Math 3204: Calculus IV (Fall 2024)
General Information
Instructor: Mikhail Lavrov
Location: Mathematics 120
Lecture times: 2:00pm to 3:15pm on Tuesday and Thursday
Textbook: Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, by Joel Hass, Christopher Heil, and Maurice D. Weir (14th edition).
Office hours: 12:00pm to 2:00pm on Wednesday.
D2L page:
D2L will be used to submit assignments (these will be posted both here and on D2L, for convenience) and to view grades. The syllabus will also be posted there.
During the scheduled office hours, you should feel free to show up with no notice if you have questions of any kind.
If it turns out you are not available during that time, begin by emailing me; if your questions are easy to answer by email, I will do that, and if not, we can find another time to meet. (Allow some time for me to check my email.)
Homework and Exams
There will be eight homework assignments, two midterm exams, and one final exam; the dates are marked below.
I will post the homework assignments here and on D2L; they are always due on Friday at 11:59pm, via D2L.
Exams will be given in person during our ordinary 75-minute class period.
Detailed Schedule
A number like HHW 12.3 indicates material covered in Chapter 12, section 3 of the textbook. We are going through some difficult material slowly and carefully here, so every note like this applies to a set of 2-3 lectures at once.
The schedule below has links to lecture notes for every day of the semester, so that you can read ahead if you like. These will be updated as we go, and I will keep a log of the changes I make.
DateTopic CoveredOther details
Tue 8/13Cylindrical integrals
Lecture notesHHW 15.7 -
Thu 8/15Spherical integrals
Lecture notes -
Tue 8/20Substitution in 2D
Lecture notesHHW 15.8 -
Thu 8/22Substitution in 3D
Lecture notesHW 1 due Friday -
Tue 8/27Parametric curves
Lecture notesHHW 16.1 -
Thu 8/29Scalar line integrals
Lecture notes -
Tue 9/3Vector fields
Lecture notesHHW 16.2 -
Thu 9/5Vector line integrals
Lecture notesHW2 due Friday -
Tue 9/10Flux integrals
Lecture notes -
Thu 9/12Path independence
Lecture notesHHW 16.3 -
Tue 9/17Conservative or not?
Lecture notes -
Thu 9/19Trouble with domains
Lecture notesHW3 due Friday -
Tue 9/24Exam 1
Thu 9/262D curl and divergence
Lecture notesHHW 16.4 -
Tue 10/1Green's theorem
Lecture notes -
Thu 10/3Examples/applications
Lecture notesHW 4 due Friday -
Tue 10/8Parametrizing surfaces
Lecture notesHHW 16.5 -
Thu 10/10Surface area
Lecture notes -
Tue 10/15Area of implicit surfaces
Lecture notes -
Thu 10/17Scalar surface integrals
Lecture notesHHW 16.6
HW 5 due Friday -
Tue 10/22Vector surface integrals
Lecture Notes -
Thu 10/24More surface integrals
Lecture notesHW 6 due Friday -
Tue 10/29Exam 2
Thu 10/31Curl vector field
Lecture notesHHW 16.7 -
Tue 11/5Intro to Stokes' theorem
Lecture notes -
Thu 11/7Stokes' theorem examples
Lecture notesHW 7 due Friday -
Tue 11/12Conservative fields
Lecture notesHHW 16.8 -
Thu 11/14Divergence theorem
Lecture notes -
Tue 11/19Divergence and curl
Lecture notes -
Thu 11/21Unifying the theorems
Lecture notesHW 8 due Friday -
Tue 12/3Final exam (1:00pm - 3:00pm)