Courses that I have taught at SPSU/ KSU:
ME 6210-Advanced Manufacturing (Graduate level), ENGR 3125- Machine Dynamics and Vibrations, ME 3701- Manufacturing Engineering, ME 1311- MATLAB for Engineers with Applications, ENGT 2124-Statics with Applications (also ENGR 2214 and Statics online), MET 3125-Dynamics with Applications (also ENGR 3122), MET 4124-Vibrations and Advanced Dynamics, MET 2501-Engineering Computation using MATLAB, MET 3331-Tool Design, MET 1311-Manufacturing Processes (and online), EDG 1211-Engineering Graphics I, MET 1000-MET Orientation (and the online), MET 1321-Manufacturing Processes Lab I. Also Directed studies in Manufacturing Engineering and also Biomedical Engineering.
Spring 2025:
- Machine Dynamics and Vibrations (ENGR 3125). For online sections if any, check D2L.
- Manufacturing Engineering Online class (ME 3701)
- MATLAB for Engineering with Application, Online (ME 1311)
Summer 2025:
- MET1311 Manufacturing processes Online Course- Introduction to this course
- ME 3701, Manufacturing Engineering Introduction to this Online Course
Fall 2025:
- Advanced Manufacturing Graduate Level Course Syllabus- Every Fall
- Machine Dynamics and Vibrations (ENGR 3125) (For online class, see D2L)
- Manufacturing Engineering Online class (ME 3701)
- Indipendent Research related to Biomechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering
is available to students
Manufacturing Processes Class (Click on image to see a larger size). Also watch THIS VIDEO.
Other Courses Taught at SPSU (Webpages are being gradually transferred from the old server)
- Vibrations and Advanced Dynamics (MET 4124)
- Engineering Computation using MATLAB (MET 2501)
- Tool Design (MET 3331)
- Statics with Applications (ENGT 2124).
- Engineering Dynamics with Machinery Applications (MET 3903)
- Engineering Graphics I (EDG 1211)
- MET Orientation (MET1000) online and in-class
- Special Topic; Independent Study in Rheology (MET 4903)
- Manufacturing Processes Lab I (MET 1321)
Sydney University Courses:
- Constitutive Modeling and Viscoelasticity (unofficial- at PhD level)
- Advanced Engineering Materials
- Aeronautical Engineering Computing (using Matlab)
- Dynamics
- Statics
- Computer Programming (Matlab)
- Engineering Vibrations
- Dynamics lab
- SOL (Statics On Line) (A multimedia software tool)
Any use of my course materials on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. The materials on this website are copyrighted and any unauthorized use of any materials may violate copyright and other laws (P&P 603). Other instructors can only use the lecture notes by permission and they should not add their names to the slides. Please see this page.