Machine Dynamics and Vibrations (ENGR 3125)
MATLAB for Engineers with Applications (ME 1311)
Advanced Manufacturing (ME 6210, graduate level)
Manufacturing Engineering (ME 3701)
Manufacturing Processes (MET 1311)
Vibrations and Advanced Dynamics (MET 4124)
Engineering Computation using MATLAB (MET 3501)
Manufacturing Processes (Online) (MET 1311-900)
Statics (ENGR 2214)
Dynamics (ENGR 3122)
Tool Design (MET 3331)
Engineering Graphics I (EDG 1211)
MET Orientation (MET1000) online and in-class
Special Topic; Independent Study in Rheology (MET 4903)
Manufacturing Processes Lab I (MET 1321)
Vibrations and Advanced Dynamics Class.