines with rigid tails,' S. Nasseri and N. Phan-Thien, ASME Int. Mech. Eng. Cong. & Expo., 1996, Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 17-22, DSC -Vol. 59 (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, MEMS), 295-300, 1996.
- 'F.E.M. analysis of blood flow through the polymeric blood vessels,' S. Nasseri, M. Haghpanahi, M. Ektesabi, 5th Biomedical Eng. Conf., Jan. 1992, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Latest Industry and Research Projects/Reports:
- Designing a statue in the shape of a transformer for Novelis company, 2012.
- Designing a fluid measurement system for PourPerfect company, 2007.
- Constitutive modeling for polymer processing’, Materials processing, Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for polymers, Australia, 1999 to 2004.
- ‘On the performance of multimode XPP and PTT-XPP constitutive models in shear, elongational and biaxial flows of polymer melts,’ CRC for polymers, Australia, 2003.
- ‘Finite element analysis of the heating properties of polymer preforms for drawing optical fibers,’ For Optical Fiber Technology Center (OFTC) and Australian Photonics CRC, Australia, 2003.
- ‘Modelling the uniaxial elongational deformation of soft solids,’ The Cooperative Research Center for value added wheat, Australia, 2002.
More info here.