
  • Conference Presentations (Lead Presenter)
    • McDaniel, Paul N., and Ranbir S. Kang. “Active and Experiential Learning in Geography through the Lens of a Local Urban Development Project.” 109th Annual Meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education. Tempe, AZ. October 2024. (abstract accepted April 2024).
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Enhancing Geographic and Digital Literacy in Study Abroad Experiences through the Integration of Virtual Globes and Geovisual Narratives.” 120th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Honolulu, HI. April 2024. 
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Ulrike Ingram. “Integrating ArcGIS Online and StoryMaps for Active Learning in Systematic Geography Courses.” National Conference on Geography Education 108th Annual Meeting. Columbia, SC. October 2023.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Immigrant Integration, Place Branding, and Geographies of Care in Birmingham, Alabama.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. March 2023. 
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Allen P. Hyde, Cathy Yang Liu, Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Britton Holmes. “Regional Immigrant Integration and Receptivity in a Major Emerging Gateway: Implementation of the Atlanta One Region Initiative Recommendations.” Atlanta Studies Symposium. Atlanta, GA. May 2022
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "Teaching and Learning Regional and Systematic Geography with Virtual Globes, Online Mapping, and Geovisual Narratives." American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. New York, NY. February 2022. 
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Teaching, Learning, and Exploring the Geography of North America with Virtual Globes, Geovisual Narratives, and Storymapping.” Hawaii International Conference on Education. Waikaloa, HI. January 2022.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Joshua L. Bearden. “Perception vs. Reality: Place Branding and the Lived Experiences of Southern LGBTQ Communities.” Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Florence, AL. November 2021.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Rajit Das, and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. "Place-Branding for Immigrant and Refugee Integration and Receptivity Amid a Pandemic: A Comparison of Welcoming Cities Networks in Australia and the United States." Race, Ethnicity, and Place X Conference. Virtual. October 2020.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "Immigrant Youth Narrative Impacts on Expanding Undergraduate Geography Student Knowledge of Immigration and Refugee Issues in a Major-Emerging Gateway." Atlanta Studies Symposium. Atlanta, GA. April 2020. (abstract accepted for presentation, but conference was cancelled due to the pandemic).
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "Local, National, and Transnational City Networks for Municipal Immigrant and Refugee Integration." Urban Affairs Association, 50th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 2020. (abstract accepted for presentation, but conference was cancelled due to the pandemic). 
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "Teaching Urban Geography Through the Lens of the Atlanta BeltLine." 2019-2020 Student Success Teaching Incentive Grant Results Presentation, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kennesaw State University. March 10, 2020.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Jordyne Krumroy. "From Municipal to Regional Immigrant Integration in a Major Emerging Gateway: Creating a Community to Plan a Welcoming Metro Atlanta." Southeastern Immigration Studies Association, 2020 Conference. Charleston, SC. February 2020. 
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Gianni Bisio, and Christina Edwards. “Immigrant Integration and Receptivity in Networks of Welcoming Cities: A Comparison of Australia and the United States.” American Association of Geographers, 115th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 2019.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Smilie Sandhu, and Jordyne Krumroy. “From Municipal to Regional Immigrant Integration in a Major Emerging Gateway: Creating a Welcoming Metro Atlanta.” Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers. Johnson City, Tennessee. November 2018. 
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Lara Smith-Sitton. “Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School.” Race, Ethnicity, and Place IX Conference: Engaged Scholarship: Fostering Civil and Human Rights. Austin, Texas. October 2018.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. “Immigration Practitioners’ and Researchers’ Perspectives Concerning the Study of Newcomer Integration, Inclusion, and Receptivity.” The Migration Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. June 2018.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Gianni Bisio. “Media Representation and Public Discourse of Immigrant Integration, Inclusion, and Receptivity in Welcoming Cities.” American Association of Geographers, 114th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2018.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Gianni Bisio. “FU: One Response to the Liminal State Immigrant Youth Must Navigate.” Migrant Illegality Across Uneven Legal Geographies: A Two-Part Convening. Denver, Colorado. April 2018. 
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. “Facilitating Researcher and Practitioner Dialogue in a University-Community Partnership: A Case of Incorporating Undergraduate Researchers in Community-Based Research.” Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii. January 2018.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Immigrant Integration, Inclusion, and Receptivity in Welcoming Cities in the U.S. South.” Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers. Starkville, Mississippi. November 2017.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Qingfang Wang. “Immigrant Integration and Receptivity in Welcoming Cities: A Multiscalar Comparison of Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dayton, and Nashville.” Conference on Immigrant Integration in U.S. Cities: Past Lessons, Current Practices, and Future Directions. Baruch College, City University of New York. May 2017.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Anna Joo Kim. “Receptivity and the Welcoming Cities Movement: Regional Immigrant and Refugee Integration Policy Potential in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia.” Atlanta Studies Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia. April 2017.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Qingfang Wang. “Multiscalar Processes of Immigrant Integration and Receptivity in Welcoming Cities.” American Association of Geographers, 113th Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts. April 2017.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Anna Joo Kim. “Immigrant Receptivity and the Welcoming Cities Movement: A Potential for ‘Regional Welcoming’ in Atlanta, Georgia.” Applied Geography Conference. Louisville, Kentucky. October 2016.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. “The Welcoming Movement and Community Practice: A Case of Multi-Scalar Immigrant Integration.” 6th Conference on Immigration to the US South. Columbia, South Carolina. October 2016.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. “Atlanta’s Immigrant Crossroads: Untapped Potential or Utilized Promise for Newcomer Integration.” Race, Ethnicity, and Place VIII Conference. Kent, Ohio. September 2016.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. “Immigrant Mobility in Atlanta: The Role of the Welcoming Cities Movement.” Atlanta Studies Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia. May 2016.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Jacqueline A. Housel, Colleen Q. Saxen, and Tom Wahlrab. “Processes of Receptivity and Place-Making Practices in a ‘Welcoming City’: The Case of Dayton, Ohio.” American Association of Geographers, 112th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California. April 2016.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Immigrant Integration, Place-Making Practices, and Processes of Receptivity in ‘Welcoming Cities’.” Urban Affairs Association. San Diego, California. March 2016.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “The Music City as a Welcoming City: Immigrant and Refugee Integration in Nashville, Tennessee.” Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers, 70th Annual Meeting. Pensacola, Florida. November 2015.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Receptivity in a New Immigrant Gateway: Immigrant Settlement Geography, Public Education, and Immigrant Integration in Charlotte, North Carolina.” Association of American Geographers, 111th Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. April 2015.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Immigrant Integration and Community Building: Welcoming Immigrants as a Component of Community Development.” Race, Ethnicity, and Place VII Conference. Fort Worth, Texas. October 2014.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Immigrant Integration, Revitalization, and Community Building: Cities Welcome Immigrants.” Association of American Geographers, 110th Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida. April 2014.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Public Education, Receptivity, and Immigrant Integration in a New Immigrant Gateway: Charlotte, North Carolina.” Association of American Geographers, 109th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, California. April 2013.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Receptivity in a New Immigrant Gateway: Immigrant Settlement Geography and Public Education in Charlotte, North Carolina.” Race, Ethnicity, and Place VI Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. October 2012. 
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Immigrant Settlement Geography, Public Education, and Community Receptivity in a New Immigrant Gateway: Charlotte, North Carolina.” Urban Affairs Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April 2012.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Heather A. Smith, and Susan B. Harden. "Speaking of Change in a New Immigrant Gateway: Community Receptivity in Charlotte, North Carolina." Association of American Geographers, 107th Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. April 2011.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "Transitioning Immigrant Settlement Geography, Public Education System Change and Community Response in Charlotte, North Carolina." Race, Ethnicity and Place V Conference. Binghamton, New York. October 6-8, 2010.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "Hispanic and Latino Settlement: Uncovering Ethnic Residential Concentrations in Globally Ascendant Charlotte." Association of American Geographers, 106th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 2010.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., Heather A. Smith, Michael Dulin, and James T. Dixon. "Hispanic Hyper Growth and Health Care Provision: Geographic Challenges and Opportunities in Charlotte, North Carolina." Association of American Geographers, 105th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 25, 2009.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "The Latino Middle-Ring Suburbs of Charlotte, North Carolina." Race, Ethnicity and Place IV Conference. Miami, Florida. November 6, 2008.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. "Ethnic Settlement, Spatial Segregation, and Dissimilarity in Charlotte, North Carolina: Comparisons between 1990 and 2000." Association of American Geographers, 104th Annual Meeting.  Boston, Massachusetts. April 2008.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Ethnic Residential Settlement and Dissimilarity in Birmingham, Alabama.” 62nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG). Charleston, South Carolina. November 2007.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Ethnic Enclave or International Corridor?:  Immigrant Businesses in a New South City.” Association of American Geographers, 103rd Annual Meeting.  San Francisco, California. April 20, 2007.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “An International Corridor in the Making?:  Immigrant-Owned Entrepreneurial Establishments in Birmingham, Alabama.”  Association of American Geographers, 102nd Annual Meeting.  Chicago, Illinois.  March 11, 2006.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Labor Characteristics of the Hispanic Community in Birmingham, Alabama.”  Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG), 60th annual meeting.  West Palm Beach, Florida.  November 22, 2005.
  • Conference Presentations (Contributing Team Member)
    • Rodriguez, Darlene Xiomara, and Paul N. McDaniel. “Roundtable Presentation—Interdisciplinary Insights: Lessons from a Decade of Community-Engaged Research.” Engagement Scholarship Consortium International Conference 2024 - Pathways to Prosperity: Building Sustainable Futures through Community Engagement. Portland, OR. October 2024. (abstract submitted April 2024).
    • Hyde, Allen, Paul N. McDaniel, Cathy Yang Liu, and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. “Regional Immigrant Integration and Receptivity in a Major Emerging Gateway.” Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference. Virtual. October 2021.
    • Slinger-Friedman, Vanessa, Paul N. McDaniel, Ulrike Ingram, and Erinn Bariteau. "Engaging Students through the ‘Places and Spaces: Mapping Science’ Exhibit." 2019-2020 Student Success Teaching Incentive Grant, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kennesaw State University.
    • Rodriguez, Darlene Xiomara, Lina Tuschling, Lara Smith-Sitton, and Paul N. McDaniel. "Why Do They Have to Laugh at Me?: Perspectives from Immigrant Youth on Experiences of Stereotypes and Prejudices in an Emergent Gateway." Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV. February 2019.
    • Bledsoe, J., Zuñiga-Cardoza, N., Rodriguez, D.X., McDaniel, P.N., Smith-Sitton, L., and Rozman-Clark, T. “Green Card Youth Voices: Immigrant Storytelling as a Tool to Improve Community Knowledge Surrounding the Immigrant Experience.” National Organization for Human Services. Philadelphia, PA. October 2018.
    • Smith-Sitton, Lara, Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Paul N. McDaniel, Tea Rozman Clark, and Allison Dobo. “Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from Atlanta High School Students—Pedagogical, Advocacy, and Research Structures for Engaged Work.” Engagement Scholarship Consortium: Transforming Higher Education Through Engaged Scholarship. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 2018.
    • Rodriguez, Darlene Xiomara, Lara Smith-Sitton, Tea Rozman-Clark, and Paul N. McDaniel. “Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School.” Atlanta Studies Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia. April 2018.
    • Harden, Susan B., Paul N. McDaniel, Heather A. Smith, and Katie E. Brown. “Engaging Museums: Joining Forces to Move a Community Toward Immigrant Receptivity.” Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Conference. State College, Pennsylvania. September 2015.
    • Smith, Heather A., Paul N. McDaniel, and Susan B. Harden. “Speaking of Change in Charlotte, North Carolina: How One Museum is Shaping Receptivity and Integration in an Emerging Immigrant Gateway.” Race, Ethnicity, and Place VI Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. October 2012.
    • Smith, Heather A., Susan B. Harden, and Paul N. McDaniel. "Community Receptivity in a New Immigrant Gateway: Speaking of Change in Charlotte, North Carolina." Urban Affairs Association. New Orleans, Louisiana. March 2011.
    • Smith, Heather A., Thad Dixon, Tom Ludden, Paul N. McDaniel, Ramon Concepcion Torres, Owen Furuseth, Michael Dulin, Brisa Urquieta de Hernandez, and Hazel Tapp. “Merging the Geographic and the Medical: Conducting Collaborative Research to Improve Primary Care Access for the Hispanic Community in Charlotte, NC.” 64th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG). Knoxville, Tennessee. November 2009.
    • Smith, Heather, Michael Dulin, Owen Furuseth, and Paul McDaniel. "Dilemmas of Healthcare Access and Provision in a Hispanic Hyper-Growth City." Race, Ethnicity and Place IV Conference. Miami, Florida. November 7, 2008.
    • Smith, Heather A., Owen J. Furuseth, and Paul N. McDaniel. "'Honk if you Hate Spanish': Media Representation and Public Discourse of Latinos in 'New South' Charlotte." Association of American Geographers, 104th Annual Meeting.  Boston, Massachusetts. April 2008.
  • Conference Presentations (Poster)
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Representation of the American South in North American Regional Geography Textbooks in the Twenty-First Century.” Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Norfolk, VA. November 2023. 
    • Trice, Artis, and Paul N. McDaniel (Faculty Mentor). "Urban Food Policy, Planning, and Security: A Location Analysis and Potential Impacts of Creating Community Gardens in DeKalb County, Georgia." Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers. Virtual. November 2020.
    • Aguila, Soakie, Tiffany Rockwell, Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Paul N. McDaniel. “A Community-University Partnership for Improved Immigrant Integration.” National Organization for Human Services. Des Moines, Iowa. October 2017.
    • Ahebee, Marie-Dominique, Tiffany Rockwell, Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, and Paul N. McDaniel. “Missing the Boat: The Underutilized Potential of Foreign-Trained Professionals.” Conference on Social Work Education. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2016.
    • McDaniel, Paul N., James T. Dixon, and Ramon L. Concepción Torres. "Immigration, Labor, and Economic Restructuring: Latino Sub-Group Settlement in North Carolina.” 65th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG). Birmingham, Alabama. November 2010.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Spatial Analysis of Hispanic and Latino Settlement: Uncovering Ethnic Concentrations in Charlotte, North Carolina.” Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG). Knoxville, Tennessee. November 2009.
    • McDaniel, Paul N. “Labor Characteristics of the Hispanic Population and Immigrant-Owned Businesses in Birmingham, Alabama.”  The New Latino Immigration to Tennessee: Opportunities and Challenges conference.  Knoxville, Tennessee.  March 31 – April 1, 2006.
  • Invited Presentations
    • “Integration and Receptivity in Immigrant Gateway Metro Regions: Twenty-First Century Immigration Geography in the United States.” Invited Presentation, Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Lunch-n-Learn Series, Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. November 2023. 
    • “From Municipal to Regional Immigrant Integration in a Major-Emerging Gateway.” Invited Colloquium Presentation, Migration Research Network, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. March 2022.

    • “Teaching Geography with Field Trips.” Invited presentation for the RCHSS Teaching Enhancement Program Workshop, Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. February 2022. 

    • “From Municipal to Regional Immigrant Integration in a Major-Emerging Gateway.” Invited Colloquium Presentation, Department of Geosciences, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. February 2022.

    • “A Global Welcome: Metro Chicago’s Approach to Immigrant Inclusion.” Invited presentation at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Chicago, IL. Virtual. September 2020.

    • “A Global Welcome: Metro Chicago’s Approach to Immigrant Inclusion.” Invited presentation at the Immigration Research Organizations Bi-Monthly Meeting, organized by the Center for American Progress, Washington, DC. Virtual. September 2020.

    • “Geography and Context of Immigration in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Southeastern United States.” Invited Co-Presenter (with Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez) of Introductory Lecture, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) National Convening 2020, Atlanta, GA. March 2020.

    • “Population and Cultural Geography of Migration.” Advanced Placement (AP) Human Geography class, Harrison High School, Cobb County Public Schools, Kennesaw, GA. January 2020.

    • Keynote Speaker, Honors College Faculty Retreat, Los Medanos College, Pittsburg, California. January 2019. “Teaching to Transgress: Examples of Engaged Pedagogy and Practice in Geography.”
    • Teaching the Geography of Race and Ethnicity in Population and Urban Geography. Symposium on Teaching the Geography of Race and Ethnicity, Kent State University, Kent, OH. November 2017.
    • Evaluating Immigrant Inclusion: Challenges and Opportunities, with Dr. Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. Welcoming America’s Welcoming Interactive, Atlanta, GA. April 2017.
    • Researcher Perspectives on the Study of Newcomer Integration. Welcoming Economies Global Network annual convening, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October 2016.
    • Moderator for panel discussion, "Living in Clarkston: A Local Perspective" at the Clarkston Career Information Fair, part of Welcoming Week activities, "Building Community: Identity and Engagement in Clarkston." Hosted by Trends Global and the United Nations Association of the USA Atlanta Chapter, September 14, 2016.
    • Welcoming Interactive Café: Researcher Perspectives on the Study of Newcomer Integration, with Dr. Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. Welcoming America’s Welcoming Interactive, Atlanta, GA. April 2016.
    • Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University. Invited to present about research on immigrant integration, receptivity, and “welcoming cities.” March 2016.
    • National Association of Counties, Immigration Reform Task Force, annual meeting, Charlotte, NC. Invited to present (along with Jennifer Roberts, Mayor of Charlotte and former Mecklenburg County Commissioner, and Adam Hunter, with the Pew Charitable Trusts) about immigrant settlement and integration in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, NC, on a panel about immigration and immigrant integration. July 2015.
    • Department of Geography and Environmental Planning, Towson University, Towson, Maryland. Presentation about Immigration Geography, Policy, and Welcoming Cities at “Geography Matters” series. April 2015.
    • Institute for Immigration Research / Mason Global Center, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Presentation about immigrant entrepreneurship, innovation, and welcoming cities. February 2015.
    • Presentation about Midwest immigrant integration initiatives at a meeting with local leaders in Minneapolis, Minnesota, organized by Americas Society/Council of the Americas and Partnership for a New American Economy. October 2014.
    • Gadsden State Community College. Presentation about U.S. immigration policy for Constitution Week activities. September 2014.
    • International Visitor Leadership Program, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. Presentations about immigration trends in the U.S. to different groups of visiting leaders from China (December 2013), Canada (December 2013), and Russia (September 2014 and February 2015).
    • Model Congress, American University, Washington, D.C. “Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Upgrading our 20th Century Immigration System for the 21st Century.” June 24, 2014.
    • National Planning Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. “Immigrant Settlement and Economic Impacts in the United States.” Presentation with David Lubell, Executive Director of Welcoming America. April 2014.
    • Charlotte Immigrant Integration Task Force, Charlotte, North Carolina. Presentation to members about immigrant entrepreneurs and immigrant integration. March 2014.
    • Albemarle Road Elementary School, Charlotte, North Carolina. Presentation to faculty about “Immigrant Settlement Geography, Public Education, and Community Receptivity in a New Immigrant Gateway,” March 2012.
    • Center for Graduate Life, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Presentation on “Best Practices for a Successful Research Presentation,” December 2010 and 2011.
    • Wingate University, Wingate, North Carolina. “Immigrant Settlement and Urban Social Geography in Charlotte, North Carolina.” September 2011.
    • Geographic Literacy Building Activity, Freedom School summer program, Sedgefield Elementary School in Charlotte, North Carolina. July 2011.
    • Charlotte Secondary School, Charlotte, North Carolina. "Population Density and Urban Sprawl," October 2009.
    • Department of Geography, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama.  “Ethnic Enclave or International Corridor?: Immigrant Businesses in a New South City.” February 2007.
    • Adrian Burnett Elementary School, Knoxville, Tennessee.  “Migration: The Human Journey,” presented as part of Geography Awareness Week activities, November 2005.
  • Panel Discussions, Roundtable Discussions, and Workshops
    • Panelist. “Now Hiring I: Academic Career Paths for Geographers.” 120th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Honolulu, HI. April 2024. 
    • Co-Organizer of virtual workshop roundtable, with Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, for contributors to a special issue of the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, co-edited by Rodriguez and McDaniel. Virtual. April 28, 2023. 
    • Panelist. “Award Session: Ethnic Geography Specialty Group Distinguished Scholar Award and Early Career Award.” 119th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. March 2023.
    • Co-Organizer, with Eric Fournier (Washington University in St. Louis), of three teaching workshops that are part of the American Association of Geographers 2022 Geography Faculty Development Alliance summer workshop series for early career faculty: “Course Planning and Creating Significant Learning Experiences;” “Active Learning;” “Assessment and Grading.” June 14-16, 2022. 

    • Organizer of virtual workshop roundtable, with Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, for contributors to edited volume, co-edited by McDaniel and Rodriguez. Virtual. April 29, 2022. 

    • Co-Organizer and Co-Chair with Heike Alberts (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh). “Best Practices in Geography Teaching and Learning.” Paper session at American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual. February 2022.

    • Invited Panelist. “The Academic Job Market for Geographers.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual. February 2022. 
    • Invited Panelist. “AAG Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) and Specialty Groups.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual. February 2022.

    • Invited Panelist. “AAG Redistricting Roundtable.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual. February 2022.

    • Invited Panelist, with Claire Schuch, Daniel Yonto, & Heather Smith. Alumni Panel with Heather Smith’s GEOG 8632 PhD in Geography Professional Development Seminar, Department of Geography & Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. November 2021. 

    • Panelist, with Meghan Cope, Lisa Marshall, Ronald Schumann, Debarchana Ghosh, Wei Li, and Wan Yu. “Integrating JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) into AAG: An Update and Listening Session,” at Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference. Virtual. October 2021. 

    • Invited Panelist, with Mark Patterson, Matthew Wilson, & Nancy Hoalst-Pullen. “Professionalism & Ethics” in Geography & Geospatial Science. Panel discussion with Nancy Hoalst-Pullen’s GEOG 2391 Professionalism and Ethics class. Department of Geography and Anthropology, Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. October 2021. 

    • Invited Organizer and Moderator. “Georgia Redistricting with Geographers: Fair Maps and Community Engagement.” Redistricting Panel Series: What Can Geographers Do? State Panel Series hosted by the American Association of Geographers. September 2021.
    • Invited Panelist. “The Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Postsecondary Teaching and Learning.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual. April 2021.
    • Invited Panelist. “The Academic Job Market for Geographers.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual. April 2021.
    • Invited Panelist. “Ethnic Geography Specialty Group Honors Dr. Qingfang Wang with Distinguished Scholars Award.” American Association of Geographers, Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. April 2020. (postponed)
    • Invited Panelist. “The Academic Job Market for Geographers.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. April 2020. (cancelled).
    • Invited Panelist. "Special Panel Session: Public Writing and Media Engagement in
      Geography: Opportunities and Challenges for Engaging Broader Publics ." Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers, Annual Meeting, Wilmington, NC. November 2019. 
    • Presenter and Discussant. "Workshop: Cities and the Global Governance of Migration, An Under-Explored Link." Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. October 2019. 
    • Invited Panelist. “Session I: Immigration, Diversity, and Inequality in the United States.” Conference on Challenges in Development: A Global-Local Perspective, at The Inaugural Atlanta Global Studies Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. April 2019.
    • Invited Panelist. “The Academic Job Market for Geographers: Strategies for Improving Career Preparation.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. April 2019.
    • Invited Panelist, with Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Lara Smith-Sitton, and Tea Rozman Clark. “Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School—Creating, Curating, and Sharing Student Narrative Projects.” TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Conference 2019: International Convention and English Language Expo. Atlanta, GA. March 2019. 
    • Co-Organizer with Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez and Lara Smith-Sitton. “Community Engagement in Action: Green Card Youth Voices Atlanta.” Presentation and Discussion with Tea Rozman Clark, Executive Director of Green Card Voices, KSU Student Editors, Immigrant Student Authors, and University-Community Partnership Collaborators. Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. March 11, 2019.
    • Invited Panelist. “Teaching Race and Ethnicity in the Current Geopolitical Environment.” Race, Ethnicity, and Place IX Conference: Engaged Scholarship: Fostering Civil and Human Rights. Austin, Texas. October 2018.
    • Co-Organizer with Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, “Georgia Immigration Research Network (GIRN) Spring 2018 Conference: Immigration and Immigrant Integration in Georgia and the U.S. South.” Kennesaw State University. Marietta, GA. May 2018.
    • Invited Panelist. “Ethnic Geography Specialty Group Honors Dr. Emily Skop with Distinguished Scholars Award: Building Compassion, Bridging Cultures.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2018.
    • Invited Panelist. “The Academic Job Market for Geographers: Strategies for Improving Career Preparation.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2018.
    • Co-Organizer. “Creating Welcoming Communities: Local Immigration and Integration Policies.”American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2018.
    • Invited Panelist. "Panel Discussion on Systemic Barriers to Affordable Housing." State of Latinos Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. January 2018. 
    • Roundtable Discussant. McDaniel, Paul N., Lara Smith-Sitton, and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez. “Fostering Multidisciplinary Student and Faculty Collaboration: Community Engagement and Immigration Integration Projects.” Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii. January 2018.
    • Moderator and Organizer. The Geography of Civil Rights Movements: A Geography Awareness Week Theme Panel Discussion. Kennesaw State University. November 2017.
    • Co-Organizer with Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez and Volker Franke. “Talk to Strangers: Creating a Welcoming America at KSU.” Presentation by David Lubell, Executive Director of Welcoming America. Kennesaw State University. Kennesaw, GA. November 2017.
    • Invited Panelist. “The Academic Job Market for Geographers: Strategies for Improving Career Preparation.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. April 2017.
    • Invited Panelist. “Social Media and the Academic Life: Strategies in Student Recruitment, Teaching, and Professionalism.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. April 2017.
    • Chair. “Issues in Ethnic Geography: Contested Spaces, Urban Regeneration and Place Identity-I.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. April 2017.
    • Chair. “Issues in Ethnic Geography: Contested Spaces, Urban Regeneration and Place Identity-II.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. April 2017.
    • Panelist and Co-Organizer. Coming to America: A Conversation on Contemporary Immigrant and Refugee Experiences. Kennesaw State University. March 2017.
    • Co-Organizer. Georgia Immigration Research Network (GIRN) Spring 2017 working group and networking meeting. Kennesaw, GA, March 2017.
    • Invited Panelist. “Chairs' Symposium: Social Media in Department Life: Strategies and Examples.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meetings. San Francisco, April 2016.
    • Invited Panelist. “The Changing Geographic Workforce: Identifying and Applying to Non-traditional Careers in Geography.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meetings. San Francisco, April 2016.
    • Invited Panelist. “Beyond the Ivory Tower: Applied Careers for Geographers.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meetings, Chicago, April 2015; Tampa, April 2014.
    • Organizer and Chair. “Cities and Metropolitan Areas Pursuing ‘Immigrant-Friendly’ and ‘Welcoming City’ Initiatives.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. April 2015. With Owen Furuseth, Jamie Winders, Jacqueline Housel, Sarah McElmurry, and Pablo Bose.
    • Invited Panelist. “Career Panel for Population Geographers.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, April 2015.
    • Moderator. “Entrepreneurship as a Component of Integration in Welcoming Cities.” National Immigrant Integration Conference. Los Angeles, California. December 2014. With Linda Lopez (Mayor’s Office, City of Los Angeles) and Suhas Kulkarni (Office of Globalization, Louisville, Kentucky).
    • Panelist. “Open for Business: Strategies to Accelerate Immigrant Entrepreneurship.” Welcoming Cities and Counties Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, California. December 2014. With Rachel Peric (Welcoming America) and Suhas Kulkarni (Office of Globalization, Louisville, Kentucky).
    • Panelist. “Welcoming Immigrants to Build a Stronger State Economy.” State Fiscal Policy Conference, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Baltimore, Maryland. November 2014. With David Kallick (Fiscal Policy Institute) and Avideh Moussavian (National Immigration Law Center).